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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by ref1ect1ons

  1. ref1ect1ons

    Cancer is a fungus

    ok, there were patient testimonials in part 2 and 3, one from a doctor who was on his death bed. Pretty much all his patients are close to death and he has saved many, thanks for watching the vids before giving your "kooks and nuts" judgement. It is actually not as implausible as you like to say it is, I even posted an article for you to go over with simonicinis opinion on genetics, seems you didnt get to that one either. I also tried to move the discussion to alternative therapies, seems that was also too kooky. On a hippy forum, fuck, ive lost faith in all y'all. Seems im the most kooky kunt here on a goddamn hippy forum. And I wonder why I get so down about shit, about being excluded. Well fuk this, I am sick of this bullshit, i get this BS enough in everyday life. I am only doing trades now, peace to all. Torsten and his merry band of deadening orthodoxy wins.
  2. ref1ect1ons

    Youtube vids

    OMG that Enter the Void, shit, and now with diablo 3 being announced (none of you guys kno this) my anticipation is high. If only the Now wasnt in the fukin way, maybe if I can get around it somehow, damn present moment always getting between me and what I want,
  3. ref1ect1ons

    9/11: Phone calls from the towers

    I went to that site and found this little gem. Lets see if I can falsify this claim. If the hijackers were alive, then how could have they have flown the plane into the world trade. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Rqe3WeSyN0 Not only that, but you just look at them. They fell at free fall. How can anyone argue with my nano-thermite paper with nothing more than " i dont believe in conspiracy theories" well thats all well and good BUT how do you explain the finding of nano-thermite in world trade dust. SERIOUSLY how did it get there if the "hijacker" scenario is correct. Give me one explanation. The easter bunny put it there, whatever you fukin believe. Give me a plausible explantion for this and how it fits the absurd "official story". My challenge to all you sharp and conventional thinkers. Nano-thermite CANNOT be mnade in a cave. The dust was analysed and they found nano-thermite = explosive charges made by american or israeli technology. At the very least, it was made by a highly sophisticated lab in a first world country.
  4. ref1ect1ons


    drechslera cactivorum: basal or top rot of seedling cacti that turns cactus into a shrunken mummy covered with brown spores. First symptoms are yellow spots. It can completely rot the plant in four days. The fungicide Captan should give some control. I found this, I am trying to get into diagnosing problems and stuff, I am well aware that im prob wrong but hey. Also it has yellowness and rapid onset as with above fungus species. I hope it gets well though. Oh yeah, this pdf list many types of cactus fungi, it is only two pages and only discusses cacti infection. http://www.centralarizonacactus.org/plantinfo/pests/FUNGAL%20INFECTIONS%20OF%20CACTI.pdf
  5. ref1ect1ons

    Pitching A Tent..

    Yeh I noticed that, and a free catamaran sp? boat thing. A free boat, seems it was never that bad when he was homeless and then when he did get his chance, they chucked in a free boat. A little gift from life after some hard-earned lessons. Makes me think that you have a choice, you can end up on the streets and get stuck into drugs and things or you can make another choice. Now I know some people have no-choice when shit happens, but you can choose how to respond and hope for the best.
  6. ref1ect1ons

    Cancer is a fungus

    I apologise occ, and the others who rightly criticised this vid. Although the beginning was the main point of difficulty in my view. EDIT: Ok I really thought the end of part one with part 2 was great. I have actually been measning to bring this up for sometime, but I cant find the original page where there is a discussion on the acidic foods thing, keeping your immune system inbalance (too active = autoimmune, under active = disease), as well as addressing a specific chemical group called something like sinistrals found in veges/apricot seeds etc(cant find original page). This is annoying because I had so much info and had been reading many sites. When I saw the vid I thought it would be a good way to "fast track" the discussion. I have been pouring over alot of alternative cancer stuff. So in conclusion the vid is next to worthless the narrator ruins it, but I still value the opinion of dr simoncini, not in a religious manner. I really just wanted to bring up cancer and alternative therapies for discussion. There was even a discissuion about how pesticides can destory some of the 'medicinal/anti-cancer' properties of fruit and veges on my missing page, im going to pour over my bookmarks and see if I can find it. I feel that the language barrier has made him appear a fool. Also the narrator "white, it's white, it's white". The coryceps fungus part is fukin annoying. So i suggest we move onto the discussion of cancer and treatment outside chemo. I have had close ones go through chemo, and although it is important for everyone to make their own decision, it is also important people have as much info as they can to base that choice upon. Hell I ve heard of a native american treatment, a plant resin, that 'burns' the cancer away. We have heard of many things.
  7. ref1ect1ons

    Cancer is a fungus

    Your logic is mind-blowing. The man is an oncologist, it is funny how condescending you are, do you really believe an oncologist would choose to believew that because cancer is white and because candida is white, therefore it must be candida. Why didnt he choose flour or some other substance. Valid science, hmmm, how did you determine that with NO investigation. Yes emotion have been greatly implicated in the regulation of dna. http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/SODA_chapter9.html Negative emotions are bad for dna. Wow I wasnt so arrogant in my assuptions towards this info, seems we have alot of oncologist here. Dr Simoncini, http://www.curenaturalicancro.com/2-cause-cancer.html Genetics, the battle horse of modern oncology, is about to give up the ghost, together with its endless explanations based on enzymatic and receptor processes. Actually, it has already failed – it is just that no one can think of anything else that can take its place. The consequence of the oncological establishment’s inability to admit the failure of this line of research, which is at this point scientifically indefensible, is the continuous waste of a great quantity of economic, scientific and human resources. There are also chemicals in many vegetables that also prevent cancer, many ppl have heard the apricot seed myth.
  8. ref1ect1ons

    Mushroom Crop Circle

    Great work Nabraxas, I am really glad both explanations have been credited here. I am actually a believer myself, in that I dont say aliens or men, I say I believe in the mystery; an explanation that acknowledges the high technology that is sometimes evident in crop circles without saying who, cause I have yet to figure this out.
  9. ref1ect1ons

    Super SP

    I want to trade my trich panchanoi x super san p, grown from seed, over 33cm high, has a small pup at the base. Photo below. For a viridis leaves or cutting or nexus leaves or cutting. For a 'leaf trade' I would expect a bunch (5-10) of leaves. I would also consider other exotic plants. The trade will be made in two weeks, even of the trade is finalised before-hand, ie., it will be sent in two weeks. EDIT: It has taken on a dark green colour during the winter but is healthy, it isn't leaning on the kabbab stick in the pic, that was there from when it was younger. Also it is probably closer to 35 cm or over, the 33 cm is a guess. But it is a good size, and will put on heaps when the sun starts shining again... hence why I am trading now. I am trading, not for lack of care but because I have a greater interest in plants atm. zoomable pics in my blog thing.
  10. ref1ect1ons

    Harmless flouride

    I love kangaroos, I hate flouride.
  11. ref1ect1ons

    Youtube vids

    2 hours.
  12. ref1ect1ons

    Big Alcohol and Police in bed

    That and GMO's are the greatest prob.
  13. ref1ect1ons

    Big Alcohol and Police in bed

    Well it's 34 days now. I feel that this change will affect the whole world and eventually save my gnome alot of money. It is funny that the "no to prop 19" has only recieved a single civilian donator. While the "yes campaign' takes alot more money from the public, seems the public has already spoken and only the corporate interest (as usual) stand in our way. It is also funy that these corporations are made up of many of the workers who support prop 19. Meaning they support their 'slavery/freedom limitation' in an indirect way. URL: http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/38942-alcohol-lobby-now-openly-spending-against-californias-legal-pot-initiative-in-alliance-with-police-industrial-complex Alcohol Lobby Now Openly Spending Against California's Legal Pot Initiative in Alliance with Police Industrial Complex
  14. ref1ect1ons

    Pitching A Tent..

    That was awesome, simply how he says "i dont feel homeless, Im just camping", and seems to have a rather peaceful and healthy existence. Sad so many Americans are doing this, but hey if you gotta do it, do it with others. Little tented community, everyone gathering round fires, sharing and shz. Ahhh, wouldnt it be nice. Lets all quit our jobs and start a tent community outside Nimbin. It would be awesome, bonfires everynight, bush tucker, rice, cooking together. Impending financial doom, or impending awesome outdoor party, you be the judge. Seriously I will probably end up in some sort of hippie cult where I end up farming or something.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1MuT_KSOo4 This is how I think it would actually go down, lmao.
  16. ref1ect1ons

    Youtube vids

    Using organic farming to free yourself from the system more. It's in english.
  17. ref1ect1ons

    Big Alcohol and Police in bed

    Growers need to do the right thing, if their greed cost us this freedom it will be a fitting lesson for us all. Do they understand that it is not ALL ABOUT THEM AND THEIR FUKIN PROFIT, it is about medicine being free and fair. This is why we 'get what we deserve', and I have to suffer as I am lumped with the masses and their bondage.
  18. Now they have established themselves as the official 'leaders' of the world. These are not our true leaders, they shlould not meet with alien populations. We want to 'Put you best foot forward', I nominate a native American chief or an Australian Aboriginal Leader or a Great Scientist, philosopher or Artist Pehaps a Brazillian Shaman or a Buddhist/spiritual Leader. The dalai Lama, Alex Grey, Echart Tolle, or some cool scientist that I respect. Any of these would be better than some halfwit beaurocrat (sp?). Edit: We may have been duped: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/09/27/appoints-contact-visiting-space-aliens/ Article is called; U.N. Denies Appointing 'First Contact' for Visiting Space Aliens
  19. ref1ect1ons

    where to blue bamboo

    Seems you can't order young baboo sapling anywhere in aus, they also appear to be very expensive and pick-up only. Anyone know a good site besides bambooland? I am after a nice blue specoes of bamboo, a young plant from a mail site or a nursery in se qld/ ne Nsw. Any advice asppreciated, as I havent come across this before, bamboo seems unusually hard to get a hand on. Also even a species name for this blue bamboo ius elusive. I think weeping himalayan has a blue tinge, not like this though.
  20. ref1ect1ons

    The "hidden" epidemic of prescription drugs

    5HTP made me feel extremly strange, I felt kind of in a cloud, no pain, no stress, no motivation, my thoughts seemed to melt away and a peace and energy filled me (i only took it a couple times because I started to feel 'high' all the time and had to stop). Strange how diff chems affect ppl differently. I still have some of it in my fridge, it also changed my sleep and eating habits. i felt more tired and more hungry when tired and when hungry.
  21. ref1ect1ons

    where to blue bamboo

    Amazing, sounds like some sort of group conciousness or 100 monkey effect. Dworx you have helped me a tonne, i couldnt find this info anywhere, and yeah really beautiful colours. Thanks. I think you can eat some young shoots as well, so yeah you can makes heaps of shiz from it and eat it, But don t smoke it. I would think. Heh, I searched this and found a vid of some idiot smoking bamboo. Seems it is almost/equally as useful as weed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnUis501bz0
  22. ref1ect1ons

    Youtube vids

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJiCU6Jw0Co&feature=player_embedded#! 2 hrs here folks, it was aight
  23. ref1ect1ons

    Youtube vids

  24. ref1ect1ons

    Harmless flouride

    Ok, I see the way your mind works, and I see that you are looking for something different. I was demanding the spirit of a debate because it is a game, it is entertainment, it is untruth. I now see that you are searching for a real answer, very noble. I look for the Truth in other ways, wow this has taught me something. I sincerly wish you well on your way to Truth. Your Way is valid but different. I will tip my hat to you and be on my Way.