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Litchee tree ?????????


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hi evrybody,

i am looking after a litchee tree for a long time and can't find where to buy some.

i also tried to grow some from seeds with good results untill the winter frost killed them.

i have better hopes about frost with a few years old tree.

thank you to let me know if you know a company

(torsten, maybe in your "food seed" part of sab-shop ? )

thanks in advance

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hi, vins

sometimes i air layered those trees, but i think they would die as fast in europe as your seedlings.

people at "schoenbrunner" glasshouses in vienna told me even they never succeeded growing them.

don't know why. prolly fusarium probs...

longans are maybe better.

i heard of mangostans setting fruits in europs glasshouses. after 15 years that is.

another way of probagating this tree is by nursery grafting, a siction of the desired cultivar gets grafted into the seed.

i recommand to grow tree tomatos in europe, they grow there even better than in tropical australia.

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planthelper, thanks for the details.

i don't know the other tree you told me but if they are more frost resistant and if i could graft a litchee scion on it, then it is perfect.

i would like this tree for a simple reason , i love the taste of the fruits. does Logans and tomato tree have a nice taste ?

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Hi Vins

In English it is Pomegranate, though as you are french, i am sure you can see the root of the name. Hey vins, isnt it weird how the aussies call the english a french name i.e. pommes !!!. I just love what the Lebanese do with Pomegranate as in that they make a syrup from it lovely... very refreshing with ice on a hot day.

Anyway, my fav fruits have to be the perfumed ones like Papaya, Passionfruit, Physalis, Lychee, Logan.

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tree tomato or tamarillo=cyphomandra betacea.

night shade fruit taste not liked by some but if you blanch'e (french) the skinn of and slice them.

a little sprinkle of sugar and in the fridge overnight. yum deep red juice...

aswell passiflora edulis does well in a big pot and with lots of fertilizer.

longan= euphoria longan said to survive -4 deg C.

if it would support a lychee graft i don't know.

but its very possible.

jaboticaba= myrciaria cauliflora grows bonsai like, with fruits growing out its stem and branches. this is not a list of the tastiers fruits but what i think would grow where you live if you take the pots indoors over winter.

physalis is easy to overwinter even in a cellar without much light. just trimm the top off before you store the physalis peruviana away...

[ 25. October 2003, 13:02: Message edited by: planthelper ]

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Custard apple can be pretty tough

(annona sp and hybrids)

Macadamia nuts are pretty good too

Problem with lychee and longan is that they can take so very long to bear fruit.

I usually plant my pips and they come up easily - someone will enjoy them

its not season for lychee yet but ill know when it is because my girlfriend will be eating a couple of kilos a week <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png Theyre prety cheap up here not like in Perth where they were 20 bucks a kilo

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lychees are well priced if you grab a bag full at the supermarket and have them all consumed and disposed of before you reach the checkout.

black sapote mixed with tia maria and cream then chilled are pretty decent.

can't think of a fruit that i don't enjoy. fresh lemons perhaps.

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i really thank you all for your imput and opinions.

could i ask you to send me a few seeds of your favorite exotics fruits ?

since you told me about i am now curious

reville, could you explain me that "Problem with lychee and longan is that they can take so very long to bear fruit.

I usually plant my pips and they come up easily -"

[ 01. November 2003, 08:30: Message edited by: VIN'S ]

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