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Sub Relocation Q's

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*what kind of wood is best for sub relocating

*Can they be relocated in a botanical garden bed if the right wood mulch is used

*Can I inoculate vermiculite/brown rice flour with sub spores, What would be better

*Can i simply move freshly picked subs mycelium and all to another location

*Does anyone know of teks to relocate subs or just information on this topic.

*Thanks for the help peoples

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*what kind of wood is best for sub relocating

I wanna know this too. Would the yellow pine chips they sell at the hardware store work?



*Can I inoculate vermiculite/brown rice flour with sub spores, What would be better

Im think u can innoculate them to PF. it will colonise it but it wont fruit from it

[ 11. July 2004, 23:12: Message edited by: Trich-Aura ]

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*what kind of wood is best for sub relocating

i would imagine the type of wood they were originally growing in would be best. eucalypt is good, pine...not so good.

*Can they be relocated in a botanical garden bed if the right wood mulch is used

yes, but...if you want good result, you got to make sure the spot you choose has the right conditions for fruiting. for example if you relocate to a spot that gets a good whack of direct sunlight during the middle of the day, your mulch will likely dry out and the mycelium will die.

*Can I inoculate vermiculite/brown rice flour with sub spores, What would be better

yes. but inoculating spores onto agar would be much better, that way you are able to isolate the best and most vigorous mycelium and use that to innoculate your grain jars.

only take what you need to start a new patch. don't totally destroy a good patch by filling your bags with kilos of good mycelium. only take the mycelium if you are totally confident that you have found a good loction to transfer to and are confident of your methods. i'm all for spreading the fungi, as long as the intentions aren't selfish, ie. uprooting an entire patch and moving it to your back yard.

good luck.

[ 13. July 2004, 15:49: Message edited by: visualfx ]

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moving individual subs to a suitable location should be the go as you'd get growth off the stub and heaps of spores from the cap. you could pick a stack of subs and soak them for an hour or so in water then use the spore rich water for spraying about the place.

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Id suggest transplating the colonised wood chips - nice and easy - fruiting in the next season.

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[ 13. July 2004, 15:49: Message edited by: visualfx ]

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