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Why are so many good drugs illegal....

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...and what can be done about it?

The moderators of these forums can hardly contain people who post about drugs since legal complications are feared...there's aalways edited and deleted posts....

The authorities reason that drugs are illegal so normal people will be protected against them...The whole thing is total hippocrisy:

For example In USA, I think it was Nevada, recently 16 year old boy GOT LIFE FOR BRINGING A FEW GRAMS OF MARIHUANA TO SCHOOL!

Personally I think people who make laws like that and judges who pass them on to people ARE MONSTERS and should get a 10 year jail term themselves just to get a taste of it.

But honestly: We are talking about a supposedly democratic country here and not about some arabic torture chamber or what have you...

How can people in that country sleep at night when they have to think about that poor boy?

Or for example look at Ed Rosenthal: The Bush Nazi Bastards are going to lock him up as well.

The truth is, since the technological revolution has manifested more and more, our true right of freedom of lifestyle have been pruned more and more.

regarding drugs, the world was a better place 50 years ago, and a much better place 100 years ago.

Dr Shulgin only recently published this:

"It would be nice if the National Institute of Mental Health might someday fund a grant to explore these reasonably non-toxic compounds in human subjects. It would be nice if the authorities would simply give its permission for these clinical studies to be made with human subjects. If the scientific research area were today what it was a hundred years ago, and you accepted the responsibility for such studies and funded them yourself, there was no meaning to asking for permission. You ask yourself a scientific question. You get an experimental answer. You publish your question and answer in a professional journal. But that was a hundred years ago, and I personally do not believe that the aura of that time, as to personal honesty and integrity, will ever be recovered. It is a sad loss of a very subtle freedom. The freedom of inquiry.

--Dr. Shulgin"

Basically, today we live in times more backward than 100 years ago. Why? Because people are thouroughly brainwashed everyday by the media.

Too many people believe in totalitarian and authoritative thinking and vote for politicians who push this line.

George W.Bush is nothing but a version of Hitler american style. But why did so many people vote for him? Why are there less human right in the USA today than 50 years ago?

Ask yourself that. We here in Australia have to follow blindly what America dictates.

Why? Because the majority in this country voted for a clown like Howard and his party, who want nothing else but to turn this country into some sort of mini-usa. Well really it has always been that.

When will this madness stop?

Can it be stopped?

Drugs are not prohibited to protect citizen's health.

Lots of health-damaging activities are legal and even supported by the goverment:

Football, Boxing, Car-racing, alcohol-drinking, gambling,and plenty more...

the government is not concerned about your health.

The government is concerned about your state of mind.

The government wants your mind closed and in the prescribed lanes that can easily manipulated by it.

The government wants the people to be stupid sheep that will always do as they are told with no thoughts of their own.

As long as our governments are the way they are we cannot be free.

The only way to be free is to start with ourselves and free our mind and conciuousness.

The only way to be free is to re-think our ways and attitudes.

The only way to be free is to be opposed to the ways the government prescribes.

And finally, we will have to get rid of the old governments and replace them by new, fair ones.

Governments that do not want to get into our minds and tell us how to live our lives and how to be happy.

After all, if one cannot strive to be happy, what good is life?

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'it is very dangerous to be right in matters on which the established aurthorities are wrong' -sasha shulgin

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You asked why countries like the USA and Australia are getting LESS free. I know why: In both cases when the countries were being formed the government did not have direct control over the whole land mass, so they has to give the citisens freedom so the country did not fragment. Later when the government has near complete control they can slowly drain away the freedom and maintain control while forming the totalitarian dictatorship they wanted in the first place. Your right, their dastardly nefarious plot must be thwarted. We need GOOD and COMPASSIONATE governments, but we wont get 'em as long as the majority (the mediocrity) are of a sufficiently low level of intelligence that they can be easily brainwashed.

Save me from the tyrrany of the majority.

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Totally agree!

Only the thing is I don't even believe that the majority of people are idiots or not intelligent.

I have here one example:

I know a dude who's been to Uni, has a couple of degrees, claims to have an IQ over 150, is very well informed about everything, knows all the wrtongs and rights yet totally acts in tune with the majority and prides himself to be "a man of the middle".

When the conversation comes for example to "ecstasy" he frowns: "You can't take exstasy, it kills people, I read in the papers a girl has died..." Low Intelligence? Can't be. Thouroughly brainwashed? Yes!

To him exstasy is dangerous, yet every weekend he drinks 3 bottles of Jack Daniels killing myriads of braincells...that's how the system works: Even those who are intelligent are sufficiently brainwashed to be slaves for life, totally conditioned.

The only thing that can de-condition people are psychedelic drugs. yet they are illegal, so they must be bad...

I know people who have been persecuted all their life for smoking weed and the like...will it ever stop?

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"Low Intelligence? Can't be. Thouroughly brainwashed? Yes!"

OK, intelligence is the wrong word. Lets say wisdom, maby that will work better. If a guy memorizes 50 books and can spew back the words at will people will say he is intelligent, but they will only call him wise if he understands what he is saying and can use the information in logical deduction.

That guy sounds to me like an intelligent fool.

When I say mediocrity I dont mean idiot, in fact when most people say idiot they dont mean idiot!...

Idiot- A feebleminded person whos mental age is below two years.

Imbecile- A feebleminded person whos mental age is between two and seven years.

Moron- A feebleminded person whos mental age is between eight and twelve years.

Mediocre- Common, unremarkable, the level of intelligence statistically most frequently seen in a population.

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of course the reason is that good drugs are illegal is because they're too GOOD.

which creates in the underground stranger designer drugs...so the politicians can turn around and decry these new "dangerous" substances as reasons for drug control in the first place....little knowing that designer drugs hit the streets precisely BECAUSE of their prohibition on "safer" drugs.

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...and they're doing it again:

Kratom about to be made illegal!!!

This plant does not even have the POTENTIAL to be bad or dangerous.

The only potential it has is to help addicts and similar!

Why make it illegal?

The law-making in Australia must be in the hands of COMPLETE IDIOTS!!!

Probably some ex-one nation-assholes or similar.

This law-making defies any reason and is getting too grotesque.

The whole country is in the hands of assholes!!!

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