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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by BillyThKid

  1. Hello everyone. I could not find a very recent Thread on the Hawaiian baby woodrose so i figured i would start this one and see who all here is still growing them. I got my own Woodrose last year in July. It was a gift from a Shaman friend of mine who has been teaching me for almost 2 years now. It is actually a clone from his plant which was grown from seed. Clones from woodrose vines are tricky to take but work well. My vine had been on the plant for 3 years and off the plant for 2 now, It has grown a lot and i will show you the picture of it as of a couple weeks ago and then it when i first got it and such. Im working on taking clones from her now and have two spots scaffold rooting right now which is where you wrap a pot around a vine where you pulled a leaf node at and rooting it from there with rooting hormone and soil. nice wild growth July 8th of 2013 July 13th after i got it something to grow on. And now for some reason all the other pictures i want to upload of it are too large even though they were all taken with the same camera so i will try and upload them later.
  2. Granted i am new here but i mentioned nothing about potency. what i said was limestone is used for proper alkaloid production, that is not necessarily referring to mescaline, in fact i was referring to a good dozen or so other alkaloids in the cactus. had i meant it to be about potency i would have said such. Seriously not trying to be a smart ass here, i just dont see where i went wrong? Also, i really dont understand what you are going on about genetics for. All i said was that cross breeds are out there by the butt load and you never know if what you are getting is a man made hybrid or not, most of the time it is. am i missing something here? what were you replying to here? Also Sacred succulent i have to order this 2 dollar catalog from him with all his plants in it because on his web site he has NO pictures of what he is selling, only descriptions. Also i have no idea if they sell 2+ foot long cuttings/seed grown plant or how good their plants are without pictures. The ebay here hardly has anything on it other than your typical PC Pachanot san pedro, there are foot long cuttings of peruvian torch sold on ebay here but at god awful prices. And i harly ever see anything over a foot tall and its never rooted. Sorry, then please list some places because i have been looking for almost 2 years now. instead of belittling me why not offer advise/help?
  3. I will add that: first i hope you knew which end was up and down on those cuttings as trichocereus cacti and most other genus wont root upside down but will rot. I would not go any lower than 6 inch cuttings but PERSONALLY i like to use 10 inches or more because the pups/roots grow faster. Some of those cuttings look closer to a foot long. My suggestion is to do the Log tech with it where you take the cactus and lay it on its side pushed slightly into the soil so it roots from all the areoles on its side. This method produces more roots, and more pups than normal vertical rooting in my experience. Nice collection. I know who to come to for some nice peruvian torches in a year or two
  4. Here is my personal mix then and general grow advise for lophs from seed and such. Soil mixture needs to be around 30-40% dirt/compost/manure i personally use top soil with the wood chips removed as these can cause rot, 30-40% course/rough sand like what you use in construction. It should not be smooth grain beach sand because this compacts to much and becomes like cement, 20-30% Lime stone because lime stone is important to Lophs and most cacti in general for proper Alkaloid production(not just mescaline) or so i have been told, and if you like you can throw 10% perlite or whatever else you like in there. I just say limestone is a must, yea egg shells and other things do OK but lime stone is best IME. to plant seeds of lophs or any other cactus species i would gather several plastic meat trays or plastic containers from waste that have lids to use as humidity chambers. The lids can be colored but have to be see though. I use a metal sowing needle and a lighter and heat it up and poke tons of holes in the lid (like 100) for air. Fill the trays 3/4 of the way with your soil mix and place your seeds in the trays and cover LIGHTLY with the course sand. The lids for the meat trays also help them from burning in the sun or turning that awful olive green color. Personally i grow them indoors in a window which is enough for them to grow fine. Personally though, i also use two T12 4 foot long 6500k blue spectrum fluorescent bulbs producing 5800 lumens for added light. This is also what i use in winter to keep my cacti from going dormant or stretching from lack of light. If you buy or get living Loph plants then hell, Use the same soil mix as listed above. water once a month to be extra safe or water when soil is fully dry(only in grow season), during winter depending on your set up dictates how much you water them/how much they grow. Im not sure what other kinds of information you are looking for, you grow it almost the exact same was as cacti in the aztekium genus, ariocarpus genus, and several others. Most of what you do with the plant will be your own style of growing developed by yourself. Everyone has there own soil mix and grow method. this is just mine, I get a 60-80% germination rate with my seeds so it seems to work well.
  5. This was my first graft attempt ever and it worked! I grafted a Cereus Forbesii monstrose to a pilosocereus azureus root stock for this graft and used the plastic wrap tech to hold the scion down. this graft was made last july, sadly towards the end of this winter my Graft developed orange rot. i thought i would love the whole plant but thankfully the orange spots callused over and its growing fine now. it a week ago. random one last year random last year When it first started it was almost fully flat. i will find more pictures later.
  6. I have seen fully callous root stocks work for YEARS before dying. The areas that are callous can still photosynthesize somewhat but not well. so long as the scion does not kill the root stock it should last for a long time to come.
  7. TBH i like this seller. Not going to lie about it because i got some amazing plants from him. I fully agree that the cactus in question is at least cuzo hybrid if not a full breed. but most of his trichs are not cuzo. I personally agree with the not growing from seed thing to a point: if you are looking for good genetics of something you want live cutting is the best way to go. With seed you wont know for YEARS if it is what it is suppose to be or not. With live cuttings it can still be a hybrid but it is easier to tell. with seeds its just a cluster f**k of genetics. that is not to say i wont grow from seed as i do and will continue to do. I just select whos seed i grow with care. i prefer Koehres seed stock from germany. I will also agree that the person running the ebay (who also runs trichocereus.com) is somewhat of a jerk and a dumbass. His soil mixture is 50% perlite and 50% sphagnum peat moss based potting soil. horrible for cacti and trichocereus. I got into it with him about the importance of lime stone and soil mixture and he told me none of it worked. i told him lime ston, course sand, black top soil with no woodchips, and minor amounts of coconut coir worked very well with cacti. he claims that lime stone kills cacti, which it can with some species but not trichocereus. regardless i will still buy from him as there are literally NO there peruvian torch dealers out there that i can find. The Peruvian Torch i got from him at the start of this year. it had a longer section also attached to it which is in this pot. it is just over 2 feet tall. Edited by mod for discussion of alkaloids. WT
  8. Dont order anything from Thailand or any Asian country ESPECIALLY if you found it online or on ebay. I dont know about you guys down under but in america we have customs agents, and anything live plant or seed based from Thailand is taken and never seen again. Not to mention i have seen a couple busts go down from people ordering Lophs online like that. The best way to go about getting seed or live plant is to get it from someone you know and trust. maybe not trust but at least think they wont be working for the man. You will already know some or meet some soon that can get you seed. it happens when the time is right. if you try and force getting the genetics is when stuff gets messed up. lay low, dont take chances, dont ask everyone that has a loph for seeds, eventually you will find someone.
  9. Hello one and all! i could not find an introduction area so i will jump right into things. I am from the USA and have been avidly collecting cacti for almost 2 years now though i have been growing plants and cacti my whole life i only recently got into the psychedelic ones. last year i joined a different psychedelic plant forum(not sure if i can name names?) myctopia and i really enjoy it there and i here that it is just as good here. My favorite species of plant is Ariocarpus and now to the cactus porn. This is a Peruvian torch(trichocereus peruvanus) which was grown from seed back in 2007 from wild harvested seed from peru. It is one of the more "true" peruvian torches i have seen. It does not show signs of being a hybrid other than what may have happened in the wild. This second picture is of my Aztekium Ritteri scion grafted to a myrtillocactus geometrizans root stock. it was originally a 14 headed cactus but 4 heads went to a friend who grafted them. 2 of the 4 took. one was on a Ming thing(cereus forbesii monstrose) and the other was on a pilosocereus azures. Third picture is of my second aztekium ritteri graft which has over 36 heads, most are small and just starting to form. im working on grafted the larger pups so that i can graft the main head to a new root stock. The old one is brown and almost used up, when i cut it there was still green flesh under the skin so im leaving the aztekium on it till the rootstock dies. i hope to graft the stump of the aztekium ritteri that is left over once i remove the main head. I will take the small aztekium stump still attached to the root stock and graft it upside down to a new root stock to try and pup farm it. second picture is of both aztekium echinocereus rigidissimus ssp. rubispinus or the rainbow hedgehog cactus. this is just a little picture of it. water added for effect Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus triplet grafted to a stenocereus root stock. this one recently put off new growth not shown in the picture but it is doing quite well. after 2 months of rooting i checked on it to find more roots than i could hope for, glad the stenocereus is working good. Ariocarpus Retusus sub species confusus grafted to pereskiopsis (supposedly) spatulata. the pictures are a minor show of its stages from being grafted. I have had so many people try and tell me the color is sun damage/stress. its not, its from being grafted. the last picture shows the recent growth. its about 2 months old grafted and 9 months old as a seedling. My two lovely Trichocereus Bridgesii Monstrose cacti aka penis plant or penis cactus. I have both clone A and B in this picture with one of them pupping picture is about a month old This is supposedly a san pedro i grew from seed. grafted it a couple months ago and its looking really nice. but its 5-7 spines per areole. even seedling pachanoi dont have that many spines. so im guessing it is a random hybrid like most trichocereus are. I have way way more to show just waiting for someone to comment.
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