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Found 5 results

  1. hey u lot, i have a little teaser till the big spring sale which i will be doing soon. i have a few hard to find plants for sale also i have a mix of named brugmansia unrooted cuts for sale . [aureas, doubles, and more] AND i have fresh plant material for tinctures/smoke blends . please pm to get the list on the 'hard to find plants''. brug cuts are 6 bucks plus postage. cheeeeerz
  2. I have sorted through my seed stash & have selected a few of the more desirable/rare ones to put into a good friday parcel for one of my fellow SABers. Conditions: - This offer is available for one member only - This offer will be only open to SABers with 'Members2' status or higher (I want to ensure that the people that helped get me started have first dibbs, sorry newcomers) - The person that provides the best or most amusing description of how they would gain the trust of a stranger gets the pack. - Unfortunately some of these seeds are only in small numbers. What's in the pack: - 5x Argania Spinosa Seeds - 3x Commiphora Neglecta Seeds - 10x Santalum Album Seeds - 10x Cereus Peruvianus var Spiralis Seeds Have a great long weekend people!
  3. Hello, Here is a rare chance to own an original copy of Snu Voogelbreinder's "Garden of Eden". I Need to raise funds for a project Im working on and unfortunately the book has to go. I'm hoping it will go to someone who will appreciate it for the work of art that it is. I have barely used the book and it has not been opened or read to much. Sadly there is a small dent on the Hard Cover from when it was originally posted to me. Other then that the book is in perfect condition, its binding is all still in perfect condition and the pages sit flush. Most of you know how rare and amazing this book is and opportunities like this don't come around often. I will be listing the Item on Ebay for 10 days but to be honest I would rather sell it to someone on here where it will benefit the local community. The BUY NOW price on EBay is $450 please contact me if you are interested. I am open to negotiation and trades.
  4. I recently discovered that the New South Wales Parks and Wildlife Service produced this cool online map. You can hunt for particular species of plants or animals, and you view a map of your chosen area with markers showing where various sightings of the things you are looking for are located. It even shows the exact GPS co-ordinates and the date spotted. I just did a search for Duboisia myoperoides in the Blue Mountains National Park, and there were six sightings. I thought it was a coastal species but it seems to extend inland further than I thought. I reckon it's pretty interesting idea to go and check out plants in the wild - perhaps as a control to see if it matches up to plants we already have in our collection, or just because we would love to see it growing naturally. But, I am a bit concerned that some people might abuse this cool tool. Please do not go out there and cause damage. Just because corporations behave like that, doesn't mean we have to follow in their footsteps. Our ecosystems are fragile and under enough threat as it is without us taking great care of what we have left. I think it might be nice to act a bit pro-actively with this stuff too, perhaps there is information we have on species that could be fed back to the Parks to help them come up with management plans for protecting endangered species. NSW Wildlife Atlas EDIT typos
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