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there is no title i can think of... the case???

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Dont really know how to break this story to you peeps as im still kinda dumbfounded that im sitting here today to tell you but you should check this out.

Captions on the pics might not be up yet, but hopefully you'll get what its sorta getting at.

Peace and love through art...whose ya daddy...


haha forgot to add the addy.


Edited by reptyle

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just....wow. i dont even know how to reply to this yet, consider me dumbfounded also.

chris, thank you. :worship: you have my endless love and support

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I dont have access to myspace atm - could you try to describe what this is about for me? :worship:

Certainly sounds interesting, whatever it is!

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Here is the main story, may get altered when more details come to mind...as i said theres pics of the car and other stuff. Will no doubt add more as time passes.


Ok, so i thought i share the details of what i would like to think of as the begining of my first "real" world shamanic healing experience. It gets a bit wack and i know this may end up being used as some form of evidence when it all finally comes into fruition but i feel its probably better to express what lengths i think we should be willing to go to to protect what it is we stand for.

For the last 3 months i have felt enourmous pressure from authoritian systems that exist within our society, their presence has been undeniably strong and the fear and associated paranoia have been bombarding and shredding my heart from the inner most sanctums. I felt helpless in the face of what inevitably would someday result in a jail sentence or drawn out legal battle.

The idea of having my freewill taken from me at an uncertain time and place does not sit well with me, and as such i decided to take responsibility for the reflection of myself that has manifest as society and confront the parts of myself most opposed to letting go of control. After many inner journeys over the weeks, each unraveling sections of a path that could be walked, it came time to act. Originally i felt i needed assistance and so began my journey in search of the people that i hoped could assist me. At this point i got trapped in a loop of seemingly inescapable conundrums, each leading only to further understanding of my situation but ultimately not nullifying my fear of the people with the guns.

I had reached the point of beginning to doubt whether i truely wanted to confront this problem and that maybe that was why things were seemingly not as straight forward as i had forseen. After contemplating this i decided it was time to just go. I didnt know how my friends would react and i wasnt willing to just let this go so i walked away from my situation, unfortunately in what may appear to be not the most honest way, but here we are.

I was heading for a place to prepare fully for what was ahead of me. Over the months i had collected the items i felt that would best be used to achieve my eventual goal. I arranged these items within a white suitcase, cleaned my car and repacked it, loaded my suitcase in and began to wait till my appointed time to leave.

It was 11:00pm the night before the autumn equinox in the southern hemisphere of planet Earth when the time came to start the battle against the fear i knew would begin to build as i worked my way towards my destination...Canberra.

At this point i sat myself in the drivers seat, started the engine, and hit the road. I was most suprised by the incredible calm that i felt inplace of the terror i had been expecting. It was like the ride just flowed. I had felt there may be a possibility i would not return alive and this feeling of already deadness was completely pain free.

I stopped a few times for fuel, water and some tobacco. Entering back into interactive reality coming as a shock to the trance state each time.

At around 3:30am i arrived in the ACT, headed for the information centre and checked out the map. I didn't know the layout of Canberra very well so i drove around for an hour getting a feel for the place, at one point i decided to drive around Capitol Hill but seeing the Protective Services car parked in the entrance i turned and left for a place to rest, dream and ready myself.

Having burned the incence, said what could have been my last words to the free world, painted myself with bright yellow tumeric powder, carved the symbolic gates into my skin, dressed the Tashi and ensured everything was where it needed to be, i left...only to find more traffic than i had wanted, i expected to arrive at the House at 8:45am, instead it was 8:55am, 5 minutes before opening. It turned out the traffic may have been the perfect timing device. Arriving at the hill i did two laps of the square to see where the best place to park the vehicle would be. I decided on the underground carpark near the stairs to the foyeur, row G. At this point the surreal nature of this mission was beginning to take hold. I shouldered the bag of bones i had brought as a reminder of the transient nature of life, held my case tightly in my right hand and leaving the keys in the ignition and doors unlocked began to ascend the steps.

Reaching the top step i looked towards the entrance, outside i could see a school excursion, some people wearing suits and a camera and audio team. Holding firm in my objective i proceeded to walk the 150 meters to my first destination, past the people in suits, past the school children and teachers and into the scanning room. Having promptly been noticed i was advised that i wasnt allowed in without a shirt or shoes. I continued walking until they moved into a position too tight for me to continue. I placed the case on the ground, turned and ran out of the building. I moved myself into the mosaic circles behind the barriers directly infront of Parliament and began laying the bones in a circle around me, praying for the health of life. The group of students and teachers formed a line and began clicking their...cameras. I started dancing inside my little bubble until the men with guns came and informed me there was a protest area well away from the building that i could use. They were informed that i preferred the circle and that i was simply their to pray and deliver, not protest.

Fom this point onwards i was at the whim of others. They asked me if my pockets contained anything, i replied "Some ciggarettes and a photo canister full of white powder" which i then proceeded to upend into my hair, the shock of someone using ground kangaroo bone and acacia extract as a protective emblem seemed completely foreign to them, maybe even scary. they decided now was the time to pat me down. As they fondled my groin i began gyrating my hips, laughter coming from the directing of the children soothed my mood no end. Using a femur and tibia as clapping sticks i returned to my thoughts, until i noticed i was being moved inside to check out my case. I danced some more and moved with the situation yelling one simple sentence " have fun world". We arrived at the doorway to the scanner room, only problem was i had just been informed you needed shoes and a shirt to enter, but apparently this doesnt apply when your with the men with guns so after a small protest i entered. I was asked to open my case but i told them i couldnt and wouldnt touch it and that they would have to find someone to do that for them. Next thing i was in handcuffs being carried by my arms with my legs crossed hovering 3 feet in the air. Exhilerating.

I ended up in a room on the front of the House with glass walls, i closed my eyes and started to sing, apparently the men with guns liked the sound and infact complimented the voice. There was a curfufle over whether i should be allowed to have my handcuffs infront of me but apparetly that wasnt to be, until it was later realised that might be more comfortable.

Having been moved into the downstairs carpark along with the school excursion, and away from the scanner room, i was involved in many interesting conversations with the people in blue. I explained i was simply there to discuss my free will as a human being, to talk about the seeming lack of insight being used in regards to interdependent relationships within our society, and to demonstrate that it is possible to confront the reality of your fears without violence, and through love liberate beautiful ideas from the imagination which can then be used to heal other diseased society's. The people in blue had a real sense of humour and somewhat seemed able and willing to understand what i was about, they laughed at my appearance, questioned why i thought it neccessary to lacerate my chest before i came and asked questions about the substances they had subsequently removed from my bag. I informed them at that point that my dog may be waiting near my car and that i would appreciate it if they gave her some water as she was pregnant, they replied "you have a car?" they located the car, with Tashi apparently nowhere to be seen, removed the keys and locked the doors. Ignoring the fact that it wasn't registered for the meanwhile, we jumped in the wagon and rode to the lock up.

When we arrived i was read my rights and told that i had the option of participating in a recorded interview, they then asked me to stand on a yellow line whilst i removed my belt, pants string, and then was rubbed down. They left me with the safety pin so i had something to hold my shorts up. Some questions were asked about the contents of some of the baggies and bottles of liquid i had which i answered freely and openly. I was then moved to my cell, it was relieving to finally be able to use the toilet and gather my thoughts. Being such a sparse environment the cell was perfect for meditation so i sat for a while did some stretching and waited for more interaction.

I then was visited by a mental health nurse who asked me the usual questions, had i been using meth, do i self harm, do i have thoughts of death, am i completely insane, do i hear voices, do i think i am special, is this a mission from God? These questions seemed to me rather uncanny as it appears they are quite irrelevant questions in the context of my mental health, i explained to the nurse that the phenomenon she was describing are infact known by a large part of the concious world to be quite common place and are infact readily accepted within the constructed reality's of those people. And that it was simply her idea that these functions are an illness and lack of understanding of events outside of her directly apprehended material reality that was where the impression of mental illness arose as a societal paradigm. This caused a reactionary attempt to justify her lifes work and her (mis)information. A defensive reaction to a "patient" (person) such as this, would be considered by someone trained in mental health as a fear based, ego protective form of paranoia, used by those unwilling to accept change in their understanding of the workings of the world. I continued to explain to her my impression of the effects of fear and love on a society's formation and that this dichotomy holds the key to the reasoning for my actions. I was then left alone whilst she contacted her supervisor to find out what her decision was. Upon her return she informed me that i would be going to Samaritan House for the night when i was released and that i would be interviewed the next day by her boss to decide what next.

Alone again i returned to my meditation. The next officer to enter told me i had received a cannabis caution and a ticket for disturbing the Queens peace ( i thought she was snug in her castle but meh). I asked about all the other substances i had brought with me and why they werent getting them tested. They read my rights again and told me i should just be quiet, but that would have defeated the purpose for acting so i spoke up. Three more times they replied the same way and three more times i told them i was carrying things of interest. Once again i was alone.

When they returned they were carrying 5 items which they intended to test. The other items in the case where returned to me. I told them what the items contained but they didnt feel it necessary to record this information on the form going to the forensic lab. I informed them that they may also want to look in my car as i had 2 litres of acacia acid extract in the back, this put them into what i can only describe as a spin. They couldnt fathom that someone was willing to spend time in prison for the things they believe to be righteous. I was asked whether i would sign a release for them to search my car or whether they would need a warrant. Not wanting to waste the judges time i signed the release.

At around 3:00pm the car was brought from the carpark of the House of Parliament to the station where it was searched. They took me from my cell and asked me once more to stand on the yellow line. I was once again told i was being recorded and asked to answer yes or no to some simple questions, and then asked to sign an agreement that i wouldnt disturb the Queens peace by entering the vicinity of Parliament House for 24 hours, although i didnt see any other options I agreed to the Queens conditions.

I was then taken to a different station with two of the officers. On the drive we discussed how they felt i had wasted the whole patrols time and that they could have been out assisting with real crimes. I replied that i felt the same way about the many times I have had to deal with police over substance related "offences", and that i wouldnt have been able to live with a free conscience unless i had made my views clear and stated my position. When we arrived they instructed me to get a temporary registration for my car, which still contained my property, or i would recieve a ticket. I obliged and had government approved use of my car till 7:00pm that night.

The whole time this situation was unfolding the Tashi widdle was roaming around the Parliament. Despite me having asked for their assistance locating and protecting her whilst i was being held prisoner they were unable to find her. She was wearing her bright blue dress and was well within a basic 1 kilometer radius of the place where we had been separated. Although i do understand there may have been pressing issues it shouldn't take 7 hours for trained Police and Protective Services officers to locate a 30 kilogram being in such an area. After having visited the pound to no avail, i returned to the P. House to search myself, after 1.5 hours and a loop of the House we were reunited on the grass directly infront of the Parliament. Tashi was pretty thirsty but otherwise as bouncy as ever.

To summarise it was one of the most amazing days of my life. I learned a lot about the denial citizens seem to be in about their responsibility to act as human beings above their role in a structured system. I was glad to hear that at least one person in blue would admit to loving cannabis, but he appeared to feel his love for his work was above his need to partake. Its good to know there are people in society willing to put their recreation aside to serve society. The officers seemed receptive to listening to new information and we exchanged some interesting ideas. I would like to thank them for treating me with respect and compassion.

I hope some day we may all have the free will to choose what substances we use as medicine, recreationally and spiritually and that the values of peace and love grow as seeds from our society to spread their leaves and blossom across the earth. One planet, one people, one life.

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Edited by apothecary

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Wow! Inspiring is an understatement - I have never even fathomed someone who would be willing to go to those sort of lengths!

And the response by the lads in blue - to be honest, shocking, but not suprising, if you know what I mean. Most of them are actually good people, and will accept the fact that people will go to these lengths, but on the other hand there is the minority of power trippers who make em all out as pricks.

I am really touched by this story, Reptyle and a massive thanks for posting it in full here. It is one of those once in a lifetime sort of stories that has the ability to change peoples views on these things for life.

Just amazing. :worship:

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This is a beautiful piece of creative activism, and I have much respect for you, but I do have to make a small critical comment. IMO deliberately exposing acacia extract and similar things to the eye of the law is a fairly thoughtless thing to do as it could potentially endanger others in this community. I'm sure you were careful not to have any direct evidence linking you to anyone else, but the more often the PTB hear about such sacraments the more interest they will take.

Otherwise well done :).

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I do love people who stand up for what they believe in and have heaps of respect for the way you went about it.

HOWEVER, I think this particular action [like so many like it] is counterproductive. It's not the hippies smoking joints on the steps of parliament house that get cannabis accepted and decriminalised. Quite the contrary. The more eccentric your display of drug use the more marginalised your actions become by the masses and the powers.

It's a sad state of affairs, but I think the 5 or so footballers getting caught doing e's last week probably had more of an impact on making drugs acceptable in public opinion and hence on the law than your meaningful, emotional and soulfully honest display.

And then there is the issue teo mentioned. The more times dmt goes to the forensics labs the higher it's profile will become and the more it will be looked for. It's already catching the attention of federal agencies - the last thing we need is for it to becoem known to state agencies at this point. Bad choice of substance to take along.

I am also not sure how ethical it is to take a dependent creature along to what was invariably going to leave her unattended in a rather dangerous location for at least some time. I know people who have been locked in the loony bin for weeks for less than what you did. The mere mention of biological white powder is enough to make everyone spin out in canberra as you may well remember.

And lastly, I wonder what your reply was to the mental nurse's first question?

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I only jst read this, heavy......

I can only hope to have the courage and conviction towards my belifs that you do, very admirable.

Was great meeting you and tashi at the camp and hope to meet you both again sometime in the future. BIG HUGS..

Edited by AndyAmine.

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Chris, it is very humbling and empowering to hear of your protest. You must have been in a very powerfull state of detatchment and fearlessness to take on such massive energetic forces. :worship:

I am sure your actions will take on certain significance and importance as this process we share continues to unfold. :innocent_n:

I too share some of the concerns voiced above, as u well know, :rolleyes: but fuck brother...


Power to you brother, and a whole swag of plant love.... as always.

plant lov E

Edited by ({E})

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The feeling that a substance should be kept out of public light for the sake of people not wanting to get caught in possession of something that in every facet should be completely legal is selfish and plays perfectly into the ignorance of the people that are damaging our world through fear and misdirected resources. There are many wonderful medicines out there and it is such a pity that people are not more aware of the options they have in regards to treatment.

Although i understand that not everyone is able to leave all the things they have in their life to pursue freedom through bare truth, I feel deeply dissapointed that any person in this community and elsewhere who would use these substances, is not willing to be open and honest about their lifestyle. Let alone say even a single word in regards to what the "right and wrong" thing to do is.

Greed and selfish fear grow from the point of each observer, if you "buy into it" then you are no different to, and cannot comment on, the people avoiding the responsibility they have to our society and environment.

The method i chose to use highlights the complete lack of capabilities to confront threats within our current social climate and as such the "war on terror" is shown to be a useless lie being used to distract our society from the possibilites of environmental and cultural maturation which are available given the redirection of research, resources and energy away from offensive positions and into receptive and generous channels.

The fear that is being held within our society and subsequent violations of personal rights and freewill that occur are needless considering the ease at which a person can at anytime, dressed in anyway, with any number of obvious tools "disturb the peace". The laws in place are not to protect people, they are designed to create new markets and direct existing markets to suit the needs of investors.

It appears that education, honesty and acceptance of the responsibilty we have to the rest of earth's life is the first step towards curing the systemic illnesses infecting our cultures. Waging a war as an attempted solution to providing the basic human needs and feelings of personal security which is paramount in removing the motivation to attack is a contradiction in terms and ultimately increases the level of hostility. It really is about making the first move towards peace by acting in a compassionate non-violent (without even carrying weapons) way such that we can be seen as providers of aid and accepted as non-invasive assitance. The leaders of Australia are in a prime position to lead the way in full scale world community and environmental repair utilising the customs, culture and local knowledge of ecosystems already existing with the people.

Starting with communities around the world that welcome assistance freely and only moving into area's after being invited will set the pace at which this process can begin. Once the effort has been seen to be low-impact on existing cultures and sustainably beneficial, the invitations to receive asssistance and repair our globe will increase and the fear and resentment which is currently permeating minds will be transmuted into motivation to assist accelerate the spread of the wisdom which enriches and unites the life that is conciousness.

Edited by reptyle

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Time travel anybody?


Edited by reptyle

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