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The Corroboree


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About noshiewa

  • Birthday 02/05/1987

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  • Interests
    cacti, ethnobotany and other plants

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  • Climate or location
    Tropical north Queensla

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Nosh? you dead or what?


  2. Sorry people thread sort of died and I got busy with life again. If I owe anything hit me up. I didnt receive anything for my last attempt at giving away but that's not what I'm here for love seeing the free trade working. I'll grab yours niggles ill offer b. Caspi X2 rooted cuttings psychotria rooted plant delosperma rooted plant kentucky no.17 Tabbaco seed 2 unknown tricho seedlings
  3. If it's still going I'll take it but if not let's try go again 2x b. Caapi 2x psychotria 6x Delosperema seedlings tabacco seed kuntuckey no.17 Cpm seedling
  4. Hi chasing some lophs seed all varieties and most likely bulk ;) Feel free to msg. Also interested in tricho seed and plants
  5. Sorry not moving yet Add 1 x yellow dragon fruit cut 1x red dragon fruit cut Tabbaco seed Wild cube spore print 15x pere for graphs
  6. Yes please infinity I'll offer 2x b. Caapi 2x psycohtria carth Small unnamed bridge pup 1 xDelosperma bosseranum Datura seed white flower
  7. Sorry gotta get some more established and I'll let everyone know when ready
  8. Yes please I'll offer Datura stramonium seed N. Tabbacum (Kentucky no.17) seed Dessert rose seed Delosperma seed Peres cuts for grafting Yellow chillie seed (not sure in var.)
  9. Squidygoanna can I grab the loph and add a b.caapi. t.bridge pup and a hybrid tricho pup
  10. Hi looking to add some brugs and daturas to my collection
  11. I miss the big spach's I used to have would you be interested in swaping a cut for a b. Caapi vine?
  12. Hello I have b.caapi vine cuttings rooted and growing strong in pots, if any ones interested in trading hit me up
  13. Yes please I'll offer B. Caapi cutting with established roots Dragon fruit cut Desert rose seedling A. Acuminata seed T. Spachianus x e. calochlora seed I was a bit slow on replying to my last free seed post because I was in a car crash at the start of last month got stuffed up pretty bad out of hospital now, still in a neck brace but getting back on to stuff now.
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