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Found 15 results

  1. Hey Guys, I would like to obtain a Barbados Gooseberry (Pereskia Aculeata) cactus, is there anyone in Australia or preferably WA who would be willing to sell me either seeds or cuttings of this plant? The plant is not considered a pest in WA so I don't understand why it is so difficult to obtain here. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Lost my love of Cacti, so getting rid of all of them, free to a new home in WA. New owner takes the lot or nothing. There are: 2 pots of Psychonoughts about 30 of them. 2 pots of Goliaths about 20 of them. 1 TBM with a bit of scale and mouse damage. 2 pots of T Spacs about 30 of them. 1 pot of God knows what. 1 tray of God knows what. 4 Pedros and a T Spac about a metre high. Message me if you are interested and we'll arrange a date/time for pickup. Suburb Langford.
  3. I've got 100 cuttings of Chrysopogon zizanioides to give away to members of SAB. It holds potential for land management, applications include Carbon sequestration (currently calculated at ~ 3 - 4 x the efficiency of rainforest plots of the same size) Cleaning heavy metals from waste water Treating sewerage *The applications listed above are theoretical until proper research papers are published. There's not a lot of information out there about this plant, but I found this -> 'The medicinal properties are sedative, aromatic as well as antiseptic. Some of vetiver essential oil constituents include benzoic acid, furfural, valerenol, terpinen-4-ol and khusimol. Khus roots essential oil is extracted and utilized for perfumes, aromatherapy, cosmetic, creams, herbal skin care as well as soaps used in a Ayurveda. Khus oil is a good remedy to treat sores and acne due to its antiseptic medicinal properties. Khus roots can improve red blood cells deficiency, treat poor blood circulation, dry skin, cracked and brittle skin, wounds, cuts, rheumatism, nervous conditions, arthritis as well as muscular aches and pains. A syrup can be made from vetiver which can flavor ice-cream, milkshakes, yogurt and various beverages. Khus khus roots, another versatile medicinal herbs. The exert below is from a research paper My partner's father is doing a PHD project on this plant and has lots of it spare. I can only send domestically at this stage, however there are suppliers for the East Coast. You can find more info on them at www.vetiver.org/g/plantsuppliers.htm Cuttings are 1 foot long. Recipient must cover postage or pick up. PM or reply to the thread to arrange.
  4. Hey guys I was hoping for some help identifying these wattle species around where I live. I am north east of perth in the hills. The images show three different wattle plants, I believe two of them (long, narrow, elliptical leaves) may be the same species but am unsure due to colour differences in the branches. Sorry for the noobish question and any help is very much appreciated!!
  5. Hey Crew just chasing a ID on these Acacia I'm almost positive they are acuminata but I have been wrong plenty of times before these samples were taken from the out skirts of York, from the bottom of the tree and from what i can tell none of the other trees are in full blossom. If needed i can post more pictures tomorrow
  6. I'll be moving house again in the next month or so, and I want to try and downsize my collection a little before the shift. There will be a bunch of cuttings up for sale, more will be added as the earlier ones sell and as I get around to taking more photos. For now these are what I have. Post in this thread and PM me with which cutting/s you would like and I will mark them as PENDING, once I receive payment, the cuttings will be marked as SOLD. Cuttings will stay as PENDING for a maximum of Three business days. If the buyer has not indicated that they have sent the funds by then or have't organised a time for pickup, the pending status will be removed and the cuttings will be up for grabs again so availability stays fair. Potted sp. aff. Knuthianus / Peruvianus - SOLD Potted "Psycho0" Bridgesii - All SOLD Large Potted Bridgesii - no longer available Local Pickup only Two unnamed bridgesii and a "Mike" bridgesii clone - All SOLD "Cliff" Bridgesii tip cuttings - All SOLD Beautiful fresh Peruvianus cuttings, some light scarring, but otherwise healthy and disease free. These are some VERY thick healthy cuttings, and will be sure to pump out heaps of new pups rapidly.All SOLD All SOLD From left to right: Peru tip cutting 1 - 146cm - $115 - SOLD Peru tip cutting 2 - 133cm - $105 - PENDING (Still waiting for fruit to ripen, it's covered in Peru x Cliff fruit at the moment, I'll have a few up for sale soon). Local Pickup Only SOLD All SOLD
  7. WA police crackin' down on people picking 'shrooms near Balingup: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-05/wa-police-crackdown-on-people-picking-magic-mushrooms/7569676
  8. Hello all, I am new here. First off, nice to meet you all and merry Xmas. I have always had an interest In Ethnobotany, but I haven't been to this forum before, I am hoping to have a nice time here. :-). I am after some khat plants, I have some seeds, but god knows I just can't seem to get them to Germinate, I bought them from SHAM. And since that I live in WA, I can't buy the plant from the Eastern States. So if anybody in WA has some khat plants available for sale then please let me Know as I desperately want to add a live khat plant to my ethnobotanical garden. Don't mind how Much I have to pay either. Thanks guys, much appreciated. Cheers.
  9. Hey everyone, first time posting here, been lurking for quite a while though I'll admit Anyway, hoping somebody here can help me out. I'm looking for some cuttings of Pereskiopsis spathulata or similar species for some grafting projects I wish to embark on. I'm in Western Australia so I'm pretty limited for postage, but if anyone is local I'm willing to buy or trade, I have some trichocereus species, seeds, and some other plants and seeds. Thanks!
  10. Hey all i question ive found hard to get an answer for. What are we allowed to grow in WA with the new laws??? I mean, to my understanding the way the law is now, anything that the judge wants to charge you for, he/she can Does this mean things like lotus, Heimia, lions tail and the likes can be classed as illegal???
  11. The long and short of it is. All interstate imports into WA will incur a minimum inspection fee of $56 per 15 minutes. The bellow email response from Department of Agriculture and Food details further.
  12. http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/drug-fuelled-doof-parties-go-unnoticed/story-fnhocxo3-1226615830384 Yeh, that sounds factual ... I think the WA doofers would agree that police presence is not uncommon now days and becoming ever more frequent. http://inmycommunity.com.au/news-and-views/local-news/Illegal-doof-parties-in-Perth-Hills/7642978/ These guys know their drugs!
  13. One mans pet is another mans dinner. These are "ornamental only" lol Born just the other day, one more girl still waiting to drop.
  14. It looks like the police struck gold after 4 mushroom hunters thought they had: http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/police-step-up-magic-mushroom-patrols-in-donnybrook/story-e6frg14u-1226408297183
  15. http://www.news.com.au/national/cyclone-lua-upgraded-to-category-four/story-e6frfkvr-1226302410817 Stay safe WA SABers! Sounds like its gonna get brutal.
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