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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by FungalFractoids

  1. FungalFractoids

    Anyone else into knives?

    And how often does that happen in australia? You have a higher chance of dying from having a vending machine fall on your head. *edit*
  2. FungalFractoids


    I enjoy having inter-dimensional psychedelic cephalopods suckling at the synaptic centres of my brain. It makes me feel good.
  3. FungalFractoids

    Saddam Hussein has been executed

    The "Jewish question", what's next the final solution?
  4. FungalFractoids

    Anyhow, have a dose of rat poison

  5. FungalFractoids

    merry christmas

    And a happy Saturnalia to you, too!
  6. FungalFractoids

    computer help...please?

    I'd say your CPU is cooked, but that's just a guess. If you initially has powersupply problem it could have fried the rest of your hardware. What MoBo and CPU are you using?
  7. FungalFractoids

    So,wherethe bloody hell are you?

  8. FungalFractoids


    Yeah but try telling that to somebody screaming abuse at you, insisting that it is "illegal" to call them Although, most people tend to be able to tell the difference. Anyway, those political phone surveys are a load of arse. Ever wondered why the ALP is consistently ahead in the polls yet lose elections? I reckon it is because they are only representative of the voting intentions of the 1/20 people who are likely to agree to being polled and more liberal (small 'l' liberal that is) people with a greater social conscience are more likely to think they are doing the right thing by participating. Whereas the other 19/20 people who refuse to participate are more likely to vote with conservative parties.
  9. FungalFractoids

    Peru's president recommends coca

    It is really heartening to see the spread of independence from ,Washington sweeping Latin America at the moment. Especially as it has genuine indigenous strains to it, for the first time power is starting to swing away from foreign/colonial influences. Further reading: Latin America declares independence
  10. FungalFractoids

    So,wherethe bloody hell are you?

    "We've packed you a cone..." Fucking gold
  11. FungalFractoids

    So,wherethe bloody hell are you?

  12. FungalFractoids

    So,wherethe bloody hell are you?

    Is it possible to use the youtube embed script on this board?
  13. FungalFractoids

    So,wherethe bloody hell are you?

    Did you check the link? Do. It's funny shit.
  14. FungalFractoids


    Or, you can have a bit of fun with it... 'hi, my name is such-and-such, how are you today?' 'really, really bad actually' 'uh...[pause]' 'yeah, my dog just got run over' 'oh... i'm sorry to hear that. well, i'm just calling becau-...' 'i had him for years, he was my best friend' 'ah, that's too bad. well, as i was say-...' 'and my nanna just died, i'm devestated' 'er...' 'i'm just so depressed, i don't know what to do! and i haven't spoken to anybody for months *sobs loudly* click- BEEP, BEEP, BEEP Works like a charm everytime.
  15. FungalFractoids


    I just got fired from morgan-gallop last week... Man, it felt GOOD
  16. FungalFractoids

    Bolivian President on coca

    For starters, the article doesn't say that opus dei are out to assassinate chavez. There is a brief reference to their alleged involvement with a marine accused of espionage in Washington- although I agree that the idea of assassination teams are a little far fetched, especially coming from an un-named intelligence source. Second, it is undeniable that opus dei members were involved in the 2000 coup http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/...4398693,00.html http://lanr.blogspot.com/2006/05/opus-dei-...nst-chavez.html Is the organisation itself involved or rather is it simply that individual members tend to share the same ideology as those opposed to Chavez (or Allende, or Arbenz, or Bonilla etc. etc. etc.), we will probably never know as they are far too secretive. But the fact remains that right-wing catholicism has a long and shadowy history in Latin America and I would not at all be suprised to find out opus dei played, or intends to play, a significant role in the attempted overthrow of Chavez.
  17. FungalFractoids


    Ok, you win At least you are polite to them, I probably would never have been until i did a stint of market research.
  18. FungalFractoids


    It means your phone number is listed in the public domain, ie. the phone book, if you don't like being contacted have it removed. Simple.
  19. FungalFractoids

    Bolivian President on coca

    Shit like this: Warmongering arseholes
  20. FungalFractoids

    Bolivian President on coca

    Shit like this: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?...light=venezuela Warmongering arseholes
  21. FungalFractoids


    If you don't like it, unplug your phone. Or have your number removed from the public domain.
  22. FungalFractoids

    SBS tonight!!!! Hot Docs

    Oh my god that guy was funny, what a legend!
  23. FungalFractoids


    "...It only takes two or three seconds." I can't believe that kid kept trying after that first torrent of abuse! I would have hung up way before then.