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The Corroboree


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About Casuarius

  • Rank
    Plant Hunter

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  • Country
    Papua New Guinea
  • Interests
    Medicinal Plants, Exotic Fruits, Rare Orchids, Family

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  • Climate or location
    Hot Wet Tropics

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  1. Casuarius

    Banisteriopsis caapi Propagation 101

    What angle to you plant yours into the soil Planthelper? If you plant the T upside down with the hard part horizontally and the green section as a "stem" you get root formation on both sides of the node and new shoots emerge on each side of the green section. If you plant them on a angle you usually only get one shoot and one formation of roots. One other thing to pay attention to is the depth of woody part - Keep it closer to the surface of the soil and not to deep. The green section isn't really needed because most new growth occur as new shoots under the soil. The green section usually goes dormant and won't do much for a while. I use the green shoot primarily as a indicator to show me if the cutting is staying level under the media. The leaf drop is of no concern, Caapi cuttings sometimes do this. As I said above the growth that matters will come from new vine shoots from the corners. Saludos
  2. Casuarius

    Banisteriopsis caapi Propagation 101

    The aerial roots are are a humidity + moisture creation. Age can play a small part to i noticed. I think an arm thickness cutting would be a bit of a waste my friend I don't really know if that would work, May be it could and I cant see why not but its much more practical to use the smaller thickness. I think 10mm would be the ideal size and i would only go up to about 25mm anything larger isnt really needed and would be more a waste than anything. The T section cutting roots the fastest, Ideally most cuttings will root from the node and if your in a colder climate the nodes will make it easier. The T section uses the center node and doesnt need another one. In the Papua i have had offcuts before without nodes that i just put in the soil vertically and i have them put out roots without any effort. After the roots grow you get a shoot spring out from between the roots and the stem and off it goes. Its a bit of a weedy behavior I think. Saludos
  3. Casuarius

    Kava problem growing

    Its so disturbing to see such a peaceful plant demonized this way! Again another example of failed prohibition, The end users pay more, The dealers make lots of money, More criminals are made out of innocent people and the innocent people lose another valuable medicine that has been used since the dawn of time safely without mishap. Saludos
  4. Hola Amigos Today I am going to show how to make cuttings of B.Caapi. B.Caapi is as easy as P.V to propagate. This is a good thing Being a large liana vine B.Caapi in its normal habitat has no problems "multiplying" Most of its runner vines put down roots and even larger sections of vine put out aerial roots. Here is a picture of a caapi putting out aerial roots. Because of the nature of this liana propagating it is a very simple process if we stick to simple techniques. I am going to use a heap of red caapi that came down when the tree it was loving fell over. Ideally the best pieces to propagate are woody sections. The thicker the better. However I can understand and emphasize if you want to keep the really thick sections to admire on their own! While you can use "green" sections the thin green parts they are much more hit and miss and lack the vigor of woody sections. In the tropics I can take any woody section, put it vertically in soil and within a couple weeks it will out roots and new growth tips, The piece doesnt even need any nodes. I mostly get 99% strike rate. I know we don't have me tropical growers here so I have adapted it slightly for people who are in less ideal conditions. Take a piece of vine and cut it into "T" sections like so: Simply place these cuttings in your prefered potting medium, In my case I use coco peat but any moisture retaining medium will work. I dont use any rooting hormones however they might help your rates, This again totally depends on your location. Place the cuttings somewhere shady with filtered light and be patient. It can be anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months until you see progress. If you do this correctly and depending on the temp and humidity of your location you should achieve at least 80% strike rate. My favorite place to put them is under a larger caapi plant and use it for shade. Air layering is also very successful but more work and slower results. Most experienced caapi growers are probably are aware of all this, However I think this information will be help for most Saludos
  5. Casuarius

    Who wants Casuarius to come back

    Hola Amigos First I would like to say that I am quite humbled by the members who want me to come back. I would like to also appologise to the people who have participated in my threads for deleting my posts. I can assure it was all done with much of regret. I take alot of time to write posts because I want people to learn and have success with their plants so I hope people can understand its not much fun to go to each one and delete them. Alot of people do message me asking for trades, I don't have a problem with this. I do have a problem when people ask me for stuff and I decline proceeding to go off and threaten me with racial abuse and so forth. It had been a very long hot day on friday and when you log in to relax only to see abuse it makes you question what you are doing. With this said at the time it seemed like the right thing to do at that point in time. Thanks to some supportive members of SAB I now know it was the wrong thing to do. When you don't live in a 3rd world country its easy to take for granted things you just assume everyone else has. In this case i am talking about mail. Where I live in Papua I do not have a "mail box" like everyone else does in Australia, I have a post office box in Port Moresby I use for business and its nearly a day and a half away by car and I only check it once a month. I wish people could understand it is just to much time and money to post of something that will most likely get intercepted by customs. Your much better off sourcing in Australia. If you can't understand this, That is ok - Just dont abuse me over it and don't pm me about it either. But my friends if have a problem with your plants, Need help, Just want to have a chat - You are very welcome to start a conversation with me. I hope some of this makes sense now, I will be fixing up my deleted posts the best i can over time and I will be posting newer and better threads in the near future to. I hope you all can accept my sincere appologies over what has happened. It will take more than personal messages to bring me down in the future and we have a saying here. "There is always a few moonlighter's in the jungle" Saludos
  6. Back home in paradise, How i have missed my garden!

  7. Casuarius

