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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by theobromos

  1. theobromos


    The catuaba I am familiar with is a mild stimulant and warming aphrodisiac, nothing spectacular. I would imagine it shares the antifungal and immune-stimulating properties of its co-familiars. Juniperus brasiliensis cannot be a botanical pseudonym for Erythroxylum catuaba or vice versa. No botanist could be that stupid. Some may be dim but to confuse a conifer with a flowering plant would bring shame even to the mjshroomers of botany. Then again quite a few herb suppliers seem to rely on the common name. Common names can kill.
  2. theobromos

    Mitragynine pseudoindoxyl

    This appears to suggest that badly prepared kratom extracts might be interesting. "and of mitragynine pseudoindoxyl, whose analgesic activity is more potent than that of morphine" Yakugaku Zasshi. 2000 Oct;120(10):959-67.[Chemical studies on the analgesic indole alkaloids from the traditional medicine (Mitragyna speciosa) used for opium substitute] [Article in Japanese] Takayama H, Aimi N, Sakai S.
  3. theobromos

    DNA hyper-communication - a native internet

    I think the answer to their question is "No". But that is just my opinion based on a general knowledge of science. The subconscious communication between cerebrogenic entities in different humans interests me much more.
  4. theobromos

    decline of LSD in AUstralia

    According to my reading a dose of 1mg of strychnine will be enough to provide the sensory amplification for which it used to be taken regularly. Certainly it would change the trip very much and make everything much more immediate and personal/sexy. It may be poisonous but it is a good drug for some people. I think you could easily get more than a few milligrammes of strychnine in a blotter. Probably all this is just poison=strychnine for may people.
  5. theobromos


    Cardamoms and stress. I don't get them as I avoid cardamoms and stress as much as possible. Any of the herbs containing berberine, such as barberry and oregon grape, will stop my migraine immediately after taking a tea of vitamin C and a half gramme of the bark. In emergencies the flowers of Mahonia and Berberis ornamentals have worked.
  6. theobromos


    Mmmmmm, where to start... I used to make sugar-free wholefood vegan chocolate. Cocoa powder is not the best base for making your own chocolate but will serve. However you will have to go to some trouble to find food-quality (some is just sold for massage oils and the like) coca butter so you might as well find some 100 per cent or 99 per cent chocolate to use as the base. Ackermans and Lindt (ever feel all lint and sprungly?) both do a 99% so I suppose there must be others available as well. Some good chocolate suppliers will have 100% chocolate mass to buy by weight. Guanuja is a common variety. Remember ther are many varieties of chocolate, try out some of the ridiculously expensive single estate or single variety bars. For sweetener I used the type of dried apple that comes in little cubes that are very dry and crunchy. You have one chance and one chance only to powder these before they clag. Use an electric coffee grinder and mix half and half with cashewnuts (not toasted) or skinned almonds. Have your chocolate mass (or mixture 50:50 cocoa:cocoa butter) melted ready. Never heat the chocolate above blood heat, very gently melt over a hot bowl of water. Grind your apple cubes and nuts. Immediately add to the melted chocolate, remove from the heat and stir gently until well-mixed. You can stir it for ages but after a while if you leave it it will set. Pour into moulds when you are sure it is very cool. Variations on this basic recipe include: white chocolate, just cocoa butter, nuts and apple powder, ratios adjusted according to the qualities of your ingredients (I don't tend to use recipes as such). Certain herbs can be used to tint the white chocolate green. As a food additive it is permitted in the EC as the colour is chlorophyll. However, my green chocolate mice might have been slightly illegal under some other law. the use of other dried fruit, though the only ones I have found that were dry enough to powder in a coffee grinder were dried strawberrries and dried black mulberries. The white mulberries are not as good. Other dried fruit (such as apricots, raisins, dates, peaches) can just be added shredded or whole. Other nuts Essential oils as flavourings, be careful not to use too much. Lime, orange, lemon, grapefruit, mint and, my favourite, rose essential oils can all be used to flavour chocolate simply by adding them while interminably stirring the cooling mixture. One or two drops for every hundred grammes of mixture is usually enough. At this dose the rose can have very intense psychoactivity (it gets you rosed) and rose chocolate should be avoided if driving or handling heavy machinery. Spices are best added as the powdered spice rather than essential oil. Chili makes an interesting chocolate but nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice, anise and vanilla are more traditional. Vanilla actually reduces the appetite/addiction for chocolate so should be avoided if you want to binge for real. Read the ingredients well. Other sweets can be added or coated such as grapejuice halva, date and lemon paste, chilled malt syrups, nougats based on concentrated fruit juices and nut butters, puffed rice, corn flakes. Some people add milk to chocolate I believe. Perhaps there are people still so uncultured in the Outback, but surely not?
  7. theobromos

    voacanga africana

    It is possible to make an extract of Trachelospermum asiaticum, bought as the TCM herb, with definite ibogaine-like effects. Perhaps just from the voacangine. It is always a good idea to boil the trachelospermum with a bit of hydrochloric acid for a while to split the bisindole voacamine to the active voacangine.
  8. theobromos

    need info on these crazy plants

    Homalomena lauterbachii I don't know of a source, but Qian Nian Jian, the rhizomes of Homalomena occulta, are used in traditional chinese medicine as a pain-killer and sinew-strengthener. The Pancratium has effects like those of the tropane alkaloids of henbane, belladonna and datura. Not recommended as they are unpredictably toxic. There may be some members of the Amaryllidaceae that contain only the more mesembrine-like or galanthamine-like alkaloids but they appear to be rare.
  9. theobromos

    Mitragynine pseudoindoxyl

    We are talking of air oxidation here not the use of oxidising chemicals. [ 05. April 2004, 21:55: Message edited by: theobromos ]
  10. theobromos


    Catuaba is a common name for aphrodisiac plants in South America. It means "Strong Man". I would love to get hold of some of these so-called Erythroxylon catuabas, because the article of herbal commerce is generally the bignoniaceous Anemopaegma mirandum. All the catuaba I have seen looks remarkably like the other bignoniaceous barks.
  11. theobromos


    electro, isn't it more important that doctors have an accurate database of previous cases to use when they look at a new case? Better that they understand what they see, no? Better people live who might die rather than that sick psychonauts follow a secrecy policy over all strange drugs. Always tell your doctor what you have taken if you are seriously ill, they might save your life.
  12. theobromos

    Mitragynine pseudoindoxyl

    If you use half of a gramme of ascorbic acid to make the tea you should only need a little over half of a gramme of baking soda to make it alkaline. Less sodium than a packet of crisps.
  13. theobromos

    The White Lotus Ode

    Wasn't there a White Lotus Rebellion in China?
  14. theobromos

    THC Acetate

    Red eyes are probably due to CBD.
  15. theobromos

    ID of Phleb derived contaminants?

    Prepare a nitrogen-source free plate and see if it fixes anything, or survives?
  16. theobromos


    But K. g. is used in Indonesian cookery.
  17. theobromos

    no effect from nymphea or nelumbo?

    Alcohol seems to me a better mixture with lotus (by which I mean both nymphaea and nelumbo). The only failures I know of to appreciate the extracts of these plants is when they are taken without alcohol. Alcohol changes the effect from narcotic to euphoric. MSS, I found Ariocarpus quite fun, but haven't got round to trying it again.
  18. theobromos

    Mitragynine pseudoindoxyl

    After a couple of days you might get some fermentation by moulds. This could be dangerous to your health if you get the wrong mould. Bubbling air through a tea made with acid but then converted to slightly alkali, for a couple of hours might do. With an aquarium air pump, for example.
  19. Oh dear, what a surprise. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3527779.stm For more depth, the original press releases: http://www.incb.org/e/press/2004/index.htm Some might be particularly interested in the concept of "controlled delivery": “Controlled delivery” means the technique of allowing illicit or suspect consignments of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or precursors, to pass out of, through or into the territory of one or more countries, with the knowledge and under the supervision of their authorities, with a view to identifying people involved in committing offences. The smiley at the top is because I am having a nice day, hope you all are too.
  20. theobromos

    bridgesii potency

    N-methylmescaline was tested and found to be devoid of activity in humans, wasn't it? Or was that animals? Anyway, one of the major candidates for affecting the activity of Trichocereus would be 3,4-dimethoxyphenethylamine. This has shown MAO effects in brain tissue and we might assume it would show the same effects in other tissues. However, do not despise the serpent because it has no horns. For who is to say it will not become a dragon? There are a lot of other chemicals in there, steroids and stuff.
  21. theobromos

    THC Acetate

    Still a bunch of pointless chemicals and effort for no reason. If you haven't decarboxylated before the extraction it is too late. Your method for making toluenesulphonic acid is not specific to the ortho variety, you will certainly get meta and para as well. Evaporation of toluene from a resin of low-boiling point could be a little difficult at home. Toluene is not generally recommended for herb extractions. My advice for cyclisation of CBD: Heat your herb gently to decarboxylate. This might be better after the extraction and before a second extraction so that as little of the product has been exposed to heat as possible. Extract a clean oil, by butane or whatever. Use UV light from a tanning tube to irradiate the oil in a relatively thin layer. KISS applies in chemistry too. [ 18. March 2004, 21:27: Message edited by: theobromos ]
  22. theobromos

    The White Lotus Ode

    I think the Utpala lotus is the blue-flowered Nymphaea stellata. One of several sacred nymphaeas in India.
  23. theobromos


    theobromus groovy
  24. theobromos

    spain starting to shift blame

    Thanks to Al Qaeda for showing up PP for the dimwits they are and getting a socialist government here. Not a good idea to go on tv after a day when 12 million people in Spain demonstrated (technically illegally) peacefully for peace and complain about an illegal demonstration in front of your headquarters. They also were obviously eager for it to be an ETA bomb to help their election prospects. The news arrived the morning of the election that it was Al Qaeda and they were shown to be playing politics.
  25. theobromos

    Mucuna pruriens Leaves Smoked?

    And be very cautious about the dose. There are a lot of unknowns in those leaves. The hairs are very light and must be difficult to exclude totally. Remember to leave a note describing your experiment to help the coroner if necessary.