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The Corroboree

shit I am ill -help

Guest mandragora

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Daniel and I both got some weird disease when we moved up here. For two years we were getting intermittent fevers (ie about 4 days per week at about 5 or 6 in the afternoon), affecting appetite, energy, memory and our immune system. Swollen glands almost every day. We went to several doctors, got many blood tests done, but other than a positive test for glandular fever there was nothign they could confirm (and as we both had glandular fever years earlier this meant nothing). WE had even considered agricultural chemicals and water supply, but then it went away as suddenly and as mysteriously as it came. Mine first and then Daniel's a few months later.

A signs pointed to a viral disease, but nothing could be found. Since then we have met a few people who have similar stories, especially immediately after moving up here. Some for a few weeks or months, others still have it years later. It doesn't seem to be lifethreatening, but it certain does reduce the quality of life and takes a lot of energy out of the person. I suspect it to be some (sub)tropical disease that maybe hasn't been determined yet as it is simply not ddamaging ehnough to be of concern. The symptoms often feel similar to chronic fatigue, but it certainly wasn't it. One could really feel when the bug took control and when the body gained the upper hand again - on a daily and/or weekly basis.

For us it was simply healthy living that saw us through (after all the medical tests), but next time I would head to a chinese practitioner as soon as the standard tests failed.

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Rev - most people are fine. And anyway, I think you have a much better chance of picking up some obscure disease in indonesia. In fact, I've been wondering if that local thing might be a shortlived import too - given the huge number of people in the Byron region who have regular (ie business & holiday) contact with Indonesia (esp Bali).

As you will be travelling away from the 'sanitised' resorts, we may have to stick you in quarantine when you get back

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Yeah- let's lock him in TC for a week https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d ( sorry Rev, joking )

Your post about the chronic fatigue thing got me thinking Torsten, I had the same symptoms a bit after I got here too and still get it on occasion ( like today )- even after 20 years. At first I put it down to being lazy... but perhaps its an allergy?

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we considered allergy, but there was no response to strong antihistamines.

we also considered Macadamia farming poisons and spent some time away which didn't seem to help.

Daniel reckons he still feels like that every now and then, but I think he is just scared it might come back.

I know I am over it, although every time I get an unexpected fever in the afternoon it kinda freaks me too.

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