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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by DualWieldRake

  1. You must have misread, i'm not a flat earth hipster lol I'm a gravity denier
  2. Dreamed i killed this guy and was all night busy trying to dispose the body. Was kind of a relief waking up realizing it was just a dream. Won the lottery, took some time next morning to sink in...thoughts like ok the paper stacks was a dream, but still have the gold rim mazi right...ah fuck i'm going back to sleep. Still some of the best dreams i was partying, one time i woke up to piss whistling all the way back to bed this awesome song i had never heard before but in that dream
  3. Cool picture! Any particular reason for the UV?
  4. I've read about similar behaviour in plants, even the sound of them beeing parasitized (bug gnawing sounds) would make them produce more alkaloids.
  5. Reading up on it apparently it's the same thing (or family) that has some of my pots covered in tiny spider egg like balls
  6. Haha nice! You are an expert SayN! This species is listed on a dutch website as 'super rare' $_$
  7. I doubt there is much more going on in hollywood than elsewhere, tbh. The source who brought you that information is the media. Pretty much anything in the media is bullshit.
  8. From the album: Pictures of amazing plants

    The downward strands are from a bungee jumping spider, i kid you not..
  9. Found this free shroom growing with my plants, but what is it?
  10. DualWieldRake


    That's pretty awesome! It really looks like a teat, makes me crave... By the way, also congrats with your 666'th post, Mr. D
  11. The best way to prove the earth isn't flat is a fist to the face
  12. Sounds like the typical symptoms of LSCV (long spine cactus virus) First thing you wanna do is put on protective clothes (don't forget goggles) and then put the whole thing in a cardboard box roots and all. I will PM you the adress of a biohazard disposal service (they work completely free of charge) On a serious sidenote thats a good question. Is your cliff coming from a environment brighter than it is now? I'm asking cause since spines are modified leaves, it makes me wonder if the same techniques used in bonsai to keep leaves small would apply to cacti
  13. I'm all for dumping things in a bucket of water and not having to babysit shit, +1
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