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The Corroboree

Bread Filter

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Everything posted by Bread Filter

  1. Bread Filter

    Bong Spirit Vodka

    I just had a look at these on youtube and they look pretty good. The 750ml looks a bit small but the 1 litre with a glass on glass connection looks like the goods.
  2. Bread Filter

    Bong Spirit Vodka

    Importing alcohol is always a hassle, I collect Wild Turkey and it is always much easier to get it in Australia. I am keen to go in on a group order if anyone else wants to?
  3. Bread Filter

    Bong Spirit Vodka

    That's wicked. I'd love a couple of bottles as well.
  4. Bread Filter

    Help moderating my pot intake

    Try and find some full melt bubble hash.
  5. Bread Filter


    I used to smoke up before I'd get on the ice playing at national level. Different substances affect different people in different ways.
  6. Bread Filter

    anadenanthera colubrina seeds give away

    I got ours today dworx. Cheers Planthelper
  7. Bread Filter


    Very illegal in powder form. Some people somehow order it and it seems to arrive. I am not in that circle so I don't know too much more about it. With the amount of scrutiny of powder in the incoming international mail going on due to the 4-MMC debacle you'd have to be pretty silly to import anything dodgy these days.
  8. Bread Filter

    free tobacco snuff sample

  9. Bread Filter


    Just make sure you buy it in powdered form. The Synthetic smoking mixes are massively overpriced.
  10. Bread Filter


    That is what people are currently doing.
  11. Bread Filter

    Medical Marijuana?

    In Canberra we can grow one plant, outdoors only, and it will attract a $100 fine. That is the best I know of for personal use. Of course once you harvest and dry that plant and it is over 25 grams then you are in trouble. The Mullaway man in Nimbin gives out Cannabis tinctures to people that have a legitimate medical need. The Police are turing a blind eye to him so far. Apart from that we are appallingly behind the U.S. in regards to medical Cannabis.
  12. Bread Filter

    Using The PM System On A Phone

    I just worked out how to access the PM system and full Corroboree site on iphone by downloading Opera mini for free from the app store. Its a new browser that seems to work so far. Hope this helps someone else
  13. Bread Filter


    Definitely. We don't know much about of the new stuff.
  14. Bread Filter


    That's interesting ThunderIdeal. That is exactly the same as my theory on the matter. You'd like the Synthetics then. I hate to advertise them but they are worth trying once if just to experience the "mechanical/industrial" nature of the high. That is how I'd describe the Synthetic mixes.
  15. Bread Filter

    peres up for grabs

    I don't mind sending you $20 to cover some the postage on some people's packages if you want? Definitely the best idea is NOT to send in a letter but in a box. I have worked a mailing machine before and the number of letters that get torn on their way through is eye opening.
  16. Bread Filter


    Extremely cheap when bought in powder form. If you want to try actual synthetic Cannabinoids there are several Aussie sites selling synthetic smoking mixes at the moment. They are worth a go just for the experience if you have never experienced a synthetic before. They are quasi legal here and the site operators are crooks so be careful dealing with them. I found the puff product by HHH was very disappointing. It doesn't contain synthetics according to HHH, just the herbs mentioned on the tin.
  17. Definitely. Neil is a legend!
  18. Bread Filter


    I see where you posted about the black ones but can't find any other reference.
  19. Bread Filter


    Paruresis is a very real condition but still not one that will help you in a testing situation. For sport drug tests that make you drop your pants all the way to the floor as they are well aware of Whizzinator products that have been around for 15 years now. The test attendant will stand there and watch you for as long as it takes. One of my team mates was "watched" for 2 hours. The ironic thing is that my Paruresis was caused by 20 guys all repeatedly piling off the bus and lining up to have a piss on the way home from away games. I have to piss alone now. No one has mentioned yet that the Whizzinator used to come in pink, Caucasian, Latino, Brown and Black.
  20. Bread Filter

    free tobacco snuff sample

    I'll grab the sixth spot please if VS is out
  21. Bread Filter

    Bread filters Birthday

    Just noticed this now. All of my mates are from Kambah and have 2902 tattooed on their leg. Seriously. I am the odd one out as I grew up in Charny. I have seen many photos on the net of "Belco Pride" Tatts. Most of them are people I grew up with who are seriously not worth knowing.
  22. Bread Filter

    Bread filters Birthday

    Cheers guys. My GF is cool enough to bring me home Mexican for dinner
  23. Bread Filter

    anadenanthera colubrina seeds give away

    No worries. PM sent.
  24. Bread Filter

    anadenanthera colubrina seeds give away

    Someone can have 4 of the 8 seeds I scored if they want? I can make do with 4. Big thanks to planthelper for the giveaway.
  25. Bread Filter

    anadenanthera colubrina seeds give away

    #5 Yes please!