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What's the deal?

I've heard from a 100% reliable bird my foaf has that she's aware of people bringing in 2c-b and 5-meo-dmt. Possibly others but these are certain.. How could people be getting away with this? Wouldn't the person require a permit, ie wouldn't the supplier not supply to someone without a permit?

What would happen if a foaf ordered a few grams of 5-meo-dmt? How likely would it get through? Consequences?

If someone can point me in the right direction of a current table of controlled substances that would be great, there seems to be soooooo much legal crap that turns up its really hard to find just what i'm looking for, plus most of it is 1981... or maybe i just don't understand australian law?

Edited by Sphinx

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know you're in VIC but try:


scroll down and click on schedule 1 and have a look at 5-MeO-DMT et al.

while you're at it check out the quantities for MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine)... a trafficable quantity is considered to be .75 g... from memory 3 pills are slightly heavier than this.

and the coca tea, is it really coca or some legal imitation?

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This is a very good post and it makes me think alot about the possibilities of what you have said...hmmm

Well i ave seen on sites on the internet where you can buy gram amounts of 2C-I and i assume then 2C-B, and even 5-MeO DMT. I wouldnt have impoorted that myself. Becuase id be scared it would be found and they would search the house and what not. But it would be really good if i could.

As for the coca leaves, were they de cocainised ? Becuase really no organic matter even if its de cocainised should be coming in unless its been allowed?

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Yeah i'm looking forward to what Torsten has to say, no doubt it will probably not put a huge :lol: on my face but always good info.. you know when your at that point when all you need to hear is someone to say 'go for it!' and you'll just do it? yea... someone talk some sense into me quickly :blush:

As i said, i know for a fact 2C-B is here, not some kitchen synth but properly marked 2C-B, i mean a professional looking package, like it just came from a lab.

As for that link Twix, some of those quantities are rediculous (5g is a large commercial quantity of Acetyl-alpha-methylfentanyl, as is 10Kg coca leaf!)

However that table is of Drug Misuse and Trafficking, if swim was dumb enough to somehow get caught with it on his person, then obviously not good but that's the risk... hopefully getting it in his possession won't be such a hard task as its apparently (from what i can see) not a controlled import / export.. i don't think swim's that lucky somehow.. but some other SWIM obviously is!!

Edited by Sphinx

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Yeah i'm looking forward to what Torsten has to say, no doubt it will probably not put a huge biggrin.gif on my face but always good info..

Lol I know we shouldnt get our hopes up :P the crusher will probly... Crush them hehe

Edited by tepa

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Bump :ana:



Would really like to know about this.. i've been looking at RC suppliers and some have the full arsenal of tryptamines, what i'd love to do to smell that sweet 5meo-dmt again, load up a blunt with some of that and WHOA you'll be flying my friend!

Anyway, this supplier also has ergotamine tartrate and specifically states that its a controlled substance, but no mention for others, 5meo-dmt / amt / dipt, dmt, dipt etc...etc... many phenethylamines too

Someone must know... damn maybe its the 'those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak' thing... :scratchhead:

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UTSE, I think youll find no one is answering because its all been answered before.. the simple answer is no, you definitely shouldnt risk ordering in stuff like that!

Plus, the more you talk about these things here, the faster they will disappear :)

Edited by AndyAmine.

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UTSE, I think youll find no one is answering because its all been answered before.. the simple answer is no, you definitely shouldnt risk ordering in stuff like that!

Plus, the more you talk about these things here, the faster they will disappear, you like your tea dont you? :)

Its full of anti-oxidants :innocent_n:

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Edited by Sphinx

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man dont import ANY RC chemical unless your prepared to go to court and possibly jail over it full stop, and if your silly enough to do so dont order large amounts. From the little experience ive had with RC's they arent nearly as nice as the natural alternatives.

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CRUSH! STOMP! Yes, folks you guessed it, they are definitely illegal. There is no legal way to import 2CB or 5MeODMT into any state in australia.

Drug laws are primarily state based, but more and more are now being formulated by the commonwealth and inserted into the state legislation by default. This is bad news as the federal government is much more brutal about the way they proceed.

2CB and 5MeODMT have been scheduled as analogs for many many years, however both have also been added to all state and federal schedules in recent years. While some people still think it is legal to import analogs, this is obviously stupid and naive. The analogs law in australia is well tested and will easily stand up to a challenge like 2CB. That point is moot anyway as this is definitely scheduled in the state schedules.

As for coca tea, this is definitely also scheduled, but yeah, I see it around a lot in the ethnic community. The law covers both cocaine as well as any 'preparation'. In australia preparation is defined as anything harvested. The law also covers 'all parts of the coca plant', which obviously includes the leaves.

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My friend did order some 2CH a few months ago and made some 2cb.

The "C series are dangerous though folks. Stay away from 2Ci. Its so good but add a little THC and you could be up for a ride to the hospital. It increases your heart rate dramatically. LD is round 50 mg. I think i pushed it too. Interesting compound though, i think at doses below 30 mg it is ok but pushing it 5mg again almost triples effects and so on. Like i said, nasty stuff. I took 9 hours to come down. By the 7th hour shit was melting around me,stars were falling,trees were growing. If it didn't affect my heart so bad it would've been great. Oh who am i kidding it was the most intensely visual substance i have ever used as a drug. 9 hours of solid trippin is not for everyone though. Lucky i had Valium otherwise i think i would have had a heart attack. If you think i'm mistaken,well my heart was so sore for a week it beat that fast.

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jactus - 2CH is directly scheduled in most states and shceduled as an analog in all states as well as under customs and federal drug law. YOur friend might as well have imported 2CB or 2CI directly - at a higher yield.

sphinx - posting pics of the tea bags available in oz will only promote to get them banned. Bit silly really.

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ditto. I actually getting quite sick of people posting up "things" from certain stores. Its not a case of us wanting to see pictures of what you have, rather we would like to try the unmentionables for ourselves. If people keep shouting and posting pics- "look what I got from here!"- there aint going to be anything special left for others. Think about what you put up on the forums people...especially if people(the shops) are only trying to help offer different things to our community, dont burn them by shouting it from a rooftop, your only going to draw attention to a community that has to hide as it is. We all know most of modern world doesnt agree with us, dont give them more ammo to shoot us down. All i am asking for is a little thought put into what people share on this Public forum. Nothing wrong with sharing between pms etc... but best not to advertise things, nor question things more than you need.

We must self regulate, not self destruct. :lol:

Ps, sorry, its been stewing in me for a while now... :wacko:

Edited by BlackDragon

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So we know its illegal to import and possess and all that yeah. But are there actual RC vendors that stock 5-meo-dmt and 2-cb and such? i mean they're illegal in most places yeah? also if these vendors do sell these do they post em to aus? i guess is the question.. like yeh yer breaking the law and u got no permit but its still being done yeah?

...Breakin da Law!

...Breakin da Law!

...Breakin da Law!

-just making this page as conspicuous as possible.. and i want all postees to know that replying incriminates you as possibly thinking about importing large quantities to sell on the black market...

Having said that i dunno y any1 would risk it to make a small profit in a niche market for drugs no1 really knows of.

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Well say, if Rc vendors live in Holland or Canada (what blessed countries!), where rcs may be legal, and send them to Oz, where everything is illegal, they don't break the law in their own country.

Also I wanted to say, if people are so stupid to overdose on RCs and then get sick, it's their own fault.

They're behaving like children.

At the proper dose most rc's are great.

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When i went to japan(breif visit), RC's were available at some pipe/smoker stores in the right places. As were plenty of mushies also shown quite blatently in the stores cabinets.....and posters on every street post with prices for 3g of dried shrooms and a mobile for quick delivery!!(within this specific area of course, not all thru japan!) Saying this, I think the laws have changed a bit over there too lately. I guess its a matter of how the public views the substances also, not just the users/conesseuirs viewpoint..

I must say, it brought quite a smile to my face to see soooo many bags of shrooms out on display in a big glass cabinet!! :drool: :lol:

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Saying this, I think the laws have changed a bit over there too lately.

yeah most likely thanks to hitler/stalin-analogues bush blair howard etc those bastards!

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I think this thread gives a good example of why certain parts of the forum should not be publicly available and only visible to registered members.

This page is likely to be indexed by a search engine and then bang, unwanted attention.

Please consider making some sections not publicly - ie available to guests; and exclude search engine trawling in that section.

Just a suggestion.

I second the move to edit if it's considered in the interests of keeping things legal.

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Sorry guys, didn't even think about it from that angle, simply questioning how these things are getting here - wondering if there are any legal paths left..

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I think this thread gives a good example of why certain parts of the forum should not be publicly available and only visible to registered members.

This page is likely to be indexed by a search engine and then bang, unwanted attention.

Please consider making some sections not publicly - ie available to guests; and exclude search engine trawling in that section.

Just a suggestion.

I second the move to edit if it's considered in the interests of keeping things legal.

sobriquet you raise a very interesting point, I second you about search engines!

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