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Report to Government Mentions GABA as GHB analouge

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Hi Guys, I found this today and thought I would share it with you all. I have been using GABA for about 1 - 2 months now and find it really beneficial in my anxiety / panic disorder problems, however this report from Feburary to the Government has me abit worried about the future legal status of GABA in Australia. I can understand the idea behind this being somewhat to display that the Governments approach towards schedulding and harm reduction in recreational drugs is not really working too well, however the Governments ideas that come from this report I am not sure of, as they may use it to identify current unschedled drugs as a possible route to the manufacture of illegal chemicals.

The reference to GABA states that:

GHB can also be produced via an OTC synthesis using the amino acid GABA (Gamma amino butyric acid) available from health food shops and pharmacies.

Below is a link to the article from Enlighten Harm Reduction to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission.


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Holy shit fellas better stock up on your carrots now the jig it up.


Thanks for that information TG83

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Thanks. Sadly this info has been around the community for a while and the imlications definitely make it problematic for those who want to stock up, or even order it in large amounts for the shop.

GABA is not a GHB analog under any state's drug law, but it may well be listed as a precursor in the near future sometime.

Luckily, 100g will last one person a whole year if used just for anxiety, so stocking up on a couple of kilos covers you for a couple of decades.

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maybe they've been reading this page:

The Emergence of GHB Alternatives

which says:

Excess GABA is quickly metabolized into succinic semialdehyde by transfer of the GABA amino group to another molecule (transamination). Succinic semialdehyde can either be oxidized to succinic acid or reduced to GHB, depending on the metabolic needs of the body. GHB is able to cross the blood-brain barrier. Succinic acid goes into cellular energy production pathways. GABA produces mild-to-moderate relaxation in doses from 500 mg to 2000 mg. It is usually sold in 500 mg capsules and tablets.
Edited by nabraxas

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hmmm hmmm. There are places that sell gaba at 100gs for $29.00 shipping included if you want to stock up, thats if u find them, But I wont post the link as it would be doing torsten a disfavour and is bad buisiness practise.

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Torsten has a strict "POST SOURCES" policy :) (as long as it's legal!).

That sounds like a good deal.

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GABA isn't expensive. Packaging is. I am also not terribly keen to start importing tons of the stuff for the reasons discussed above. So, I provide small amounts of GABA so people can try if it helps them without having to spend a shitload on international postage and having to deal with customs or quarantine. It's not really a product we want to sell, but it's better than having to send out free samples all the time :rolleyes:

So, please feel free to post your source. It will make little or no difference to our sales as we will still be more economical/convenient for the trial pack size and we don't really want to start selling it in bulk packs.

Just one word of caution about sources. GABA can come in some pretty low grades. Don't buy it off ebay or any dodgy shops as you will likely get what you pay for. There are a few body building supply places that sell it and some are big and reliable businesses.

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Guest jigga man

let me guess muscle boy, www.ultimatephysique.com.au ?

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Same source as the Glutamine I have :wink:

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Has anyone ordered from Ultimate Physique?

The product they show for GABA is packaged in a black package saying 'Bulk Nutrition'. I can't find any more info on them.

I've smelt pure butyric acid once before and its very very rank. I'm imagining that this stuff might smell also??

Does the GABA come in that package and does it smell (much)?

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gaba smells a little like DMT, but not unpleasant.

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Why do you have to state the obvious which will promote the banning of GABA? everyone else seemed to manage fine talking about it without actually stating it :rolleyes:

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