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The Corroboree


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Status Updates posted by Yeti101

  1. Happy Birthday Mr President!

    1. SayN


      You were sorely missed on Saturday.  Happy birthday. Hope you're well. 

    2. El Presidente Hillbillios

      El Presidente Hillbillios

      Sorry I didn't make it I'll be at the next one. Or maybe the next one at my place. 

  2. Less lurking, more posing :P!

    1. Yeti101


      That was supposed to say 'posting' - sorry!


    2. Soundofcolour


      Only 4 posts after 3 years, look at me go!

    3. Yeti101


      Don't want to rush these things...

  3. Beer and double chocolate cookies is a legitimate dinner, right?

  4. Kind of want to do my best Godzilla impersonation in every thread. Yeti smash! Let us seize the means of production from the bloated shit-eating bourgeois new aristocracy. Cake for everyone! Or something like that.


    I really shouldn't be allowed to internet when I've been drinking.

    1. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0


  5. Clutch my testes, bloody squirrel humpers!

  6. I ate all your bees!

    1. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0

      Your bees ate all I !

  7. Everything in this status update is a lie.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. waterboy 2.0
    3. El Presidente Hillbillios

      El Presidente Hillbillios

      fk, this is making me question everything all over again. Deep


    4. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0

      enbrace the lie, it will give you status

  8. ಠ_ಠ

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yeti101



    3. El Presidente Hillbillios
    4. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0

      lol...even had me head sideways before I got it 
  9. I sense an en-trollening in the force. 


    Also, I'm still watching you. 



  10. Too early.

    1. El Presidente Hillbillios

      El Presidente Hillbillios

      its the best time of the day 

  11. ಠ_ಠ

    1. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0

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            ;                            ;;+_  :::. :..;;;  
    2. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0

      lol...bugger me it worked


    3. Yeti101


      That is so awesome. Like looking into a mirror. Except for the severed head.


  12. Hey MUB, welcome to the jungle :lol:

  13. I hope I didn't brain my damage :lol:

  14. Will try to take my own advice in future.

  15. Yep, I'm still not mature enough to be a mod.

    1. Amazonian


      Lol. You'd be a good mod I reckon :)

  16. The clues are all there, I'm sure of it.

  17. How is it that I've never really used this feature?

  18. Today, I am Dr Yeti

  19. Steady, steady...

  20. Needs more patience

  21. Life is strange

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