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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by MindExpansion

  1. MindExpansion

    Importing Vasopressin

    what a curious request...
  2. MindExpansion

    Two plants in one pot

    Have heard from my mate doing a bio sciences course that they were told plants will often release hormones when they are too close to other plants to make them grow tall, thinking that they are in a competitive envorinment where outgrowing your neighbour gives you the light to keep you alive. Unsure of the extent of this practice but its interesting nonetheless. Peace
  3. MindExpansion

    Morning Glory Seeds

    Have been told that frozen HBWR seeds don't lose much potency (beyond what they normally lose when they dry out and whatnot anyway). Peace
  4. MindExpansion


    Congrats man, you worked for it. Peace
  5. MindExpansion

    sydney meet- january-royal botanic gardens?

    Put it after the 7th and I can make it Peace
  6. MindExpansion

    Some ID's (image heavy)

    Here are some plants I would appreciate any help ID'ing. They are for a friend's bio assignment, he also needs to know which are natives Lots are a few pics of the same plant in a row. Thanks all. Peace 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
  7. MindExpansion

    Some ID's (image heavy)

    Finally got most of the specimens identified, thanks a lot for your guys help! Reduced my mates workload considerably and he is very grateful. Thought you may be interested in the final ID's he used. 1. Sisymbrium orientale 2. Euphorbia peplus 3. ? 4. Cerastium glomeratum 5 & 6. Acacia decurrens 7 & 8. Callistemon salignus (?) 9. Lantana montevidensis 10, 11 & 12. Pittosporum undulatum 13 & 14. Freesia hybrid (alba x leichtlinii) 15, 16 & 17. Pultenaea villosa 18, 19 & 20. Pomaderris lanigera 21-25. Clematis glycinoides, Indigofera australis, Swainsona spp. 26-28. Leucopogon juniperinus 29-31. Rulinga dasyphylla 32-34. Olearia microphylla 36-38. Ozothamus diosmifolius 39 & 40. Dodonaea triquetra 41-43. Lomandra longifolia 44-47. Acacia longifolia 48-52. Homalanthus populifolius 53-54. Banksia integrifolia 55-59. Pultenaea daphnoides
  8. MindExpansion

    No opt-out web filtering

    PeacefulSon sent me this link and I thought I should post it up: Bullshit I can't believe this shit. They're right too, what's illegal, good bye erowid? Good bye pillreports? I think its time we burned down the parliament, and start fresh! Either that or we need to move elsewhere. Free country my ass, we're ever increasingly living in a prison system ("They're tryin to build a prison, thery're tryin to build a prison they're tryin to build a prison, for you and me to live in, another prison system another prison system, another prison system, for you and me.") Its like bit by bit they pick away our freedoms, and then make up excuses for why that is in fact for our benefit, that way people who cant think for themselves sit back and just take it. Peace
  9. MindExpansion

    Some ID's (image heavy)

    he is trying to id them himself too i think, just that he was struggling with it, but yeh, he's lazy hah. appreciate the help so far but. Peace
  10. MindExpansion

    Cocaine traces found in 90 per cent of greenbacks

    234 banknotes tested, hardly a powerful study when the population of the study is every piece of paper currency in a country. and only 27 in canada...
  11. MindExpansion

    free edible cultures

    Cheers WT, arrived yesty, many thanks bro. Peace
  12. MindExpansion

    Dream suppressors

    I was wondering if anyone knew of any natural allies in combatting dreams. As a side effect of medication I have recently been having incredibly vivid dreams often not of a pleasant nature and many very upsetting. I've found some info about medications to use for the problem but many of them are quite heavy drugs that I don't want to rely on for sleep. So any info on natural dream suppressants would be good. Peace
  13. MindExpansion

    An interesting question...

    And who's to say thats not the case? Think it also relates to where the adrenaline can act, if they dont have the same neural structure (i.e the same lobular structure) then who's to say, even IF (and it is an IF) the neurotransmitters elicit the same downstream effects in the neuron this may produce totally different qualitative effects. Example if our conscious experience is generated in the frontal lobe based on sensory inputs, if there is a difference in those sensory inputs the experience will vary, also if there is difference in the processor for any one of those senses (e.g if the visual cortex produces a different image from the same sensory input compared to human) or a difference in the component of the brain that converts those senses into a conscious experience then the animals experience will differ. This is all just postulation for the sake of discussion because i find it deeply interesting to consider how certain chemical interactions are all that is involved in producing what i call 'life'. Peace
  14. MindExpansion

    Thinking of giving Antidepressants another go....

    Thanks for clearing that up for me alchemia. I have just decided to start halving my citalopram dose and see how that works out. The side effects are starting back in full swing now. Peace
  15. MindExpansion

    Thinking of giving Antidepressants another go....

    Presecribed too easily and with no consideration for the individual dose wise and stuff.
  16. MindExpansion

    Thinking of giving Antidepressants another go....

    Jabez, its way to early in the morning for me to elaborate, but what you just said i think is a load of crap. Peace
  17. MindExpansion

    Thinking of giving Antidepressants another go....

    Sceletium is a mild maoi am i wrong? Didnt look it up just think i remember that being the case. If the scripted maoi's arent working, i doubt the (generally) weaker natural ones are likely to work, extracted harm maybe but otherwise... Peace
  18. MindExpansion

    spawn bags-where to buy?

    forestfungi.com.au Great heat sealable bags with filter patches. Cheap too. Peace
  19. MindExpansion

    some recent experiments

    ^^I had to look up what you meant there yeti, so ill post it here in case im not the only one (from wiki): And wow VS, very busy! Peace
  20. MindExpansion

    Seed viability

    yeh man, put up a pictorial for all of us noobs
  21. MindExpansion

    Thinking of giving Antidepressants another go....

    When you tried the lexapro and other ssri's did you try dose adjustment? or try one dose regime and when it didnt work quickly you stopped treatment? Some docs forget that people are individuals, the recommended dose may not be enough for you, like you say, your response to other drugs may suggest a high general tolerance to things with neurological effect. Perhaps you should tell him that, try one of the ones youve tried before but at a higher dose. G*P its easy to say that and pooh pooh the meds, but my depression wasnt getting any better, and i couldnt get motivated to change that, until i snapped one day and realised i couldnt deal with that shit anymore, so off to the doc i went, luckily my gp is a good one, and he wouldnt script me the drugs without psychological evaluation, so off i went to the psychologist, and only after that when i went back and asked for the meds, did he give them to me, and theyve helped enourmously, also i dont think dreamz is talking about the winter blues. Peace
  22. MindExpansion

    Thinking of giving Antidepressants another go....

    Citalopram 20mg daily, an SSRI. Took about 3 weeks to start feeling the positive effects, side effects started maybe a week prior. Noticed a significant change in my happiness and outlook on life. Felt better, more energy, motivated, more social, less anxious and uncomfortable. Side effects that bothered me mostly were sweatiness, particularly the night sweats, and vivid dreams. After stopping them and seeing the rapid decline in my mood I am on them again. There is no point taking them without therapy, it defeats the purpose, medication is meant to help you get in the right mindset for the therapy to be effective, well thats how i view it anyway. Peace
  23. MindExpansion

    Seed viability

    why not try it out and report back?
  24. MindExpansion

    Dream suppressors

    Good idea fancypants I'll have to start thinking of something! Maybe a piece of sea sponge...I like the smell of the beach and unfortunately have allergies to most scents (just some allergic rhinitis). PH I think that in the here and now thing is also called mindfullness and the thought control is CBT, which I've also been working on myself and its worked wonders for my self confidence as well as mindset and I think can be applied to any thought patterns you would rather be without. Was on the SSRI's for somewhere around 2 months, not long enough to see if the side effects settle down (apparently the night sweats can get better after 2 or 3 months) but like I said I think the dose was too high so frequency will be reduced this time round. The rapid decline in my mental state after stopping them was amazing and motivation enough for me to get back on them. And yes meds and therapy are going together. Peace
  25. MindExpansion

    Dream suppressors

    Thanks for the interesting suggestions, I hadn't thought of amanita and that An Mian Pian sounds very interesting VS, I'll look into ssri interactions there. And again, I don't think these dreams have much to teach me. They might give good insight into my mental state, but i already know I'm depressed lol, hence the SSRI's, i don't need that depression worsened every morning by graphic dreams of my ex girlfriend, when it was that break up that really tripped me up anyway. Keep the advice coming Peace