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he eh eh - yep - more super computing on the way for sure! Isnt it all obvious - developements are going faster and faster everyday on the tech front - not only the tech > but also the victem ( the enviroment) of our rapid progress.

I do not think that something spectacular will happen exactly in that year. I do think that there are correlations with what is happening in the heavens is also a reflection of what is happening on earth.

i mean if we are indeed passing through the milky ways plane,.. then we must be passing through a denser field of energy - thus reflecting more activity here on earth ( in this case it is us humans that are being moved - more people - more tech - more economy bla bla bla and so on) these are dynamic & turbulunt times on earth.

ha ha ha - mybe that is the marker of the point of no return - wha ha haha - when the shit really starts hitting the fan is now a little less far off then it was yesterday :D

so yeh,..... after 2012 - so gradualy with a few bumps and kicks allong the road comes the sweet release of all the things we set in motion.

"oops global warming" > tokes joint - "oops,.... sea levels rising!" > takes hit of cid "oops,... coral reef dying!" shot of hero up the arm.............. and so forth and so on!

so yeah - globalize or die mofo's - let those genes mix up and come up with new humaniod models better addapted to increased UV radiation,..... better addapted to pollution ,... biggerbrains for data processing - smaller mouths since we feed ourselves pre processed brain foods - bigger eyes to see in the twilight because the earths athmosphere is covered with polltants > hey we are starting to look like those aliens we always hyped in the media - wha hahahah - science ficvtion ramblings - hi hi hi :P

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Edited by reptyle

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Edited by reptyle

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i feel the now is nothing but a temporary abberation in our species development. i feel the next 100 000 years wont be much different to the first after this is over.

"I do not know how the Third World War will be fought, but I can tell you what they will use in the Fourth—rocks!" :)

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any one ever try to get their gnomes to look ino the future for them and see for your self? future progression, divination, prophecy, these are things that are classic phenomena with shamanism and with entheogen work around the world, or working from any altered space.

you can see alot of what will come. i was shown some pretty amazing things in my life that came true, and some that did not...

prohecy is a really interesting phenomena. you should be looking at the concept of divination and prophecy and really contemplating that before beleiveing in a prophecy. and thas what i think terrence didnt do... but maybe he did. regardless we should be talking about the phenomena of prophecy. people can be as sckeptical as they like but it is a pehenomena ragard less and its one that has been with man from the begining.

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2012 is a phenomena of faith rather than rationality, I think, but that doesnt make it either bad or impossible. The question of whether the date is arbitrary of precise really depends what you are going to do with the date. How serious its is depends on its utility.

There is nothing new about millenarianism (anticipation of significance approaching a date - the millenium), but its worth remembering we just saw one - 6 years ago - and I dont know about you, but it certainly wasnt the best new years eve I ever had - it was like most others - less interesting than the anticipation leading up to it.

For me, I found McKenna's ideas crazy but compelling. After some entheo-experiences in Amsterdam, particularly with high dose mushies, I saw some things that looked like McKenna said: mayan imagery; time machines inviting me in; synesthesic language that I could suddenly speak; that crazy sound. Other experiences with wattle stuff have also presented another dimension to me so strongly, so utterly convincingly, and very importantly, kinda un-romantically, that even as the experience is long passed, I have lost a lot of anxiety about "the end". I mean, what is the end??

This is where the utility bit comes in.. What do you want to do with that date? AFter reading breaking open the head, a while after McKenna, I decided that it was just crazy enough, just interesting enough to stake a bit of a claim on it. So I decided that I am going to do all the things NOW, that I was otherwise going to put off to LATER. This has had serious impacts on things like buying property, etc.

For me it doesnt matter what happens, or when it happens, but that I have a dumb date by which I must have certain things done, things that I want to do. Every day is precious, blah blah blah. But whether it is a star trek singularity, or me being diagnosed with lung cancer, may as well use something, anything, that can help provide impetus to be productive, to be participatory, to have experience. And you can do a lot in 6 years!

ps If we ARE going to talk about what is going to happen in 2012, I am with the pessimists on that: 2012 is when Kyoto will be ratified, and that will also be when the failure of the non-kyoto countries will have been clearest - we will discover that nothing has changed, rather it has accelerated. Perhaps some new science will reveal a more immediate step in the catastrophic process. But I am not sure enlightenment will result, just a more accelerated decline. All the other research is esoterica I reckon, which again doesnt mean its not interesting.

pps. The most convincing theory for me of McKenna's is that the tryptamines are communication mechanisms, that SETI has been looking in the wrong places with the wrong discipline: physics rather than chemsitry. I have got a strong feeling of this myself. But if it is, then what is it communicating with? God? Gaia? or some egotistical psychopaths with no ethics? For me, it it that wattle-land is NOT spiritual (even if that dissapointed Strassman), but that it is IMMENSE that is important. It is big enough to hold a billion intellegences. But maybe only a couple are able to communicate with OUR dimension. the question then is "does the ability to comminicate make one an omnipotent, all knowing, all caring being? ANd we have teh answer to that right here, in this dimension.. did it make Murdoch, or Packer great beings? Effectively yes, but ethically no. so 2012 may just be something that one of these intellegenaces planted here, one who may not be the greatest, but just the nerdiest; the one who could make their own wireless kit.

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You can download a talk of Mckenna's from 1998 from matrixmasters titled In the Valley of Novelty - Part 3.

Some interesting bits:


In the collective unconcious of which each of us shares a part the thing at the end of time is spinning. Like a club ornament, like a xmas tree ball, like a bar ornament and its throwing off syntallations which are distorted images of itself.

The transcendental object at the end of time affects the history which precedes it with the images of its approaching unfoldment.

This is what I mean when I say history is the shockwave of eschatology.


How the theory came about


I'm more rational than I may sound here. I'm a good person for such a squirly idea because I doubt. I know absolutely how flaky this sounds, how unlikely and lightly anchored it is. I'm not here to found a cult, I just had a very wiggy :) experience. The problem with most peoples really wiggy experiences is that it never gets down to the nitty gritty. By that I mean a mathematical formula.

30mins 30sec

The myth of Er from Plato. The spindle of neccessity.


The essence of understanding time lies in understanding organism. So it yeilds to a very lo-tech observational style of natural science which we call yoga. By looking inside the body and the mind as you still (quiet) physiollogical functions, subtler and subtler shells of vibration and emenation and physiollogical activity come into view.

My hypothesis is if you do this with sufficient care and attention you get down to some kind of level where your actually at the level of the primal quantum mechanical vibrations that lie behind everyting.

In other words you are in the realm of the primal patterns. The primal patterns whose activity downloads and eventuates as the macrophysical world. Your in the realm of the butterflies wing in chaos theory that says 'The butterflies wing can start the cascade that leads to the hurricane'.

40mins 20sec

Life is undergoing some sort of conquest of geometry and I almost picture it like protoplasm flowing into a crystal landscape. We conquer this geometry by assuming its shape in some sense. It transforms us even as we overrun it.

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The singularity.. I think 2012 maybe isn't 'the end', but since technology (and if you pay attention, everything else) is accelerating.. at that accelerating rate. (think even that is accelerating), if you go to google.com and just type in "the singularity" there are endless links.. from all kinds of people.

Just look at what they can do NOW, Sony patiented something, either the thing (helmet or whatever)/ method to either read your mind (enough so you can control a mouse cursor on a screen) or induce thoughts/control it somewhat i forget. But anyway, they can do both, although limited. But give it a couple.. few years.

Look at myspace.com - to me its like most of the people on there (and that, is very fast turning into about uh, everyone , or will just about..) are unconsciously "uploading" their personalities onto the Internet... the internet man... we're continuously trying to break through the time/space barrier, we're limited by the speed of light, i'm in the U.S. but as soon as i click post, or if we were talking instant message, its ... instant as the speed of light. Anyway, myspace.com, used to be a site i'd click on someone's thing and be like blah ok, i'll never be on there. Now I go on one day, see 50 people of my graduating glass (around 300, high school) and ONE DAY later, its up to 70. People are uploading their whole.. personalities.

Just wait til virtual reality, 3d, not just wearing 3d glasses folks.. they already got the fucking helmets, give it a few years or whatever, we'll all have computers of course far suprassing what we have now, with a helmet or whatever that can directly induce not just a visionary 3d "real looking" experience, but all perception.. you'll be able to literally "meet" up in a virtual realistic looking room with people across the world, go visit your mom in ..wherever she is, have a family gathering when the family is split up around the world etc.


I had my 2nd ++++ experience on DOC somewhat recently... *wow*. It showed me a few mindblowing things. One thing, that seems common on higher doses for people (and for the inexperienced can maybe be freaky), is reaching your own singularity, and seeing everyone else, and every thing, as if its all just a computer program, everything (especially people!) running on total automatic mode. About at the peak of this trip, I had a direct 'download', well first, the internet router was syncronicitally 'fucking up', the internet isn't perfect, and so I thought i had this GRAND IDEA... Like internet 2 or something, .. I didnt know WHAT it was, I just had an idea.... of... soemthing.

I don't know why, this was probably at my absolute PEAK, but i go to google.com, and type in, "far fetched idea", HOLY FUCK!.

This is the link... - whoa!!! google like... its not there anymore! but typing in "pretty far fetched idea" into google groups brings it up..

Ok.. found the original page..


Now, if you keep clicking "next by author", it keeps going.. this was posted back in '93, but whoa, especially the sig. , fucking 'talking about me maan'

Eventually you keep clicking next by author and you just reach this page with a bunch of 'trippy shit' in ASCII.

This is from the farfetched idea part II (the first next by author click):

Please, Mr. Automatic Digester: don't go public with that last

mistake I made, pretty please...

But since it probably will (Mr.'s are funny that way..), let me

run this by you folks correctly, this time.

Since this Internet thingie has such power (see Time, et al.), have

we at our disposition the means to act as tech. communication (I bridle

in this day and era to confine us to "writers", though that be the

predominant medium, I guess) to those thinking on practicing this

fine craft?

I full well realize that such a thing is a bit tenuous, and would

depend on the goodness of many practiced hearts, but if there are

those out there fool.., er, industrious enough to be venturing into

this field, is it constructive to ask if we would be offering a

worthwhile service if we (as volunteers, of course) linked up

personally with someone wanting to deal in "real world" terms with

the profession?

Or is this a cerebral dump whose time has come and gone...

///////// | "They's two kinds of smart persons, boy--

/////////// | them what knows, and them what knows where

//////////// | to find...an' most of us spend our lives

////// | jes' tryin' to be the latter."

////// ////// |

////// ////// | --my Uncle Ralph, farmer and

////// ////// | potential database user...

////// |---------------------------------------------

//////////// | Jack Shaw/[email protected]

/////////// | Software AG

///////// oftware ag | D-67642 DARMSTADT, Germany

So I instant message one of my friends, (tripping ballz, fucking peaking high), saying "dude, i got an idea, and you gotta get in on this, fix the internet, i have..something.. i dont know what it is, but its something patientable, something worth people investing in.. i... don't know..exactly what, i just know... i have to get the right people together and FIGURE THIS SHIT OUT!",

He Ims me back, and said, "oh, so are you in farfetched data mode?" WHAT?? .. he knew what i was talking about, this one friend of mine (we got together later that night, i was still in a ++++ glow, the rest of the night everything, friends etc was part of my ++++, he's into zen, in school majoring in this internet shit, long long talk.. he said he's kind of 'schizophrenic' in some ways and sorta read my mind but i guess there is a 'movement' of people into the 'far fetched' internet thing. I won't go further with this but that was the peak of the trip.


Now, I go to my dad, with these pages printed out, and... my dad was a ..robot. He was a software program, nobody home, he acted like "what? are you trippin'" like a fully automated software program etc. I see him working on those Sudoko puzzles, which, for some reason I have not even heard of until this day, he goes "hey, wanna do some puzzles?" hands me one of the books. I read it and i'm stunned, but won't get into that either :). I am still "tripping ballz yo" and call up my mom who lives in another state, she's a robot too, software program, she tells me, "well if you want to come down.. its up to you, but we can help you get reprogrammed"!! It was like, suddenly, *everyone* was enlightened to this new way of life (acting purely on intuition alone, fully automated, "uploaded into the system" but.. me. So my sister calls up, she's a robot too, i'm tripping high as a kite still saying man ok ok I understand now you guys aren't allowed to tell me much i'm supposed to like figure it out etc, "what are you talking about, you trippin'", i'm thinking yeah yeah.. obviously i have to learn for myself.

So I had another realisation, which is hard to explain because of the whole time/space shit, but that everyone of us goes through several/infinite/however many karmic lives as ..the same person, each time dieing and restarting as the same person but "karmic-lly" learning more, until after however many "lives" (infinite, i can't tell, but a lot) we ALL reach this point, and i felt like this was i guess.. sort of the 'final' life for me and eventually I will reach the state of being "uploaded" into the system, maybe post-2012 (or whenever it happens) life.. where everyone is at peace, no hate, a new way of life. Going with the flow that the universe requires, egoless..

Its hard to explain the whole time thing, how that works with all this, but its almost a non-issue.. but.. is.. ?... ahh.. i can't.. :) just can't explain.

After this ++++ DOC experience (DOC an *excellent* psychedelic, BTW), the next week I was a sober trip sitter for another few people, who all may have also had ++++'s (synchronicity?). One guy, was seeing the impossible, and I asked him if it seemed like i'm a robot, "yes..." he said everything up to this point in his life was ..for this experience. Life changing etc. Conveinently and "nobody knows how it got there" the book Ram Dass - Be Here Now was there and i saw it, grabbed it.. one girl got to page 3 of the brown part on DOC and literally passed out, woke up like "whoa... wtf is up with this book", the guy I was talking about could only read parts at a time, going "wow..." and would have to set it down. But the whole "everything is a software program" and the fact that someone for ..who knows why, decided to go ahead and spend thousands on getting a custom synth of DOC ordered (took a chance) reminds me of LSD, almost like DOC is here for a reason, some quantum stuff in the guy's head that first decided to get it made (actually, it was available in Japan before, but this guy did not know that)... pushed him to order a fuckton of DOC.. who knows :). It makes LSD look like a children's toy, where LSD has that saturation dose, DOC at even 4mg smashes LSD in depth, i believe my ++++ was on the highest dose i took which was 7-8mg (also, for me and a lot of others, DOC seems to start to have a reverse tolerance happen after many experiences, also, coming down and for a couple days, DMT works better).


So uh, yeah, something is coming, i believe a lot of difficulty, faster up's and down's, but I see this world and humanity sorta like how I see the DMT elves, DMT to me is like looking into the INNER universe.. when we were a developing fetus.. DNA might be the blueprint, but there is a whole universe and an evolution that goes on while we develop, before we "wake up" as 'one' human. Now if there is a problem in the womb, we have technology to get in there and help the baby out if there is a problem with it developing. I see us as an unborn fetus.. evolution going on, and the ones on the "outside" occasionally may 'step in' and alter things if the development isn't going perfectly. Look at LSD, there is an article on erowid somewhere, about the famous bicycle trip, Hoffman said it only lasted 2 hours, goes on about asking a large group of people several q's like "how many of you think that 25mcg of LSD would only last 8 hours, 4 hours, 2 hours (no one raised their hand). He didn't spill it on himself, he had a spontanious experience which made him think he ingested some by accident (i think they have done testing, with low amounts of LSD, even with DMSO on the skin and couldn't get it to absorb) - which in the first place he had a 'hunch' to go back and look at LSD-25 years after the company said it was useless - thats my opinion anyway ;). Some quantum fuckitry from "the outside" helping humanity and evolution, a spiritual evolution.

Anyway, uh, yeah, google "the singularity" if you haven't already.

I could go on for hours but i think i'll post this now :). An Australian forum.. i'm in the U.S. but i have a lot to add about cleaning/extracting DMT which i see some posts don't ...yada yada blah, i'm "da dmt extraction PIMP" yo...

Edited by radio879

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aren't SETI owned by NASA or some other government affiliated organisation? Thus, do what NASA do and coverup the discoveries of anything ET related or discoveries of life on other planets? I like Stanton Friedman's challenge to SETI specialists HERE

Edited by SaBReT00tH

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aren't SETI owned by NASA or some other government affiliated organisation? Thus, do what NASA do and coverup the discoveries of anything ET related or discoveries of life on other planets? I like Stanton Friedman's challenge to SETI specialists HERE
The SETI Institute is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to scientific research, education and public outreach.



Institute projects have been sponsored by:

* NASA Ames Research Center

* NASA Headquarters

* National Science Foundation

* Department of Energy

* US Geological Survey

* Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

* International Astronomical Union

* Argonne National Laboratory

* Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

* David & Lucile Packard Foundation

* Paul G. Allen Foundation

* Gordon and Betty Moore

* Universities Space Research Association (USRA)

* Pacific Science Center

* Foundation for Microbiology

* Sun Microsystems

* Hewlett Packard Company

* William and Rosemary Hewlett

* Bernard M. Oliver

* And many others

I don't think there is much conflict of interest in SETI. But as others have pointed out, I do think radio is a slightly primitive technology for advanced civilisations to be using.

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oh yeah i have to find it but i scanned and uploaded the middle brown part of that Be Here Now book, into a PDF file on a couple servers, (i mentioned it in my last post up there), if you haven't ..already, read it while your gnome or SWIM read it when tripping and i guarantee a "I'M BLOWN" experience (only LSD and DOC seem good enough to read that to me at least) no matter how experienced or enlightened you think you are, i guess...

ok well i'll say, there are NOT many who don't get BLOWN AWAY :).

i'll post the link maybe in a new thread when i find the links

///////// | "They's two kinds of smart persons, boy--

/////////// | them what knows, and them what knows where

//////////// | to find...an' most of us spend our lives

////// | jes' tryin' to be the latter.[/size=1]

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personally i dont think complexity/technology is accelerating at anywhere near the rate predicted when the electronic and engineering revolution began.

back in 1968, 2 very bright blokes (kubrick and clarke) thought it would be realistic to anticipate 1) a manned mission to Jupiter 2) a permanent moon base 3) an intelligent machine in 2001.

i dont think we'll go to Jupiter this century; i dont think well see an intelligent machine like HAL at all.

if by technology you have in mind gadgets and miscellanea, then yes, due to the population (not technology) explosion, there's a heap of cheap crap you can buy at the local walmart, and heaps of cheap labour to manufacture that crap. if you mean mobile phones and the internet, then, well, whatever floats your boat. Sounds to me like we're justa bit more radiation-bathed in 2006 than we were in 1984.

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come to think of it, if you think about the plot/vibe of 2001 (the movie), it's about (in a sense) the arrival at a technological singularity too. The only thing was that Kubrick was working off the Gregorian calendar rather than the Mayan one ;)

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Its interesting to read about what was happening from europe 100-150 years ago, with the spread of western imperialism around the world, industrial revolution power elites, french revolution etc... in some ways what's happening now is similar in its climax of social complexities (sound kinda sexy huh!)

I'd put my hand up to revolt against a NWO global police state lead by president Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2012!

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AMAZING! I've been reading Strassman's DMT: The spirit molecule and was astonished to find that the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry has funded specific DMT research, including part of Strassman's studies. For those into conspiracies many believe that the Scottish rite is basically the most powerful half, and it's top tiers are said to be in the high ranking hierarchy of illuminati or 'new world order'. This fascinates me considering people have such a strong belief that tryptamines such as DMT are meant to be the key to people's souls/spirits.

Botanica: yeah I agree!! His father was reputed to have been a Nazi, and with George W Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush having first name basis business dealings with the Nazis one could somewhat ponder upon if they (both Bush presidents) are working in collaboration with Arnie towards the same dictatorial/warmongerial/eugenically minded (quest for an intelligent white pure race) agenda.

Edited by SaBReT00tH

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This fascinates me considering people have such a strong belief that tryptamines such as DMT are meant to be the key to people's souls/spirits.

Botanica: yeah I agree!! His father was reputed to have been a Nazi, and with George W Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush having first name basis business dealings with the Nazis one could somewhat ponder upon if they (both Bush presidents) are working in collaboration with Arnie towards the same dictatorial/warmongerial/eugenically minded (quest for an intelligent white pure race) agenda.

I've been thinking about this too Sabretooth. Literature already describes the inclusion of ethneogenic practices in some of europes religions and elite groups, but the aims of its use appear less clear and its boundaries harder to define. The Masons of england and europe went on a cathedral building blitz showcasing their knowledge of architecture, geometry, science and religion but from what Ive read they weren't inclusive of all the sciences or knowledge, they were very much into their own thing and could easily manipulate religion to retain an exclusivity. The suggestability and astonishment of ethneogens can make them a tool for inspiration or manipulation. Im sure this key has been used to unlock good and bad doors.

The likes of Carl Rove and Bush appear to follow a symbology very reminiscent of the Nazi's and Romans, and Arnie fits into this picture nicely with his heritage. It really wouldn't suprise me if american law changed and Schwarzenegger is eventually ushered into presidency. He's apparently had a childhood 50 year dream to become dictator of the world and whether you like Arnie or not, he's pretty damn good at achieving goals he sets - he'll do anything to get to the top and theres a lot of people who want to help him. His 1st mainstream job is governor of California! He's only just beginning! Bring on the steroid heart attack before every nation is collectively called 'Olympia' :D

Edited by botanika

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The geologic science that continents moved apart and different smaller sections running into each other forming mountains is accepted science.

But the covering on the earth is like a thinfilm on magma.

If the covering staysin place for three months [which is thats not the accepted theory where things go very slow] there going to be problems.

A slippage where the inner magma is turning but the outer skin doesn't.

Big problems, A CO2 buildup might be like a hand along the equater.

Another problem to consider with global warming.

The U.S. would probaly seperate into three of four smaller continents.

A biblical prohesy where a third of the stars fell from place, where the surface stayed in plac e and the star continued moved is more explainable.

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you boys are tripping!

nothing is going to happen in this world that doesnt obey physical laws

that given anything political can happen

the dice are loaded

who could have predicted 1914 in 1908

1939 in 1931

or 2012 in 2006?

EVEN if aliens were about- NOW is not the time to show their hand

if they show up now and make it all good we learn nothing at all.

bettre to see if we sink or swim and can reach maturity as a species before introduction

to take us in now would be like adopting teenagers

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2012 - What is all the ruckus about :)

the war on terror will still be going on - lol - bin ladin tough will be in Bolivia chewing coca leaves and imbibing ayahuasca for world peace! That is what this whole 2012 thing is reallly about! ;)

ha ha - I dont know about that. But a few things we can more or less calculate / project. - like world economical growth %. we all know that economy is the mayor drive force behind developments in our nowadays civilization.

So I do not think that the world will be drastically different UNLESS of course some real drastic things will happen - ha ha ha - like a meteor impacting the earth. (Or maybe H5N1 as a drastic factor) I mean wars will go one - new ones will start, old ones will cease,.... people will die, people will be born, spp extinction rate will increase a little, HIV will have spread a little more - economy will have grown - globilization will have developed some more etc etc and so on and so forth...........

there will of course be highlights allong the road - like george w bush converting to Krischnaism & Chem Sham getting his act together ( where is he btw) etc etc the latter I doubt more then the first :)

but I do not think that it will all be much different.

certainly there will be other new developments - especially about the way we think about live and the reality we live in > I think that that is the result of the dynamic times we live in. Dynamic as in that there is allot going on on many fronts - especially the economical and technological fronts.

One thing is certain - the course on which we are heading is not very healthy - so the earths health problems will increase > I am sure that this will spark some new developments - we'll try and save what we can save - SAVE YOUR ETHEOGEN & OTHER SACREMENTAL GOODIES PEOPLE! hahahah

We'll see!

Or maybe some alien invasion will take place and will destroy us all! Muhahahhahahahaha - take those little humans out of their misery! muhahahhahahaaaah! :) sorry, that was my repilian alien implant taking me over for a second.

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I can't help but chuckle at some of the stuff here. But it's missing many more potential conspiracy theories.

I think stuff like this can easily be dismissed as a brain fart when its potentially fuelled by botanicals but there's no doubt that something is going on. Here's the secret though..... it's always been going on!

Human history is always on a path to degradation and loss. It's filled with intrigue and plots, from the earliest to the latest times. Remember that saying? There's nothing new under the sun? It's true.

The 2012 thing in my opinion just represents a person who ran out of drive or effort to write beyond it. It was so far in the future that it was for all intents and purposes irrelevant. As irrelevant to them as the year 4040 is to us.

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I can't help but chuckle at some of the stuff here. But it's missing many more potential conspiracy theories.

Here's the secret though..... it's always been going on!

I don't think many of us miss the secret... one could speculate all eternity about turning points, ebbs and flows, power dynamics in the universe and humankinds legacy or dimension. From the era we left Africa with fire and spears until our current complex global matrix. The joy is in being able to informaly describe pieces of our journey in relation to it all with a thought and a laugh...and if we made you chuckle we succeeded :wink:

If you like conspiracies, you of course know what happens to the 'blahstetchy' global dyanasty in 4040 don't you? That's one of the biggest secrets of the galaxies future...

Edited by botanika

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