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The Corroboree


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About The_Crack_Fox

  • Birthday 04/23/1994

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  • Interests
    Medicine, Creativity, Death and Rebirth.

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  1. SORRY FOR DELAYS weather has been reflecting my headspace the last few days and i havnt been able to send off my trades/sales please PM me if you require reimbursement, otherwise this monday morning everything will be shipped as planned<3
  2. Forgot to mention, will pay top dollar for any true blue peruvianus or yowie specimens;) <3<3<3
  3. Also got a handful of unknown tricho seedlings, but nice and healthy, and if my Psychotria Alba cuttings go well they shall also be up for trade:) just swing me a PM if you're interested
  4. Hey guys:) Haven't been on the forums consistantly for a while due to a bit of an emotional breakdown, health problems and valium addiction (yuck!) But I am back and my Cathas are growing nicely:D Looking to share the love and if possible, obtain some Turbina Corymbosa, Ipomoea Vialocea and/or HBWR. I have many Khat cuttings, all with developed root systems, ready to grow:D Hit me up even if you have nothing to trade and I'll more than likely have some spare:) ...but if anyone can help me with a nicee amount of fresh LSA seeds, there may just be a thick and juicy Bridgesii Melted Wax cutting in it for them.... Hehe much love<3
  5. Hey man i'd be very keen for a button and a cutting if there's any left pm me<3
  6. *jizz* ZOMFG:D I will write up a Christmas list and pm you kind sir<3
  7. Hey man, havn't been on the forums in ages. any degrafted lophs left?
  8. Hmmm.. Have you guys had a cold recently? Accidental cough medicine overdose??? These things happen!
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