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The Corroboree


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About sketchykid

  • Birthday 10/28/1978

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    The Pretty Blue One
  • Interests
    Promoting peace and harmony and reverence for all living things

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    Brisbane, Australia

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  1. Hi Mate

    How did things pan out with your move.. I am in Brissy and looking for some caapi if by chance you still have some in the ground..:) Take care


  2. MAKE ME AN OFFER - NEGOTIATE A BARGAIN WITH ME AND TAKE THE LOT - If you were interested in harvesting the plants then you're in luck, because I have amassed more root material than what was harvested and purchased with the 2 vines. Caapi root material Available.... PSYCHOTRIA NEXUS x 3 Bushes PSYCHOTRIA VIRIS (1 x 30cm plant) KHAT (Narrow Leaf 4-5foot bushes, 2 x 8-9 Foot Trees available - Take in Bulk) And more........
  3. Hi Crop, Yeah mate it sux, The main buyers in this area are either Big Business/investors (Keep property, rent free to managers, level block and re-sell in 2-3yrs), Owner builders (20% of them will renovate, 80% level the block), wealthier dream homers 95% level block, 5% realize the worth of a solid timber 1950's home and work with it but they are still going to landscape........I've done well from the investment that I had never planned to sell, but mental and physical health force decisions unfortunately. I'm proud of the Ethno community in this country, no better group of like enough minded individuals who will throw themselves in front of an angry mob to save a plant irrespective of ridiculous plant laws.....good people, my kind. TheMooseZeus, Mate I'll be leaving them at door steps like a baby after a knock on the orphanage door before I let them be dumped. If need be once I have the money from the sale of the property I'll post my address with a mud map of plant position for would be Guerilla Gardeners. The HBWR is my gift to the property along with other volunteers which are mostly Tomatoes and Bok/Pak choi despite my love of food farming perishing with my health some 3 yrs ago the little beauties still pop up from time to time... SK
  4. Hey Folks, Thank you to everyone who has messaged me and helped me get plants to good homes, I apologise to those of you I missed as you were driving through, my health is shite but I've come up for air and to let you know THERE IS STILL PLENTY AVAILABLE. These trees and plants are for COMPLETE REMOVAL from my property all are around 10 years old. Sadly I am asking for Cash donations but I'm not asking for top dollar by any means, I'll be happy to pay some bills and ensure these plants get to people who care rather than get destroyed. The property is in one of the highest demand suburbs in Brisbane for todays "Well to Do's" wishing to build their dream homes...the block will be leveled and my trees taken to the dump, F&ck THAT!! Make me an offer, feel free to think in package deals, Here's what's left... 1. Narrow Leaf KHAT tree's - 6(plus)x 5foot Tall Trees----- 2. Psychotria Nexus Bushes - 3 x 3 Foot Bushes --------- 3. B. Caapi - 6+ meters of thick 10yr old (Potent) Roots easily removed Heaps of photos in the post above 4. B Caapi - Endless amounts of Vine remain either in a pile or up the trees they were supported by (Still look firm despite the root mass being removed 5 days ago) 5. Narrow Leaf KHAT (C. Edulis) - 2 x 8-9 Foot Trees ------- Pictured above 6. Eroxthylum. SP - 6 foot Tree - pictured above 7. HBWR - Seedlings, Ripe and Ripening seeds on 2 x 10 Year old vines. 8. 1 x B. Caapi Vine (Thick as middle finger).....I found this growing about 3 feet away from the Large Ourinhos, all my Caapi were planted at the same time over 10 years ago so..makes me wonder about root cuttings...
  5. OK FOLKS GAME ON...........PM Me for a chat, feel free..................There is actually still a few meters of tasty looking Roots some over an inch thick still in the ground (I've never done root cuttings of caapi but I wouldn't be at all surprised that if they were left there I'd have shoots) but either way the 1.3 meter long root sitting across my lap would medicinally see me through plenty a journey I imagine. Call in ASAP and take 6billion cuttings while the vines are still green and full of life....there's heaps of decent sized vine hanging down from whatever other plants supported it.....Aya for days. The roots are really quite easy to get at as I've softened the ground even more with moisture, Theres still a 90cm length of thick vine coiled into the chain link fence that I do not mind cutting (Fence) if need be. 1km of HBWR (1 of 3 vines is two wrists thick at the base) with fresh and unripe seed all over it (Walking over to the vine planted about 400 of them, the little rain we had means seedlings are coming up everywhere) 5-6 HBWR Seedlings and as much seed as you can scoop up...the neighbour usually has a heap of seedlings he's unlikely to miss. 1 x 8foot Khat Tree (Double Trunked) 1 x 9Foot Khat Tree (Double Trunked) Both always been prolific flower/seeders 1 x 7+Foot Eroxthylum sp Tree 3 x Psychotria Nexus Bushes with base trunks inches thick, maybe 4-5 foot tall 1 x 30cm Psychotria Viridis 1 x B. Caapi "Ourinhos" plant (Makes me think it has grown from a root cutting cos its finger thin about a few foot away from where a 3-4 finger thick vine was Meters of thick CAAPI ROOTS AND PLENTY OF VINE, Viable cuttings of the Vine could still be made by the million (Roots are Rich and Beautifully yellow upon initial cut before oxidization) B. Caapi roots. 7 x 5foot+ Tall Khat Plants that basically form a Hedge - I WAS GOING TO KEEP THESE SIMPLY FOR PRESENTATION AS MY HOME GOES TO MARKET BUT MAYBE I CAN BE BRIBED, MY CAR REQUIRES A NEW FUCKING FUEL PUMP NOW!!! 1 x 5Foot Tall Voacanga Africana that needs a little TLC 8foot Khat 7+Foot Eroxythylum Sp 9Foot Khat 7-8 5Foot Khat All flower/seed when they wish(w/cat) Psychotria Nexus Caapi Roots & Some Vine HWBR Ripe/Unripe Seeds & Seedlings
  7. Adding in some photos of the vastness of the vines which I've cut back every year except this one, you can tell what is caapi and what is Liquid Amber tre due to the season and Amber is changing colours and dropping her leaves, kept warm by miss caapi though. I have that much 10 year old HBWR vine growing around here that every time someone spits on the ground up pops amother seedling...well it rained for 5mins 4 days agao and looks like this still happens....so other photos will show these plants... Catha Edulis (Prolific flower/seeder NL khat...may have been from "planthelper' originally but through another member who sent seed to me. HBWR - Seedlings and scour the earth and seed will be there I'm sure. Voacanga Africana over Six feet but Psychotria Nexus and a Viridis There is also a third var of Caapi that originated in a mountainous/colder climate and even though it doesn't have the best position, it is virtually a bonsai and it has been in my posession for 10 years...sure as shit...it's still there. The guy that some of these plants came from died of certain overconsumptions and a broken heart years ago....he spread everything ethno amongst our beloved community for the years I knew him and he had been doing so since the inception this net community Of net communities alright some plant porn in the dawn.....Phot o #1478 needs to rotated 90deg to the vierwe right - that tree is well above power lines....everything green on that tree is Caapi...............#1478,#1473#1474 Caapi....#1470, #1469 #1467 is the Other ViNE #1453 - YEP STILL GOT PSYCHOT.#1455 - LOOKING UP THROUGH THE CAAPI UP #1456 INCH THICK TRUNK ON THE P. NEXUS #1457 is the Voacanga Africana which has it's tallest branch above 6 feet but needs nursing back to it's former glory -#1458 A. Voacanga trunk, #1459 is over a thick wrist sized base of one of the HBWR that has climbed mt Amber and topped out many times. #1461 is a tower Khat, #1462 is the leg she stands on. #1463 is the native Eroxthylum sp and littered on the ground behind her are HBWR seeds and seedlings. #1472 look how she reaches for the stars/postwoman. THE HIGHEST OFFER I HAVE HAD MADE FOR THE VINES IS $250, THEY ALSO ARE LOOKING LESS LIKELY TO GET HERE BEFORE THE OTHER NEARBY OFFER OF $200, HOW DOES THIS SIT WITH THOSE INTERESTED? ( THEY GET TO PICK AND CHOOSE AND DIG UP THE OTHER PLANTS IF THEY ARE STILL HERE) PM ME FOR CONTACT DETAILS IF YOU HAVE AN URGENT REQUEST COS I'M OFTEN RECORDING/MIXING AUDIO WITH MY CANS ON IN THIS STUDIO AND I'LL FORGET TO CHECK A WEBPAGE BUT I CAN SEE THE SCREEN OF MY LANDLINE FLASHING EASILY ENOUGH. TO EACH THEIR OWN.
  8. Hey Folks, Up for cheap grabs are at least two 10 year old B. Caapi Vines....My property is going to market soon and I guarantee my plants will be torn out and the block leveled. So a rare offer to anyone willing to come and harvest VINES, ROOTS and ALL. My health is poor including a bad back so I am unable to assist much with their removal but I can provide garden tools required and cold drinks/amenities etc. I took the photos below of just the very bases of the vines one of which stretches 30 odd foot up a Liquid Amber tree...There are Meters of thick Vine (Black and Yellow) here and as I said, take the roots and all. I also have Narrow Leaf Khat trees on this property which can be removed if you are willing. Not pictured are the 10 year old Psychotria bushes that hedge the Vines...All of it must go to one of you rather than the dump. Normally I wouldn't ask for money for such plants but alas, health issues cost money even with our system. I recall foot long lengths of vine going for $60 each in 2009 by a regular member everyone knows, you wont pay anywhere near that rate.....you will walk away with meters of the stuff and whatever other things that pique your interest. Countless cuttings could be taken, but who in their right mind would be offering Roots and all B. Caapi? Make me an offer before or after you inspect the Vines and trees...Let me know if you want more photos and I'll take some. NORTHSIDE BRISBANE (Near Airport) PICK UP ONLY.
  9. SOLD - Thank you to everyone especially to those who made a purchase from me, I really appreciate your help. Thanks again to mods and to Torsten for allowing me to use this forum as a means to raise some funds to help me pay for my treatment, my wife and I are ever so grateful!
  10. Thanks for your input Torsten, appreciated as always, and great to see SAB/Corroboree still going strong BTW!
  11. Thank you for making a purchase mate, you know who you are.... May a 1000 kilos of scheduled goodies of your own choosing rain down discretely upon you. 9 metres still available for cheeeep!
  12. Hi GS, thanks for the response - So judging by the above, despite the legalities this is likely a common plant in the collections of those in the Ethnobotanical community. Nice. I'm surprised (But then again not so surprised) to hear even the few natives going around are illegal to possess without a permit as you have pointed out - absolute head shaker.
  13. Hmm, old thread that's for sure. Well I can confirm that this most definitely grows in Australia - Brisbane and Northern NSW climate to my knowledge.
  14. Thanks Alice, appreciate the heads up! I should have been more specific, and those links included the var. I am referring to... I meant to ask about Erythroxylum novogranatense var. novogranatense specifically, Anyone interested in talking about this one may like to contact me via PM if that is ok? The native "Splityard Creek" variety is also an interesting plant if not for it's natural beauty alone. Thanks again Alice, I really appreciate your help.
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