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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Foo

  1. Dont stress Donnie We all had to go through the newbie phase and prove ourselves. If you stick around i will hook you up (were i can) in the future. Cheers
  2. Foo

    Who wants some Alberto's!?!

  3. Foo

    TBM Clone B Australia?

    Well im assuming that any crest we are talking about isnt a Clone A or B. While im sure you can get the same quality from an unrelated crest it wouldn't really be a Clone A or B (hence CLONE)
  4. Foo

    Sick looking Trichocereus bridgesii

    I would move it further away from the window and stop watering untill it warms up. When its nice and warm put in part sun and water + seaweed fert.
  5. Foo

    Sick looking Trichocereus bridgesii

    Have you tried watering it? and maybe take it out from full sun
  6. Foo

    Do we really need more erotic art threads?

    Halcyon i dont think your thread is a major issue, its just that you created the last one. I agree that so far it is of a much higher caliber then the other porn threads and would almost class ass artistic in my mind.
  7. Foo

    Do we really need more erotic art threads?

    While i doesn't bother me i agree with the above. Numerous porn threads does remind me of the shroomery. If we keep heading in this direction we will soon have a "post your shlong thread".
  8. Foo

    TBM Clone B Australia?

    If it really in the "long form" count me in!! Not that i dont love my current TBM, it could really only ever be a footballers penis ...
  9. Foo

    Peruvian Repotting

    Cactus seedling are tougher then most give them credit for, you should be fine. As far as pot size's go, i normally go by what i have spare XD. Seeing that your zone 5 (usda?) i would go with small pots to avoid excess water.
  10. I doubt that will have the desired effect. Interesting experiment though
  11. Foo

    St Peter, the hardy lil saint.....

    You fingered a cactus? Thats a new one.
  12. Foo

    Siem Reap - Cambodia

    Pay double local price is guaranteed, i think what you mean is don't pay 4x local price. A Tuk-Tuk around town costs $2 unless your more then 10-15 mins out of town or $2.50-$3 after 9pm.
  13. Foo

    id please

    Bizare plant, i want it
  14. Foo

    Siem Reap - Cambodia

    Been to the reap a few times and have a few friends there. Entry to Ankgor wat is linked to a pass for all of the temples surrounding it. I reckomend the 3 day pass as ankgor thomb and others are just as amazing as the more famous ankgor wat. To eat, try the Amok (fish). Its really the only stand out kmer dish. To drink, there is a pub called "x bar" at the end of pub street with a good view. Owner is a chilled out Aussie from my neck of the world. I would recommend flying into Siem Reap as the two other ways i have tried were a nightmare. If you must go by road from Thailand or Phonem Phen, take a prive taxi ($100US), unless you enjoy 4 to a seat with sacks of rice at your feet and no air con (that was the "premium bus service"). I also found that the locals do not understand left and right, even if spoken in perfect khmer. Anyways i hope one of these random tips will be of use.
  15. Foo

    Giveaway - Kendall Pig-Tail Twist

    Looks interesting, would love to give it a go.
  16. Not sure if its a problem. Actually i doubt that it is, ive seen something similar with other sp.
  17. Foo

    Tips on flowering

    The most re-liable way ive heard of is stress. Stress by under watering, removing root mass, placing in full sun, etc However, i have no flowers to this point
  18. Foo

    What are your ethnic origins?

    Back when this thread was halfway serious (thank you "earthlings and "sapiens") i was interested by the number of eastern European genes in our little community.
  19. Foo

    Babies as extra-uterine foetuses.

    I know some 40+ Y.O's that appear to have not yet developed full cranial capacity. Late term abortion might have its upsides