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2005 crop circle images

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Amulte , again more proof Bert is EVIL i love Sesame Street.

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neat job though for people with boards and rope B)

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Those wheat photo's are the easiest to explain. The plant is bent at the node, then the next day it responds to the light of the sun and starts to bend back towards it, causing one side of the nodes to stretch

Also when you snap a plump node it will split and burst like in the pics, give it 24 hours and it will have healed to a point that looks lke the exploded wheat nodes.

Personally I think that every crop circle ever seen was made by human, for wateva reason. I reakon most of them would be done by trippers on acid or other drugs, any others done by crop circle artist who can't reveal themselves as they are trespassing, ruining tones of harvestable wheat and trying to provoke and excite the alien believers.

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Those wheat photo's are the easiest to explain. The plant is bent at the node, then the next day it responds to the light of the sun and starts to bend back towards it, causing one side of the nodes to stretch

Also when you snap a plump node it will split and burst like in the pics, give it 24 hours and it will have healed to a point that looks lke the exploded wheat nodes.

Personally I think that every crop circle ever seen was made by human, for wateva reason. I reakon most of them would be done by trippers on acid or other drugs, any others done by crop circle artist who can't reveal themselves as they are trespassing, ruining tones of harvestable wheat and trying to provoke and excite the alien believers.

There's also the electromagnetic anomolies present within the circles including electrical equipment cutting out when in the circle and altered states of consciousness ranging from happiness to irritation and headaches etc... Not to mention the incredible geometrical complexity of some of these circles that would need at least somebody co-ordinating it from above and definitely not made by a bunch of drunk or tripping people with boards. Plus theres the short amount of time it takes for the circles to form.

Also If you look at the interweaving patterns of the flattened crop it is obvious that it cannot be done simply by crushing it with a bit of board. Then there's also all the consistent reports made by many people about coloured lights zooming past and all that jazz - that I'm sure you can disregard as there is no proof but you cannot just disregard the geometrical complexity of the patterns, the weaved nature of the effected crop and the electromagnetic anomolies that are present.

It's an as of yet unexplained phenomenon and just because we don't have an explenation does not mean you should just stick to the 'humans did it' argument that is so obviously flawed upon closer examination of the circles. I've never been in a crop circle and therfore cannot say 1st hand weather it alters your consciousness or disables electric equipment but the reports are consistent about this and the photos speak for themselves - there's no fucking way these are physically man-made... On the other hand they may be phyiscal manifestations of the collective unconscious and in a way made by us humans - I'm not saying aliens did this but I'm sure as fuck that drunk prankster kids with boards and ropes didn't.

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It's really easy to beleive something that you want to believe.

Your Quote"Not to mention the incredible geometrical complexity of some of these circles that would need at least somebody co-ordinating it from above and definitely not made by a bunch of drunk or tripping people with boards. Plus theres the short amount of time it takes for the circles to form."

Shows a fair bit of ignorance, especially towards mathematics and the ability of humans. I've seen very big, complex crop circles done in one night. It was all filmed by them with night vision. They do it deliberatly trying to prove the believers that everything reported in a crop circle can be done by humans, easily, in one night.

Not saying that aliens couldn't make them if they wanted to, but i seriously don't think their done by extra terestrials or any other unknown phenomena.

IMO only.

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I say don't rule out the goverment, beats me why they'd do anything like that but they do have things and do alot of things we will never know about. Maybe it is aliens, maybe it's some freaky natural occurance, maybe it is made by humans. I don't know what to believe but i'm very curious to find out. Most probably won't though. Sure do love em...

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I've seen very big, complex crop circles done in one night. It was all filmed by them with night vision. They do it deliberatly trying to prove the believers that everything reported in a crop circle can be done by humans, easily, in one night.

overnight, yes... how about in broad daylight, within hours of a field having last been seen to be untouched?

they replicated everything reported in a crop circle? did the quality of the crop circle resemble some of the findings discussed here? from what i've read, the counter claim is that boards will tear the wheat, whereas in "real" crop circles the wheat looks like it's been pressed down.

obviously extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, but the conclusion that this is the work of humans is just as glib as the assumption that it HAS to be the handiwork of aliens. but if there's one thing i've learned from entheogens, it's that life is fuckin weird.

"I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong." -- Richard Feynman

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