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The Corroboree

Piers Gibbon

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Everything posted by Piers Gibbon

  1. Piers Gibbon

    Erythroxylum novogranatense

    all true...however here's the deal with mama coca - the leaves of erythrox themselves are illegal in the uk..that presumably makes possession of a healthy erythrox plant illegal, and deliberately giving it water and sunlight would really run the risk of producing more of those pesky leaves
  2. Piers Gibbon


    for me truly the most miserable paragraph on the site was this....- if you take a drug this is what will happen kids... "Parents lose their son or daughter, friends lose a mentor, communities lose a productive neighbor, and the world loses a heart to care, a voice to speak truth, and hands to help. " a voice to speak truth..
  3. Piers Gibbon

    Erythroxylum novogranatense

    afaik it is very definitely ILLEGAL to grow any erythrox in the UK
  4. Piers Gibbon

    caapi leaves .

    i don't recall reading or hearing about indigenous use of the leaves...and i guess they could've got them if they really wanted them so just possibly we should be cautious about using the leaves. we don't want to make the same mistake big-pharma made with kava - "hey the natives use the kava root and throw away the leaves..so lets make those cheap heaps of leaves into expensive kava tablets!" which is what led to liver damage as far as i remember [ 30. January 2004, 09:49: Message edited by: Piers Gibbon ]
  5. Piers Gibbon


    yay indeedy good luck mr dragon
  6. Piers Gibbon

    Cactus nick name registration list

    Great idea Torsten I have one strain of Trichocereus pachanoi - San Pedro "PEDRITO"
  7. Piers Gibbon


    yup...have done some research and it seems mac are ahead of the game in videoconferencing...ichat and isight under mac osx will talk to each other with wondrous results... but mac pc crossplatform is not compatible...apparently mac may be porting ichat etc over to the windows world so i guess its a long shot...if someone has a mac laptop at the conf then we could sort it easy ahhh have a lovely time y'all
  8. Am sure EB3 is going to be wonderful (i did a talk and showed jungle trip film at eb2) It would be so good to see and talk weird with the excellent EB people again so i want to test whether we could do something via the web - does anyone have a mac? - if so we could connect via iChat AV and the iSight webcam or a dv camera... just a thought... have fun P
  9. Piers Gibbon


    well thats good news sadly mac and pc webchat are not on speaking terms yet but do you or anyone on a pc laptop have webchat there anyway?....i could go and visit a pcperson its a longshot, but it would be great to use this tech, at the moment only multinational corps and the militaria seem to be using it...saw a tv prog where the uk top brass were conferencing about iraq we'll see...
  10. Piers Gibbon

    Successful wormwood extract

    now that is very interesting, thankyou for reporting it i have a bottle of that undrinkable extract in the cupboard. i occasionally use it to spice up a pernod - one teaspoon per glass theres lots of wormwood here in the summer. i'll put a note in my 2004 diary to get floaty in june. btw the roots are said to be rich too, but who knows what they contain who knows anything and your liver is ok, goood.
  11. cheeky sod...anyway you know your country is too big...just couldnt say no to the supersize Go Large option could you
  12. aw i reeeeally wish i was gonna be there! hmmm just looked and found nutmeg essential oil in a catalogue here in the uk very interested to hear again about the oil in muscle running thing..i live on 1800 acres of organic loveliness mmmmm diluted with a carrier oil or slap it on neat? the catalogue says not for use on skin...
  13. Piers Gibbon

    Bug-like things on sad pedros?

    well i'm wondering whether san pedros increase alkaloid production in response to insect nibbling? anyone have any data or ideas on this?
  14. Piers Gibbon

    Acacia obtusifolia

    thanks for all the input...i think the consensus is to lay off the over solicitous watering thanks
  15. Piers Gibbon

    leopard on yage!

    and btw the lemurs are cute... i've seen this prog before they are plucky little millipede nibblers...
  16. Piers Gibbon

    leopard on yage!

    snopes says coca cola did NOT do the santa makeover
  17. Piers Gibbon

    Acacia obtusifolia

    Thanks for all suggestions...my instinct is that either i've overwatered...or they really need some special friendly rhizobium...i'll look around for a suitable donor... but if i can't find one...is there anywhere that sells rhizobium?
  18. Piers Gibbon

    frawg venom

    er...that personal url might have been me theres a quicktime movie on my site that shows the bicolor experience in all its glory scary stuff...dont forget to dry it first...and um be as nice to the frog as possible, or he'll getcha
  19. Piers Gibbon


    as one of the six thousand people patiently waiting for a reply to an email...(no worries mate) can i suggest that you do check out touch typing...but why not do what i've done and get the cykey one handed keyboard...you learn the alphabet in half an hour and get quicker every time you use it... it's wild...and no i don't own the company works with pc's, macs and palm.... and all the time you have one hand free for nosepicking! there's a link on the links page of my website
  20. Piers Gibbon

    Moths in your ears!!

    ach it's so easy to do...i don't kNow how to explain it though its easiest to reproduce by holding your nose and breathing in through your mouth...and sort of deliberately 'closing' your ears internally...try wriggling your ears...try imagining going underwater... i think the reason i find it easy (apart of course from being part of gods special plan) is that i work extensively with my mouth...oooer...doing voiceovers and teaching public speaking and overtone singing etc oh lord, this is too weird i'm looking forward to trying this whilst journeying
  21. Piers Gibbon

    Moths in your ears!!

    oooh i can do that! does that mean i am even more special than i thought? cool
  22. Piers Gibbon

    Ayahuasca film and talk March 13th

    ...sadly on the other side of the planet to most of you...but just wanted to let you know about this anyway....please forward to anyone in the right hemisphere "Make Ayahuasca Not War!" Lecture and Film at the London School of Economics - FREE! Piers Gibbon will be showing the Channel 4 Ayahuasca film "Jungle Trip" and giving a talk on ayahuasca and the entheogens - "Make Ayahuasca Not War!" 8pm Thursday March 13th 2003, LSE, Clement House, Aldwych, London (next to the Post Office) Piers Gibbon has previously given talks at Ethnobotanica 2002 in Australia, Psychoactivity in Holland and the Human Be-In and Big Green Gathering in the UK. For details,map,disabled access and poster check website www.piersgibbon.com <http://www.piersgibbon.com/>
  23. Piers Gibbon

    Ayahuasca film and talk March 13th

    er that last post was by me actually ooops
  24. Piers Gibbon

    Ayahuasca film and talk March 13th

    thanks! best to y'all too audio - yup have now got my system back up and running so no doubt will put at least some of the audio on my egoweb...plus a photo or two