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Mushroom Picking

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I know that this is probably gonna sound dumb and I understand people will want to protect thier own spots, but a friend of mine wants to go try and go mushroom picking in a couple of weeks and he is just wondering whether they are actually easy to find in the wild? He is thinking of heading up Byron way? If he is wasting his time then he would much appreciate someone letting him know (its a 12 hour drive to byron!!)

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If you have no idea at all where to look, don't waste your time. Unless you plan on dedicating alot of time to searching.

I went to Byron during a good season, but with no idea where to look (never been picking before). Whenever I was near cow paddocks, I would pull over and have a peek around from the side of the road, but with no idea what I was after I wasn't willing to trespass on anyone's property.

Not having seen any in the wild, it's hard to know if they prefer growing up on little hills, or down in depressions, or nearer creeks, or further away in drier areas,etc. I had no luck, because I had no idea.

All I knew was to check cow-pats, but without knowing the ideal growing conditions or any real-world experience with spotting the little guys, it was pointless.

I wouldn't recommend making a 12 hour trip, unless you've got some other things to do up there. Like go to the SAB nursery.

[ 11. April 2005, 13:46: Message edited by: Benzito ]

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Thanks for the info, I thought as much anyway. Just wanted to make sure that it wasnt somekind of mushie wonderland up there, with fields of them growing as far as the eye can see, lol. Will probably still head up there anyway, as I wanted to check out the SAB nursery but it doesnt look like they are open on the weekends :( Are there any other good nurseries to check out up that way?

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Yeah, I'd hoped it would be a 'mushroom wonderland' too, but it ain't. It might be, but the people in the know probably took them all before I got there. :D

Happy High Herbs in Nimbin has a few live plants. I would really recommend checking them out! They've got some things that are hard to find!

Apart from that, can't think of any that are open to the public.

Darcy has his business up there, but he just keeps it all online. www.herbalistics.com.au

SAB was the only place I visited, apart from HHH. But you gotta visit Nimbin if you're going up that way.

Just get used to the expression "smoking?", cause you'll hear it about a thousand times while you're there. :P

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Never been to Sydney, but don't subs grow up in the Blue Mountains. Not that that's going to help you much mushrooms are not easy to find if you don’t know the exact spots to look but you have to start some where patience is the key. I didn’t find anything the whole first season I started looking but then the next season I was finding them everywhere, erowid had photos of a location right next to my house and I went and searched it till I found them. Then once you know what you’re looking for with your own eye’s you can spot them a lot easier!!!!!!

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Not sure whether they grow in the mountains up here, if anyone could confirm this that would be ace!! I guess I better not drive all that way just to find cow shit!!

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Yes, subs grow in the Blue Mountains.

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but not usually off cowshit.

If you're looking for subs you want to look in the wet areas in cold climates around june/july...and they're woodlovers not pooplovers

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I have heard of people finding subs in the blue mountains already, there is a thread on shroomery in the hunting forum if you care to have a look.

If you head upto the bluemountains, go after rain, go somewhere where there is altitude and look in woodchipped areas.

Good Luck Hunting.

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Most sub spots I've heard of in the mountains are actually in bushland. Supposedly in the bush around warrimoo is a good spot. (Gee, that narrows it down to about 1000 hectares)


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