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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by wert

  1. wert

    Story group. For fun.

    a terrible but dirty murkin
  2. wert

    Story group. For fun.

    slimy grotesque wits and glamour
  3. sex bots! im in too! if peeps think the education systems and protocols are responcable for human error in judgement that leads to some for of wrong in the world then, perhaps they should rethink again and again until they find something less projective opon the objection they have. education around the world isnt spozed" to be reflected in a mirrored sence... if you do this you are fucking tarded n" i dont care what degree you have aquired. nobody teaches you shit! you interpret mediums and individuly interpret such to create an understandinv of such... no mater how acurate... no matter how far fetched. if you dont have common sense its all to easy to hate upon the world and its components of witch you are a part... if you do have it... u know wat i is gettn" at. i think peeps that generalize stuff r fully sick mate. like woop woop n" nat! stick your finger in your ear n give it a twist. i taught myself n" frankly all i can see whats happening in this "human" world is pretty much spot on. really dont see how things could be so differant really. all the hippys with the good ideas are all to biz doing cool stuff to wipe out the heirachy ect so lets just admit anyhoot... were alive ane being so offers more than can really be taken atm so dance like nobody is watching and be good to your neighbour.
  4. wert

    Drug tests if you're on the dole

    the old 3 cup & 3 balls trick. puts 100 billion under cup no 1, revolves the cups around simply while you watch closely... then asks " witch cup is the 100 billion under". you point to the original cup confidently. " nope not under this cup, pick another... nope not under there either". finally the 3rd cup is lifted to reveal no 100 billion either. you could scratch your head if you want but most know the 100 bil is in the pricks pocket!
  5. wert

    Drug tests if you're on the dole

    . i can honestly see this government implementing this anti doping scheme for sure. they will justify it by saying it creates more jobs. ie for the testers and the required personel in dealing with those testing pos. gov is just tarded. not just abbott. the fucking lot of em, either side of the fence. just a waiting game for the riots n revolution as prev mentioned i thinks. finished now. btw Godiam... those be 2nd hand fighter jets i think.
  6. wert

    Areol grafts pups emerging from the stock

    yarp, its just good ol' tbm doin' its thing. sorry bout' dat'. wonder what it tastes like?
  7. yeah nah im not as serious as some about music.... i do like to "go up pup pup pup pup pup pup pup up and then down d d d down d d down down."
  8. wert

    Areol grafts pups emerging from the stock

    i know it sux to be a party pooper but tbm notoriosly pup from well behind the aerole. some peel decent amounts of flesh from limbs before turning into a new limb. i suspect all cacti have this growth pattern but seem to emerge outside the aerole instead of behind it. i note that my well hydrated tbms do this much more than those slightly underwatered. sorry.
  9. from memory "hydrated" lime is to be avoided. the other stuff is great for mexicans. ive also heard aztekiums grow naturaly with a particular fungi. this would explain the hard time growers have with it. good luck finding out what fungi and replicating it though. but none the less aztekium can begrown without it successfully. you just have to be a mad c#@t.
  10. thats what im getting at dan. all the knollege of the anatomy of the brain and the examples of its activitys dont even slightly indicate the exact location or residence of the conciousness. probably my fault but when i think conciousness i think mind. "i think brain and all its bits n bobs is physical. thinking sentient thoughts ie conciousness is mind." if that makes my first post make more sence. even though none of my posts make sence because i have none.
  11. the plane itself ran into a large lwvitating bannana. at the point of impact it evenly distributed the smallest possible components of itself throughout the atmosphere around the globe. witch is cool cause the entire universe is like one pretty massive peice of fruit. witch kindof stipulates fruit inside of fruit thats already inside of other fruit. witch i like.
  12. why do they keep thinking all this stuffs going on IN the mind? till someone performs an autopsy and shows me a mind... i wont be crediting any measurments of it!
  13. wert

    the future

    i should also add that in the not so distant future wales and various other marine life will have nutralized the ocean of all its plastics. as a bonus the excrements will aid coral sentience and coral will have the ability to forsee fuckheads driving eloborate man made machines and retreat appropriatly before consuming such man made machine in a display of "dont fuck with me". it will be colourfull and beutifull. my spelling is quite something. suggests salvation for life in the universe really.
  14. wert

    Aya healing

    y'know that if it wer'nt for the technological advance our industrialization have expressed our knolledge let alone understanding of this psychotropics potential and its origen probably would lay... well where its bennifits are far more likely to heal a rarety far from mainstream documentation. still think aya is the go but.
  15. furry elastic kindoff stuff really.

  16. wert

    Digital Artwork

    that 2nd 1 ajna is pretty gnarly. looked at it for a bit till it looked back! lol.
  17. wert

    Small Plastic Cylinder Uses

    fill some up with Vegimite so you have an empty Vegimite jar. theres a squilion things you can do with an empty Vegimite jar.
  18. wert


    oh. how rude of me. thank you for your assistance. wert.
  19. wert

    the future

    i think we should also expect to see Atlas take a tea break in the next 500 years or so. might be interesting to see what happens to the planet when he takes us of his shoulder.
  20. wert

    the future

    oh yeah and cuz of the way with that global warming n that. we'll be walking round with retro styled gettoblasters with built in AC. the AC is the predominant function though, cause its just to hot to hear music obiously.
  21. wert

    the future

    in 100 hundred years... well maybe less we wont have to mow our lawns cause the grass like stopped growing n that. our cactuseses will be luvin it but!
  22. wert

    Aya healing

    i totally agree. im sorry if i appeared to come off a tad neg on the aya. im not against it at all. im just reiterating that our medical proticols are pretty darn good but i guess that isnt the topic on hand so ill admit being a bit of a tool. re aya healing though. i think if the right thoughts are on hand... the right emotions follow... the chemicals do there thingys and miraculas feats are accomplished. dont need aya to do this... but it sure helps. i really hope i didnt come off as unsimpathetic. i appoligize. im a tool most times.
  23. wert

    Aya healing

    hmmmmm. nope. for anything physical other than a sore thumb ide rather be in an australian hospital. for psychological care i would prefer being in the jungle that is for sure. i think medical advice is best left to professional and unsure peeps are best directed to them. no?