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Scientologists hate drugs

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I've had my run ins with the Church of scientology and have nothing good to say about them. I also knew they were anti drugs, but didn't realise just how much they were against any and all drugs. Then I heard that they held a large protest outside the LSD symposium in Basel the other day and did a bit of a search. Seems that L Ron Hubbard knows things about LSD no one else does :rolleyes:

For example:

In 1977, Mr. Hubbard’s research revealed that LSD stays in the system for years after a person has taken it, lodging in the fatty tissues of the body. Months or even years later, a person can go on a “trip” as LSD residues move out of the fat.

Subsequent research discovered that not only LSD but a long list of other street drugs, as well as chemical poisons, toxic substances and medical drugs, can all become lodged in the body’s fatty tissues and cause a person to re-experience their effects. This phenomenon has since been confirmed in numerous independent medical studies.

Oh dear oh dear. While this may have been an idea of the day, it seems this is still the mantra for the scientologists even today when science knows this is a pile of crap. A lot of scientology dollars and effort is being spent on a program called 'Narconon', which is essentially a scientology drug rehabilitation program that runs in many countries. It's the ideal source of new members for them - replacing drugs with religion :uzi:

One of the posters at the LSD conference read :

'LSD the wonder drug that even kills elephants' :unsure::unsure::unsure:

Another says:

L - Libido

S - Suechtig (=addicted)

D - Durchgedreht (=brainfried)

or this rhyme:

'LSD erst stimmung bringt, hinterher psychater winkt'

(Lsd turns you on at first, later the psychiatrist calls)

These people have some serious problems. If they supposedly believe in the absolute truth of science then how can they believe in this sort of crap?

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I have researched the scientologists a bit aswell, so far as even going in and doing all the tests they run watching the propoganda etc etc.

They prey on peoples weaknesses. They believe that you can increase your mental power by fixing changing traits such as fear of public speaking, phobias, over confidenced (which is of course covering up deeper issues of self hate). The results are seen as increasing IQ.

Well every IQ test I have sat I have done better and better, its practice, nothing to do with changing my personality traits, and after sitting three IQ tests in 2 years, im already 10% smarter (the numbers say).

They determine your weaknesses through tests consisting of questions such as "do you believe that everyone deserves welfare equally"

Of course I answered no, as most non-religous working people would, and gave reasoning that people who are fed of the welfare system deserve nothing they havn't worked for, I made it clear that I didn/t hold this view for those too debilitated to work, infirm, elderly and parents of young children

Anyways, after the series of tests and interviews they drew a graph of my personality, of course it was lacking in parts, like i was unhumanatarian and cold hearted. I guess their little tests picked up on my feelings towards the human race in general, that most of us are destroying this earth as fast as possible, and I would (in belief) welcome a great reduction or extinction of the human race, as many things more beautiful could be spared.

But at the same time I give money to charity and sponser WWF and our family has sponsored many children over the years, I still don't like to see suffering in this world especially needless suffering which could be remedied.

The church of scientology then offered to sell me books on how to fix all these trait defecits and therefore increase my awareness, intelligence and better my life.

According to my tester, every obstacle we face can be overcome by mental deduction, no shit, I don't need books to tell me how to do that, lessons are best learnt from life

In conclusion I believe that anyone who belongs to the church of scientology has a weaker mind than those who choose a religion or faith based on belief only. they don't know what they want to believe, taking bits of other religions and some bassis of scientific fact backed by evidence, while completely ignoring other scientific findings

They are drawn to Scientology in my belief because it allows them to believe in science and a higher being at one time. But they lack the mental capacity to draw comparisons between life and the spirit world, their intelligence is not true intelligence, but only academic intellegence, only what they have learnt through the teachings of scientology

I believe these people are dangerous, they have a warped view on life and religion, they have a herd mentallity and want you to part of it. They get you to join by trying to make you self conscious or increasing such feelings already present. and to top it off they'll try and sell you $300 worth of reading, profiting of peoples newly aquired misery.

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"Bare Faced Messiah" by Russell

Miller is pretty much an essential read for anyone interested in learning more about scientology... this is one of those books where the truth is so much stranger than fiction, and it makes for quite an enthralling read!

(and is available online in its entirity!


I've come to conclusion over the years that scientology is run by a group of entities or an entity not usually based on this earth, which is using this vehicle for its own ends... I have seen this before in other cults and seen how these entities such groups to serve themselves and their own agendas. (typically they are like symbiotic parasties of the human energy field and I've met these entities while straight!)

The level of manipulation, control and fascism coming from this people I don't believe is of a human source... these people have some kind of power that is not coming from their lamo teachings and practises...which is quite electromagnetic... and my warning bells go off, my skin scrawls...there is something alien here which is really out of balance. The way they try to suck you into to what they are doing is just rabid... diseased... like they want your fresh blooded hands on those platinum e-meters to suck your spirit dry!

It's not really surprising, scientology was the first cult to really arrive into the mainstream in the 1950's...L. Ron probably called that "alien" thing or entity in and it gave him powers while in some sense he sold his soul to it, living a kind of hypocritical disintegrity... reading the book, you can see why I think all this is highly plausbile!

It is not surprising this vehicle was chosen by an entity/entities to acheive some kind of energetic agenda... they are usually about mental control and offer some kind of mastery of the mental plane and exploit the emotions...it is a top down agenda... it is something like a collective posession and symbiosis... there are tentacles and feeding going on through people... that's my reading anyway.

In the end, there is a bunch of healing and transformation that could occur with all of this...

On the upside, one does occaisionally meet people who have gotten out of the cult and moved onto bigger and better things!


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haha mad, am always keen on slagging scientologists :P

recently i went into their city office their free "stress test" ... ended up having a big argument and confusing the fuck out of the examiner. they get you to hold 2 metal rods, one in each hand, as some meter gives you a reading about the "thoughts that give you stress":

me: so how does it work?

them: well, it measures the density of your thoughts. negative thoughts are more dense.

me: do scientologists believe that the mind is non-physical?

them: yes --

me: then how can something non-physical have the qualities of matter, i.e. mass?

a quite amusing debate ensued before i got bored and made an excuse to leave. still, it was interesting, but left me with an odd feeling -- how are the beliefs of scientologists any more ridiculous than those of any other religious folk?

re: the deal with scientologists and drugs. they've definitely got a real issue with the use of drugs that affect the mind. i vaguely remember reading something about their claim that psychiatrists are the re-incarnations of an evil race that enslaved a pure race called the "thetans" several million years ago. scientology sees itself as a religion of the mind, so they need to snuff out the competition in order to peddle their wares

here's a bulletin by hubbard:

HCO Bulletin of 31 May 1977, "LSD - Years After They Have 'Come Off' LSD"


"The way LSD got popular was because of Henry Luce, the head of Time Magazine, who publicized it and glorified it from mid-1950 on. He and his wife were under psychiatric care and were on LSD. "Nearly as I can trace it, it was the Nazi intelligence drug developed in Switzerland and was probably intended for use in municipal water systems to paralyze the population just prior to an invasion as the invading enemy would then find them all irrational."



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OMG i'm cleaning my piss up off the carpet right now! You are one FF faustus

how are the beliefs of scientologists any more ridiculous than those of any other religious folk?

Because most religions that are taken seriously are steeped in history, many are off shoots of the christian religion and therefore based on the old pagan beliefs as christianity is. These beliefs may be false, but they are based on firm principals

Other serious religions that are not based on christianity are based on the belief of daeities or spirits that are recognized through the natural world.

The fact that many indigenous tribes in different parts of the world recognise very similar spirits indicates that to maintain a cohesive unit certain laws must be lived by. These laws or beliefs are passed through generations by fear of the wrath of these spirits

Just as Christians, muslims, arabs are rulled by their faith and the wrath of their god

To a scientist (me) I can accept these views as theirs, and even embrace them when I am in the right mindset (and when I am in this mind set science is forgotten completely, I belive that there is a high power but it has little influence over our bearing in life, love or death)

To a religious person he must believe that there is nothing but god

Scientology takes parts of religion, parts of science throws it in one big melting pot and tries to serve it up for dinner, it just rings false, truely ridiculous :lol:

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nuff said.

i personally am a big fan of his military record.

Thanks for that. What a hilarious read!! Especially the military record: bombing magnetic deposits and mexican islands :):) what a pisser.

The second half of the page is a bit dry, but gives a good insight into the person and hence the movement.

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i am always stunned by the power of faith.

hubbards son has even come out and said that hubbard was full of shit and everything is a big lie yet scientology is still going strong.

its like religious jenga blocks.

you just keep on removing the bullshit and lies used to exploit people (the jenga blocks) and see how long the religion maintains its power and number of beleivers (keep the jenga tower standing)

faith, however, can act as superglue.

with a lot of faith the facts can be ignored.

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I dont mean to go against the grain here, as i dont think too much of Scientology or associated belief systems, but I have read Dianetics and it made alot of sense to me. I thought there was alot of insight in the work, so I absorbed the information and moved on, so to speak.

It occurs to me that to have a belief is to have a closed door, and to have a strong belief is to have a locked door. Dianetics should not be ignored before it is understood, me thinks..

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Gotta love Wiki...

"Hubbard died at his ranch on January 24, 1986, reportedly due to a stroke. He had not been seen in public for the previous five years. Scientology attorneys arrived to claim his body, which they sought to have cremated immediately. They were blocked by the San Luis Obispo County medical examiner, whose autopsy revealed high levels of a drug called Hydroxyzine (brand name Vistaril), which is sometimes used for its antihistamine or anti-emetic properties, but is also psychoactive (which would make it disapproved of, if not forbidden, under Scientology doctrines.) The Church of Scientology announced Hubbard had deliberately "discarded the body" to do "higher level spiritual research," unencumbered by mortal confines."


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The South Park episode where Scientology and Tom Cruise are portrayed as silly buggers.... banned in the UK now I read..

password - www.cyjack.com ^_^

I saw that ep when it as aired here, one of the best episodes i've seen in ages it made laugh so much. It really took the piss out of the scientologists which was great.

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