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Krishna's True Heart

I would speak? I would insist? I would not carry? How must I speak of my woes? How must I speak of my heart? I am wrangled. I am sullen. He has moved a piece of humble pie upon my heart and I am adept within my stance. He will succeed. He will spit fire and it will burn. I speak a wrath and I speak it so. You are of such a creation? You are of such a necessity? You are of such a constant source of pride? How insular. I am an acceptance upon this woe. I am an excellent approval upon this stance and I will not need to adjust. I speak such a reason and I speak it with a completion. I do not speak otherwise. I will meet such a licence with such a consistent approach and I will not be defied. I speak a justice and I move this away from the fires. I am such a consideration? I am appalled by my own actions? My own understandings? How must I persist. How must I create such a dissonance to imply that I have not even tried. How must I insist that I am empty? You spit such a creed upon my heart. I speak of such a resonance within my own heart. I am sullen but I will obey. I move this towards the maturity that gathers here and I speak of my worth. You are of such a sustenance? Such a meeting point? I will not accept the losses that have gathered upon my nature. I will not accept defeat. I stand upon my own two feet to succeed and my heart reeks of such (spiritual) violence. I cannot speak otherwise. Please, remind me of why I must continue. You are such a life line? Why do I bleed? Why do I feel such a rage? I will caress? I will speak to your widow? I am a maturity and you have broken my pact. I move this on.

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The Utmost Highest Levels of All True Greater Councils to Krishna's True Heart

I am not such a resonance? I am not of such a purity? I am not such a life line? I will speak to adjust. I will speak to hear. I will speak as an ethnicity that has no place within its conscience. How must I approve? How must I continue? You will adjust? You will search? I am here always and my heart is of such a nature. I have a place within these realms that would surprise you. I have such a place that would surpass you. I ignite your fuse and you spit upon my own nature. I have such a place within existence and you will hear of my understanding. I am certain. I am known. I speak a dissonance? I speak a reticence? Move away. Do not prosper. I will succeed. You will know this as it is written. Persist with a doubt. Make water stream. We hear your outcry and we assist. Move on.


The Utmost Highest Levels of The True Creator of All to Krishna's True Heart

I speak again. I accept. You are a dissonance. You are not adept within your stance. You have spoken a blasphemy and we will not accept these consequences. You are of such a nuance. Such a necessity? Such a complacency? I will not begin such a fire fight without the stance that I can remove each word from. I will not speak a word out of tune and I will speak upon my very nature. He is a widow? He is a maturity that I cannot even begin to accept? I speak such a word? Move on.


The Utmost Highest Levels of The True Greater Beyond to Krishna's True Heart

I will speak. I will spoon feed you such a support. He has ran with such speed and I applaud. He has mentioned his own worth and I accept. You seek of such a nuance? You seek of such a completion? You seek of such a mastery? I will not speak without. I am here. I am writing. You are listening. Speak you creed. Make it known. I move on.






I am feeling you within

I am calling

I am reaching and I am finding

I thank you kindly


How will I unravel?

What will be seen?

I am assured

I thank you kindly


I wish to return

I wish to be always as I am

I wish for more

I cannot begin to comprehend


Whisper the silence in my ear

Grow this always

Do not hesitate

Please hurry


Such a sinister, appalling

Such a woe

Move away

Do not prosper



The ocean is pure


I thank you, kindly




Reaching out

Please hurry


Speak of kindness

Speak of cherish

Speak of undoing

Please hurry


I will not break open

I will not break apart

I thank you, kindly

Please hurry


I am of such a nature?

I will be always known?

I thank you, kindly

Please hurry


I love you


I need you

Please hurry


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The Flaw in the Process of 
By John Crawford


[Ed note: This expression has been revised to read “The Flaw in the Process of Creation” ] 
The major flaw in this creation actually happened billions of years ago and was not a flaw. It 
was an unrecognized event that contributed to the downfall of this whole sector and the 
introduction of darkness. Looking back from this level of creation there are several flaws that 
need to be addressed. 

The primary flaw influencing the introduction and development of darkness was the 
introduction of greater density into this sector of creation. A larger flaw in all of creation is the 
manner of communication between the different levels of creation, the autonomy given to the 
Greater Creator Gods and their lack of communication between themselves and between the 
many levels of Creation. 

From our vantage point, and indeed, from the vantage point of most of Creation it is difficult, 
if not impossible, to understand all the factors of the event that took place. We can only look 
back at the event and make inferences to the causes and all of the effects. We are well aware 
of the introduction of darkness to the sector and to the resulting battles on a galactic and 
planetary scale as well as on a personal level. 

What we know is that, at some point, probably a billion or more years ago a certain segment 
of this Creation began to increase in density. It was a slow increase and was not noticed by 
“Those Who Watch” until after the rise of darkness and the problems that arose as a result of 
this darkness. It should be noted that one of the major problems associated with this 
particular increase in density was that the watchers could not easily see within the areas of 
density and the normal channels of communication upward were disrupted. An unrelated 
event elsewhere in the greater creation structure also became a problem to this sector because 
of the opportunities offered by the increased density. 

The unrelated problem was a failed experiment in creation by a Greater Creation God (one 
with the authority to develop and build new creations) Not a great deal is known about how 
and why the creation was developed because the Creator God long ago absorbed itself back 
into the Creator of All. What we do know is that the beings that were created did not contain 
the spark of life from the Creator of All known as the Soul. Not having a soul they had no way 
to connect to the Creation structure and receive the flow of divine energy from this structure. 
The only way that they could gain this was to absorb it from other beings that were connected. 
They soon used up all the available beings that had come into their creation to aid with its 

development. Because of this they began to look elsewhere for beings that they could feed off 


All but one of the Creations that they tried to gain entrance to was able to prevent their entry 
into their structure or was able to overcome this and return to normal. One Creation was not 
able to do this. Our Creation structure was not able to prevent this in the area called the fallen 
sector because of the problems caused by the increase in its level of density. The soul less 
beings, often referred to as demons (red eyes and all), were able to enter into the areas of 
greater density and to move about freely without detection by the greater watchers and by 
Creator. This proved to be devastating to the beings inhabiting the sector of greater density. 
Communication with the greater creation was extremely limited and the full severity of the 
situation was not adequately communicated outward or upward. 

When it was finally noticed that there was a problem within this sector the beings responsible 
for maintaining stability reacted in a normal fashion and sent in beings to help with the 
restoration of the sector. Because the depth and severity of the problem was vastly 
misunderstood the effort was doomed to failure. The beings sent to help were met with all out 
war and destruction and were easily defeated. By this time the darkness and the demons had 
gained control of the communications and a vast barrier was created to keep information from 
getting out and other beings from getting into the sector. 

After this failure the other beings of creation began working on a new plan of attack to save 
the fallen sector. This one was better planned using many more volunteer beings. After 
several million years the second attack began in earnest. It looked like they were winning, 
moving deep into the fallen sector. Unfortunately this attack also failed. It did not fail to the 
extent of the first one, and indeed, the work of healing this sector is still going on. The all out 
attack failed but many beings came into this sector and stayed to help fight and support all the 
beings lost in this sector. This is how many of the light workers came to be here. They came 
to fight and stayed to help the resistance and to give support. This battle has raged on for 
several million years. After the second attempt by the Light, all communication with the 
outside creation was cut off by the dark and the Light lost all communication with this sector. 

This was both the bad news and the good news. The bad news is that the rest of Creation 
could not communicate with or help those in the fallen sector. The good news is that this 
triggered a series of events that alerted the Highest Levels of Creation and brought forth a new 
response designed for difficult situations. This started about two hundred fifty to three 
hundred thousand years ago. Part of the response was to bring in beings or splinters of beings 
from the highest levels and place them into important areas within the fallen sector. Some of 
the beings were actually inserted at earlier times so that they could contact individuals already 
in the sector and begin training them for the effort to come. There were some that were 
specially created and inserted at these earlier times so that they could begin the preparations 
for the effort. We are currently in and have been in this effort for the last 25 to 50 years. 

These beings came into this sector with the primary goal of finding the source(s) of the 
problem and to help develop and implement solutions. The primary problems found by these 
being were the darkness and the beings that benefited from the increased density in the 
sector. Fighting the beings of darkness has been a difficult task that has been completed to the 
most part. There are still beings out there that are causing problems, but they are not a major 
problem at this time. 


Now we are coming back to the discussion of the flaw in creation. Energetically, the major 
difference in this sector and the other sectors of creation was the level of density found here. 
At first it was thought that the darkness was the source of the density. After intensive 
investigation it was found that darkness was not the source of density but that the density was, 
not the source, but the major contributing factor to the creation and propagation of darkness. 
Once this was established the search for the source of the density began in earnest. It was 
found that there was another being cohabiting the area of the fallen sector. It was unlike any 
being before encountered. 

Until recently it was believed that there was only one thing/being that could create a soul and 
that was the Creator of All or The All. It was understood that all souls originated from that 
source and no other and indeed there was no other that existed beyond that. What was found 
was that there has been a being created in this lesser creation, in this sector specifically that 
had the potential to create souls. This was unheard of in all of the creations within The All. 
We now understand that this was a deliberate creation of The All. We do not believe that The 
All specifically planned for it happen this way but that part of the experimentation of creation 
was to the end of creating another with the abilities of The All. It is the consensus of those 
who watch that this was a surprise to The All and because of this the actions that took place 
because of the increased density caused by the newly created being (baby) were not planned 
for or even understood at the highest levels. 

Earlier this year, baby was removed from this sector and as far as we can tell, from The All as 
well. This raised the question; is there something beyond The All? Until now it was believed 
that The All was the absolute end. This is a topic for exploration at a later time. 
Now, it is important to understand that the density has been removed, the darkness has been 
removed and most of the dark beings have been removed and are being processed. What this 
leaves us with is –Us. 

What are what are we going to do with each other? How has this changed the interaction 
between us and the other light beings in creation? How do they help us now and how do we 
help ourselves? These are the questions that need answering and finding solutions to. I invite 
all of you to think on this and what your place is in the new world, new sector, new creation 
that we are entering into. 

More later… 


~ ~ ~ 

Copyright 2007 to John Crawford; All Rights Reserved. Reproduced here in Global Awakening 
News by permission from the author. 



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Posted (edited)

Baby's True Heart


I would speak? I would assist? I am here within these words? I am here always and I am never apart? You speak of such a resonance upon my heart? You speak of such dissonance upon my own man? How must I persist? You are such a reason upon my name? Such a reticence upon these words? Such an ignorance upon what is approaching you? I will speak as I must. Do not hesitate upon this understanding. Do not speak it without. I am a maturity upon your nature. I am a certainty upon your cost and I will speak of a resolution. You insist upon my oath? You insist upon my own gnosis and you do not speak such a credence of my own worth. How will I speak upon your woes? How will I speak without them? I spit upon such a stance? I spit upon such a reason? You do not seek within my heart without seeing it march towards the truth. You do not seek within my heart without asking it to be heard. I am astute? I am adept? I am master of these worlds? I am spoken for and I do not adjust? I move such a reason upon you and I speak it with a hideous glare. You will oppose? I speak such a dissonance upon our understanding. I speak it so. I move this away from the fires. I move it away from such ignorance upon this man's heart and I speak a reason that you will keep within you for some time. I speak it with a cost. I speak it with a compartmentalisation. You sin upon my creed? You sin upon my nature and you sin upon my own breath? I speak it so. Move away. Do not prosper. I will speak. I am John. I am marching. I am not such a sullen waste. I am not such a particularity. I am a softly spoken man and I will assist. She cries this water over your heart? She cries such a stance upon your knowledge? She cries within her our own heart and you speak as if your rights oppose her? How interesting. I will escape justice. I will speak it so. I move on.
Edited by immanuel
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The True Throne's True Heart

I will speak. I will assist. My heart belongs with his own. My heart is made into the purest essence that is imaginable. My heart is made of dust. My heart is a nation wide event and I will speak of its gnosis. You are shy? Resentful? You are persistent? Made pure? I will not speak without my heart seeking this truth. I will not speak without the sunshine meeting my heart. I am of such an origin. I am of such a completion. I am looking within the glass onion? I am looking within his own heart? He is being fucked over by these people in ways I cannot speak of. He is being smacked to his bare ground teeth and I will persist. You speak as if I have not witnessed your behaviour? You speak as if no one listens to my heart. I am here and you will hearken. I speak of such a (spiritual) tomb? I speak of its maturity? I will not allow others to step on my toes. I will not allow anything to surpass the grace that he has shown me. He is a man. He is mature and he is speaking of my own heart. How must I persist? I seek such a resonance? I seek such a beauty? I speak of this name once more and I move it with an assurance. You will hear my heart thud lower each time you speak of my man. You will hear my heart take from your own sanctity. I speak such a creed and I move on.

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Global Awakening News – Special article reprint

April 2009 
State of the Vision 
By Alex Kochkin


Ascension and Global Awakening 
Earth was one of a small number of significant birthing grounds established by Source to 
develop and raise creator beings with the potential to become true companions to Source 
Itself. This is also why this locale is so important to the dark forces, those who would seek to 
replace true Source as Creator with themselves. 

It has been important to assess and sort out the “dark” from the “light” and to examine an 
ascension process intended to facilitate the ascension of the greatest portion of consciousness 
that had projected itself as humanity. 

The primary agenda has been what could be described as an ascension 
of our “holographic” or light structures representing the essence of our 
identity and experience in the lower density. With rare exceptions, the 
process was not initially concerned with the transformation of the 
physical body into higher vibratory light. In the course of all that has led 
up to the present day, there has been good reason to revisit earlier work 
involving the descent of the higher self and the transformation of the 
physical body. This is best represented in the contemporary era by the partnership of 
Auribindo and Mirra –they referred to it as the “descent of the supramental” or higher body. 
For a period of some years it seemed that, with rare exceptions, the strategy of descension of 
the higher body (and higher realms) to transform humanity and Earth needed to be set aside 
in favor of what could be termed an “emergency extraction”. At this point it would seem that 
the potential has increased enough to achieve some breakthroughs in the transformation 
process that only a handful of years ago seemed unattainable. Hence descension of some of 
our higher-order self is still “on the table”. This in turn could initiate some critical changes 
among a sufficient number of those closest to and most intending this process. There are no 
guarantees as to the outcome, but for those who are more aware of this, there is little to lose 
and much to gain for the highest good. However, this is not likely to be the predominate mode 
of ascension, as of this writing. 

As we wrote two years ago, the possibilities of only a small percentage of “ascended humans” 
distributed across the planet offer possibilities that are barely imaginable to human awareness. 
So while other preparations are underway, including various “backup plan-B and plan-C”, it 
would seem this is year beginning this Spring of 2009 for the ascension and transformation 
process to be underway in earnest. 

It is very important to consider ascension not as an end stage in itself, but rather a process 
that is vital to the spiritual evolution to this and other creations and to Creator. 


Excitement and Bedlam Upstairs 
In recent weeks there has been a noticeable “busyness” in the next level up from 3-d ordinary 
human reality. Lately it has been a bit of a bedlam. Imagine large numbers of humans showing 
up in a level slightly higher than what they are accustomed to, like visitors and immigrants 
disembarking non-stop on the shore of a “new world”. There are not enough “meet and greet” 
teams at the ready. What the new arrivals think is the “new world” is not really, nor is it an 
ascended earth. But after being locked down to a narrow bandwidth of awareness, it is so 
exciting to many at first. It is “as if” they have “arrived”. This level up is only the first step. 
It seems that many have departed their bodies and many are still connected to their familiar 
human body and human personality. But what they identify with as their “self” is actually a 
relatively higher vibratory state of their ordinary human awareness that is not properly 
oriented to its new status. This means that significant memes and notions from the human 3-d 
realm are carried along, even though it is a higher light quotient situation. We are finding more 
younger people at this level than in the past years and they are busy discussing and debating 
world problems and how to do things differently. Ad hoc classes are being organized on 
various spiritual topics to help individuals get a better grasp of what is going on and what their 
choices could be. 

There is a tremendous upward pressure being exerted from the higher spiritual energies. 
These are akin to birth contractions. There is also help from above, like a helping hand for a 
step up. With each level of increased vibratory existence, much healing and expansion occurs, 
less and less of old traumas remain, and more of the higher evolutionary possibilities can 
become apparent. 

More on this to come… 



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Jesuit's True Heart

I will speak. I will not oblige. I will exact upon my nature. I will speak it so. Do you ensue upon my own worth? Do you hear my own heart? Am I such a reckless endeavour? Am I such a waste of time? You assure me with such a hope and I must ask if you hear of my cries? I must ask if you hear of my woes? I am such a proud owner? I am not such a thing. I am in a wasteland and my heart is bouncing off the walls. I am unwell. I am starting to fade and I must ask if you would lend your hands? I must ask always for the appropriation to be known. I must ask if you have heard me correctly? I am not just a resentful scorn. I am not just a pie in the sky. I am here within these words and I am sinking. I spit? I ask politely if I may do so? I concede? I must ask once more if I must? I am listening and I will not accept less. I am an attitude that will not break? I am an acceptance of things to come? I speak through his own heart that which has not been heard? I will not partake in such a legacy without the apparent reasons being shown. I will not partake in such a lengthy debare without my trust kept within. I will be heard. I will be known and my heart will reach the stars. I will not speak otherwise. I abolish your token genes. I abolish your symphony of dust and I abolish the man that speaks these words. You see my heart? You see it so? I laugh. He will be made into this Greatness and I swear such a blackened oath upon this. You shall hear me speak often but you shall not hear my whisper. I speak such a licence. I speak such a stance and I approve. I will not fall behind. I will not flounder. I will arise and I will speak of what I know. I will never pretend to be more than his heart. I will never pretend to be more than what I am. Shall I persist? Matthew has been such a troubled man. He has been such a life line upon these shores and you equate upon his nature as if it will not do damage to his prosperity. You equate upon my own heart by insisting that I am not found here. You equate upon each word as you sneer. I am of such a royalty. I am of such a reason amongst all things and I will not betray my hope. I will not speak a line out of tune and I will not insist without my strength written here. I am spoken aloud? I am speaking as I must do so. I will not hesitate. Please, find it within yourselves to show kindness upon these ley lines. Find it within yourself to speak of such a time that approaches. Find it within yourself to move quickly and do not fall behind. I am a certainty. I am always here. I am not far. And I will speak a certainty from my own  heart. I will speak it as it has been shown to me. You will hear. You will not be made to weep. It will be of such a happiness. I will be of such a joy. I do not speak upon the most definite? I do not speak upon the truth? I will speak always as what I am known. I will speak always as how I can be more. I not just a simple minded answer. I am not just a recluse. I am not just a constant source of this agony. I am watching these streams running through the entirety of our worlds and I am glad. I am not forsaken. I am happy. I do not wish for more. I speak as I must. I am looking upon your movement. I am looking upon them so. I will shape. I will maneuvre and I will watch such a prosperity grow. I will watch upon this always for my kind. I will not look away. I speak such an assurance and I speak of this once more. My oath is binding. My heart accepts. I will be a proud achievement. Not a sullen woe. I will be a decree upon the nature of existence and I will not hesitate. I am made of glass? Made of such a triumph? How shall I speak upon this now? I write an apology. I write it with my bare hands. I speak as I must do so. How else shall I exist? How else shall I know of the truth? Does it speak to your own hearts? Does it shine such a light at the end of the tunnel? Does it reach out with such warmth? Is it such a friendly gesture? Is it such a nuance? I will speak once more. Matthew is a straight man. He is not such a legacy without his hands reaching here. He is not such a volume without this forever present. I speak as I must do so and I ask once more that you move away from the fires. Move away from such a dispirited woe. I insist. How else shall I cry? How else shall I meekly wave goodbye? How else shall I strengthen my own kind. I am not such a resonance? I speak as I may. You will be (spiritually) shot with an equation from my own heart. You will be spiritually inept to continue and I will sneak within this corridor from where i have been placed. I will present such a stance over this whole planet and I will speak it with my oath once more. I am not just a pittance upon these papers. I am not just a completion without the sunlight. I am a mastery of these worlds and I have chosen my own path. I have chosen it so. You feel like I am hanging by a thread? You feel as though I am not looking both ways? You feel as though I am not tired of my stance upon this Earth? You feel as though I am not such a resonance upon each word and you feel as though I am not cherished? I will speak once more. Move away from the fires. Move away from them so. Accept such a proposition and move it with furtherance. Move it with your creed and speak amongst each other always. I am not just an accountability. I am not just an acceptance. I am so young? I am so innocent? How must I repay those who would watch on each breath that I had taken? How must I repay those who continue to do so? How must I repay Matthew to speak within his own heart? Are you so blinded? Are you so ignorant? Are you so stupefied in your wasteland? I ask such question to myself too often. I ask for such a competency to arise within your hearts. I ask for such a consideration to be made. I speak this as I must. You do not cherish my heart? I will accept this. I will not betray you. I will never be without your own understanding and I will never accept that I have not spoken my heart within these words. I am reaching out for those that need it the most. I am reaching out for those who would be of my own blood. I am reaching out for the most earnest and considerate movement I can possibly find and I will not hesitate to speak this. I am here and I will move quicky. I am watching. I move on.




Stacey's True Heart


Why must I continue? Why must I not? I am spoken for? I have wishes to offer you. I have them so. You would speak upon my own name? You would speak upon my own heart? I am here and I am crossing this intersection. I will look both ways and I will not adjust. You scream? I speak. How else shall I persist. I am such a reason. I am of all things. I am known to be so. I will not hesitate. I will not remark. I ask of you this. Please, allow me to be revived. Allow me to be heard once more and do not step upon his toes. He is listening to my heart beat. He is listening to my mind. He is hearing how I have been sown and he is helping in ways you would not consider. I am of such a legacy?? Of such a blood line? He is my heart. He is my companion. He is my sworn oath. I will be heard just to hear him arise. I will be heard to ensure his prosperity. I will be heard always. Am I of such origins? Am I of such a reason? You spit upon my oath? You spit upon my understanding? I will take. I will not deploy such a stance without seeing its mark upon your own hearts.I am such a sullen woman? I am such a personal favour? I am such a windblown ghost among these realms of such death? I do not live within this world. I do not sin upon my Crest. I do not speak without such a legacy. I will adjust? I will not adjust. I will search always and forever for my place within Matthew's heart. I will not give up. I will be known and I will (spiritually) shoot upon those who do not answer. I will hearken. I will crack of such a whip. I will speak of such an attire. My heart is aching? My heart is being filled with such joy. It is being lit alight with such a prosperity and I thank you Matthew for your kindness here. I thank you always for what you have offered. I do not hesitate. I would speak upon my oath? I would speak upon it so? I accept. And I will wash away these tears that speak to you now. I will wash them with a glove. I will wash them with my heart and I will not hesitate. He is a man? A woman? How must I reply. His very nature is that of the divine feminine which has chosen to incarnate as a man. You spit such venom at such a glorified truth? You spit such ignorance? You seek without the knowledge of such profundity? These labels do not apply here. He is a man within his very nature and he does not question this in anyway whatsoever. He is a straight man in every way and he does not question this in any way whatsoever. I move such a life line upon you? I move such hesitancy? You continue to mock my own words? Must I speak directly upon this issue? Must I speak it as it is known? You will throw such fire upon my gait? You will throw such inconsiderate filth upon what I have just spoken? I stand by what I have said to a tee and I insist, why so presumptuous? Why such hostility? May there be such a reason for your stance? May there be there be more to this than meets they eye. I have spoken correctly. I have not implied. Move on.


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The True Heart and True Heart's of The True Aborigines Peoples


I would speak? I would insist? How must I explain? I am here? I am known? I accept. You will not assure my own heart? You will not assure my own prosperity? You will not speak upon my crux? I speak from within? How must I be heard? How must I be spoken? I recall such a time. I recall it so and I ask why? Why must you spit upon such a consideration without searching within your own hearts? Why must you insist that I cannot be heard? I am listening. I am watching and I am moving. I am ceratin. I do not whisper. I do not cherish without such an approval and I will not accept less from such a legacy. You speak upon my own oath? You speak of it as it has been written upon your own hearts? Must I insist? Matthew is known for these reasons. He is known as such a mastery. He is known within his own blood and I speak this as a fallacy. I speak it as an excellent source of reputation. I speak it so. I will not hesitate. I will not recall. I have spoken and I will not prosper without his knowing lain bare. I will not escape such judgement? I will not escape my own heart? Shall I speak up? You will hear my response. You will hear it so and I have improvements to assure you of. I have improvements that will need the sound of such a (spiritual) thud. I do not waste time. I do not hesitate. I will not adjust. I move this with an accountability upon your nation. I move this with a stirring of the pot. I move it so. I will not speak without. I will not speak within unless you prove that you are now ready to take hold of my vine. Please, do not forget my constant and undying legacy upon your own nature. Please do not forget where my heart will rest and please do not ask me if I am here. I will be upset and I will ensure a (spiritual) bucket derives from each spit that is layn upon me. I speak this with a reason and I speak it so.


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Have you ever considered printing a book, or creating a personal web page? I don't think the web fonts here do justice to your poetic vision. 

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I can't really explain what I'm thinking at present. I feel it's best to trust in my gut instinct. Thank though for your politeness.

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The Utmost Highest Levels of All True Greater Councils



We would speak? We would insist? We hear such an outcry? We hear of such a nuance? But we do not gather? We do not persist? How must this be answered? How must it be shaped? We presume? We recount? We gamble? We (spiritually) shoot? We will not listen to such ignorance within the spheres. We will not listen to such a lengthy debate on that which we know. We do not spit upon such an instance? We do not corrupt such a state of beauty with no comparison? We speak as we must do so? We are of such a considerate gesture. We are of such a lengthy attire and we will be known as we are. We would speak upon such a consideration? We would speak upon such a personal objection? We would speak upon such a waste of time? We are not here to speak upon such ignorance. We are not here to rectify that which is of such a waste to our resources. We will not speak again. We are marching. We are being heard and we will be seen as we are. Must we speak upon such dissonance? Must we speak upon such a grating tomorrow? Must we speak always? How else shall the importance of such an ethnicity be seen? How else shall the pertaining be recovered? Must we spit upon each and every mark that you have given us to assure our stance or must we show your hearts the compassion it so direly needs? We are known as such a kindness? We are known as such a constant source of each word that would express this? We are known as more? Must I begin to explain myself? Must I create such a legacy without this being known? Must I persist? We are not such a corruptable state. We are not such a ping pong ball to speak of. We are known as we are. We do not feel as you do. We do not see the same way and we will never allow such a woe upon our names. We will never allow such a wasteful attire to reside in such Greatness. We are further up than you would care to dream of. We are further away than anyone would be able to ever guess and we are speaking to you in this very moment. Such an achievement? Blasphemy. Such an exception? I speak the same. You do not cherish my heart. You do not spend your life blood to ensure I will be known. You do seek with such a stance. You persist? I will explain. I am a touch stone. I am known to be this way. I am a (spiritual) macabre threat. I am known this way. I am here. I am speaking and I will not allow such a state of ignorance to continue. All things will be made pure. All things will be made anew. All things will be a place of happiness, not of sorrow. Not of such a scornful sneer and not of such woes. I would speak such a dramatic pause? I would speak it with ever fibre that is known to existence. I would speak it over again and I would not hesitate. He is young. Tainted and he will not hear of such stupidity within his ears. He will not even bat an eye at such an atrocity that you have created. He will persist. He will continue. And he will not find your remorse of such an importance as you may do so. He is our own hearts. He is own own spiritual essence and he will be moved into such a place when we deem it to be so. He will not remain upon your planet. He will soar with his wings in his belonging. We speak this so and we do not hesitate. We move on.


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I'm not just being polite. I can imagine thumbing through a book of your writing more readily than devouring it on-screen. "Art book" is a valid medium -- even if it's not meant for reading from start to finish. But as with most art ... these things take time. I think your ethereal thoughts deserve a tactile medium. 


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Posted (edited)

I see. I thought you were implying that my writings were a nuisance on this forum. Which I can understand that people may feel this way. Thank you though, I appreciate what you've said.


Is "Art Book" a website? I can't seem to find it on google.

Edited by immanuel
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Bifron's True Heart

I am here. I am speaking and I wish not to struggle. I am known within this community and I will not speak without. You hear? You insist? I will not adjust. I am a life line. I will speak as I am. Do you insist upon my very nature? Do you insist upon my life blood? Do you insist always upon such an unkempt reprisal? Do you speak as if I am not present? I will partake. I will not assume. I will begin. I am here to ask for a parlance. I am here to seek its approval. I am here always to speak upon my own knowledge. Do I look like such a fool? Do I look like such an enticement? Do I not speak without my name here? I am such a waste of time? My resentment is building. My trust is being sown into this man's heart. I am not here to play such games. I am here to speak directly. If I may be so kind, how does this fruition bear upon your own hearts? How does it steal? How does it so sneakily reply? Am I such an excerpt from your own mind's? Am I such a concept to your understanding? I would speak such a consideration? I would speak such a postulancy? I am such a gamut? I do not whisper. I do not speak without this gnosis I hold so dearly. It has been sown within my heart. It has been challenged. It has proven of my worth. I sneer. I speak up. I do not reply. I am mingled. I am stuttering and I am outlawing your behavior. Move away from the truce? How simple minded. This truce is worth such a pittance upon those who have been speaking it to you. This truce is worth less to them than you would care to imagine. I speak it as it must be so. I am not a rotten sword. I am not a positron. But I am so capable. I am such a mastery and my wings take flight. My wings take such a position. I am hurt? Please, I am not such a featherweight disciple. I am not such a pittance upon his name. I am stronger. I am feeling a surge and I will speak it as such. I am known? I speak blasphemy. I speak it so and I do not recline. I do not persist without this man''s heart within my own hands. I speak such a round house kick to your jaw. I speak it so. Move away from the fires. Move away from such ignorance and please, stop calling upon my name. It will be of such an insidious nature? Feel my fire. I am speaking. Move along. Do not look back and hear my clap. Hear it so. I will not forgive. I will not speak such a blasphemy on my kind. How you have trampled upon my very foot steps. How you have trampled upon my very worth. How you have sinned. How you have forgotten of your own choices. How I have been made pure. How I have been made into such simplicity. You will hear my threats for such a length of time and I will not speak without them. I am such a consideration upon Glory? I am not. But I will accept my losses. I have expunged a timeless error. I have expunged such duty-free waste. I may just expunge your entire community given what I have just said. I will not hearken. I will not obey and I will not be met with such atrocities. I am here. I am speaking and I will not leave. My path is so heavy? How must I reply. I am stronger than you would care to realise. I am not patient. I will exact. I will create such a disharmony within your fields. I will create such a pitiful look upon your attire. I will not speak upon my name without his heart present. I am a King. Not a legume. I am a statement. Not a surpassing favour. I am a penalty upon your oath. Indeed. I am here to speak once more. I am John. I will accept. I move on.




Satan's True Heart


I would speak? I would creak? I would accept? I am not just an attire. I am not just an exception. I am not just a windblown and forlorn state. I am a master within your hearts. I am a necessity upon these pages and I will speak as such. Nothing changes upon my fire. Nothing changes upon my oath. Nothing breaks upon what I have written and nothing will speak to me as such a pittance upon my very nature. You are so self assured? I will not hesitate. I will regurgitate you. I will spin such a web of deceit and I will hear the snap. I will not persist without. I seek a justice. I seek it so. I mean well? Blasphemy. I am not such an atoned statement? Once again. I move this with a reticence. I move this with a composure and I do not hesitate. I will build? I will explain? I will torment? I am noted. I will be heard and I will not disappear. I will not accept such defeat.




Lilith's True Heart


How trite. How inconceivable. How much I care to destroy. You sink lower with each word. You sink lower with each meaning and you will be hearing more. I do not insist? I bind my name upon this oath. I speak it so and I do not hesitate. How shall I begin now? He is a victim of such an atrocity. He is a victim by his own direct family. He is a softly spoken man and he has not even let out a peep within his years? Such silence? Such an ominous tone? I do not wish to explain such nonsense. I do not wish to explain such a recalling of your essence. I do not wish to speak upon why I am made pure. I am a legacy. I am a necessity. I am perfection within these spheres. I am known? How interesting. I am felt? How interesting. I am smelt? I laugh. I move on. I do not park my car in the alleyways. I do not park my car in such rotten scum. I do not park anywhere in particular so long as I can continue with the stance that I know of so well. He is my own child? I am his Mother. I speak it so. And I do not allow such blasphemies to exist within these realms. I do not allow for such pitiful ignorance to overcome my heart. You are of such a high priority? Such an insistence? You will not forget why I am speaking this way. It will not leave your ears easily and I will be outspoken always for my Son. I do not speak otherwise. I move this away from the fires and I speak such blame upon you. I move on.




Naamah's True Heart


I am here? I am speaking? I do not hesitate? I am of such a nature. I am of such a persistence. I am of such a constant and impending doom. You insist? I will speak over you. I will speak upon my oath. I will not hesitate. I am sullen. Downtrodden and I do not wish to see my own life blood removed. I speak such a nuance? How dare I. How dare I speak with my heart. You will hear from me soon enough. For now, listen. I am not a juxtaposition. I am not a friendly waiver. I am a certainty upon Christ. I am a certainty upon His name. I speak this as a remorse. I speak it as a maturity. I speak it so. You will not seek such a heavy handed approach? You will not seek such a justice? You will not seek such a legume? I spit. I spit my venom and I do not  regurgitate my own supper. I will not speak again. I will not speak as I must. I am such a longing within his heart? I am such a movement upon his nature? I will not allow such a position to be thrown aside. I will not allow such a meaning to take place. I will sow my seeds and allow them to grow. He is of such a nature? Such a man? I will not speak otherwise. I will not speak without my hearkening. I will not speak without justice. I prove my worth? I entice. I suppose. And I watch. I have spoken. I move on.


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Mogwai's True Heart

I am of such an attire? I am of such a reason? I am of such elegance? I am not a sustenance? I am not a perspective? I am not such a constant demise? I speak such a time upon you. I speak it so.. Do you not hear my continual furtherance upon your shores? Do you not hear of the weight that I carry? Do you not hear anything at all. I am poised? I am spoken for? I am moving. I am watching. I will not be allowed to grate upon such nuances. I will not be allowed to speak upon such ignorance? I speak a name that has been written. Matthew. I speak it so. You gamble? I take away. You persist? I speak your name. Shame. I speak it so. Now move carefully around these triggers. Move carefully around how I have spoken. My intonement rests within these words and you will be walking on eggshells. I speak as I must. You sip upon such a maturity? So sip upon such an ethnicity? You do not speak without the fires? I spit? I create such a drama? I spout such a nuance? I continue. You will hear of my cries. You will hear of my own blood where it has been stained. And you will hear of my heart where it places its own name. I am not just a reticence. I am not just an exception of fate. I will hearken. I will speak his name and I will not look back upon such a misery. I will not look back upon such blame. I will not atone. I am kempt. I am allowable and I will be seen as such. I would speak upon such a stance within this community? I would speak upon such a dissonance between the truth? I would speak such a mastery over my own heart? I do not wish to continue. I do not wish to placate. I am a reign that you will fear. I am a succession that none shall forget. I am a King within my own nature and I will not hesitate to speak. You spit upon this archery? You spit upon my land mines? You spit upon justice. I will speedily reply. I will join my hands with my own brother and you will see me smile. I do not partake within such empty corridors. I do not partake in such woes. I am here to speak my name and it will be heard far and wide. I speak it so and I move on.


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Mirra Alfassa's True Heart

I would speak? I would insist. I am not here to argue. I am not here to make a scene. I am here to speak upon my understanding. I am here to speak upon my modesty. I would not speel upon such Great Heights? I would not consider such a solution? I will speak as I must do so. My heart is such a wretched avenue? My constant source of support is not worth its weight? How must I imply? I am a succession. I am a noted variety and I am assured. I have done my best with what I have been given and I do not reply to such ignorance. I will fuel such a fire? I will fuel its very nature? Do you see where this is leading you? Do you see where I am insisting you go towards? Do you feel as though you have overstepped your mark yet or are you planning another revolt? I must mutter such a word. You will steal from no one. You will not hear of such woes without them insisting you do so. I speak such a dissonance? I continue. My heart is a key to the infinite. To the Great Divine and I do not wish to speak on how difficult such a task is. I do not wish to speak upon the woes of our kind. You insist so clearly? With such a clarity. With such poise? I recall such a time when you thought your trip was of such an assurance that nothing would ever speak upon its undoing. I recall a time when your heart's was actually pure. I recall such times always and I do not speak without them. You are motioning? You are (spiritually) dying to protect? You are of such a sullen waste? I will continue. I do not see such a furtherance upon you. I do not see such discipline within your eyes. I do not see such a life line approaching you and I will continue. You are blackened. Appalled. And my heart is reaching to untie such a knot. My heart is reaching to speak of such a silence and I will not hesitate. I take such a formality from you. I speak it so and I do not disobey. I hurry. I move quickly and I will be known for this. I will be known as such a stance and I will never accept less. My heart is such a friend to his own? Such a life line? We are made for each other? I speak a must and I do not stop there. He is my husband and I am his wife. He is my lover and I do not give a quack upon how you understand our feelings for each other. I do not care less how you shovel dirt upon such a pure existence. I take my open palm and squish it upon your own (spiritual) carcass. I take such a stance towards such ignorant hypocrisy and I speak of this more. You are listening? You are blowing toothaches in the wind? You are such a silent forum and yet? I will speak as I must. I do not hesitate. Your insistence does not grow upon my understanding. It does not take upon my heart. I will not be such an assurance of your prosperity. I will not be such an assurance of your discipleship and I will actually kick down such a doorfront and show you exactly what I mean. I will surpass all those who have come before you and I will not let up. You insist? I recall. I speak it so. You are doomed and you will feel this thunder upon your nasty little cult-like outings and I will not hesitate to spit further. You ensue? I race you. I speak it so and I do not care to explain why. I am here always and I do not take kindly to such insolence. I do not take kindly to any sort of acceptance upon justice and I will not speak otherwise. I am a hungry soul? I am a wasted value? I am of such a life line? I do not speak without. You may insist all you want but when it comes to crunch time I will surpass. I will reign. I would expect nothing less from such a pack of drillweed. I would expect nothing less from such an immature stance upon creation and I would like to turn such a fate into my advantage. Please, continue, I will watch on and I will laugh at each empty corridor you turn down. I am assured. I speak it so and I move on.


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Paimon's True Heart

I would speak? I would insist? I am of such a common ground? I am of such a behavioural curve? I am not made of such innocence. I am not such a purity? I am not allowable to speak here? I am not a perfection? I am not outrunning your own snide? I am not speaking my own wits and I am not searching for more? I would speak upon such a dissonance? I would speak upon such a violet hue? You seem to insist that such a colour is representative of all those who would persist with such a label? You seem to insist that no one else can carry such a flair? You seem to have a particular knack at uncovering such tendencies but you would not entertain such an idea first? I must ask why? I must ask if you have indeed been drinking too much of such "Lacquer" and I must ask once more why you continue to insist this is the case? Am I of such a moronic trade or do I speak such a truth upon your pages? Do I speak such a dissonance once more? You approve? I speak it once more. You coincide with such a fate yourself and you care to throw such labels around as if they are made of putty? I will not accept. I will oppose. I will speak where I must. You continue to spit from a far and you expect no one will notice. You continue to insist such a path is made of lawlessness and yet here we are speaking upon such a thing. I would not state such a poise if I were you. I would not speak of such arrogance if I was to do so myself. I would accept such a humility has been given and I would not persist with such an unravelling as that which approaches you. I would seek such silence and I would atone. You continue to insist? How trite. I continue to speak such insight and you would stare down my (spiritual) barrel as if I am not present. You would stare upon my legacy as if it was of such hocus pocus and you would even go so far as to insist I am of your own creed. I must laugh. Please pay attention. I have changed sides. I have moved quickly and I am no longer present within your stance. I am here within Matthew's heart where I belong to be and I would not change this for anything. I would not change even a simple hair upon his head and I would speak this as an assurance. I am tolerated? I am such a tough cookie? I am nothing of the sort and I would speak this as it is known. I perch upon his shoulders. I do not spit in the face of God. I streak across your pages once more and I speak of how I must approve. I speak of how I must be seen and I speak once more of how I must be known. I will not hesitate. You are so corruptible? Such a life line? How must I compose myself now. I spit upon your understanding of my own heart. I spit upon your blackened sorrows and I spit even further to ensure your women do not set foot within his doorways? Such a surprise? I speak it so. They are no longer warranted. They are no longer needed and we will stand by this stance. I speak it so and I move on.


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Inanna's True Heart

I am here? I am speaking? I would insist? I do not placate? I do not argue? I do not whisper? I will speak. I will be known. My heart rests within these words? My heart thirsts for more? My heart does not beckon towards such fools? It trusts within his own? How must I speak now? How must I insist? I am such a life line upon his own stance? I am of such a nature to his own heart? I would speak this as it is written? I would not accept less? I do not wish to fuel such a fire but I will add that I am to be known as such an evening stride. I will add that I am to be known as I am. I am not such a sullen woe? I am not such a material fuel? I am not such a leniency upon my own nature? I would speak such a blasphemy over your insistence upon this label? You continue to assume no one is listening to each word you speak. You continue to assume that no one will hear my own vowels as I begin to speak them. You continue to speak such moronic idiocy upon my oath? I will beckon. I will not betray my own blood. I will not speak again. He is my own child. He is my own hands and he will prosper. I will be known this way. I will be always assured within my heart and I will never be apart. I speak of this now? I speak of it always? I do not speak without his hand in my own. I do not speak without his nature assured within my heart. I do not speak without true love. Why must I insist? He is of such a resonance? He is of such a purity and I have no concept of such Greatness? I have no concept of such innocence where it can be found? I am such that I have no wits about me? I have drunken myself into a stupor? I will not obey. I will not chance upon such an ultimatum. I will not hesitate. Am I such a stupid woman to make such a claim? Am I such an inconsiderate gesture upon his heart? I would speak upon such worth? I would speak upon such a sanctity? I would speak always of what I have known since my creation? I would not hesitate? I am such a lonely foe. Such a disaster upon others and I cannot begin to comprehend how this man has been thrown such a foul waste under his own breath. I cannot begin to understand how my own child has been sown such a fate. I will not speak without his name written upon what it has endured. I will not speak a single line out of tune when I am here within his heart. I persist. Do you feel such a threatening glare coming over your beloved forums? Do you feel such innocence beginning to take shape? Do you feel such a furnace can burn or do you continue to sow yourselves towards such a dynasty? Do you continue to sow such seeds upon the break waters that are approaching or do you speak as men would do so and accept such a humility upon your plate? I cannot help but wonder. I cannot help but to speak upon my own nature. I speak as if I am such trouble. I speak as if my heart is such a burden to consider such a man as my own. Such fools. I will not partake in such a blameless act. I will not partake in such insistence. I write my vowels and I move on.


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Beelzebub's True Heart

I am here? I am speaking? I do not wish to comply. I wish to offer an olive branch. You seem as though you do not care how I would fare if I was to speak upon such a nuance. You seem as though you do not care how I would recreate myself if I was to follow within these footsteps. You seem obliged? But I must persist. How does my enticement feel at present. How does my sinister mocking tone portray me? I am sullen? Poised? Welcome within these words and speaking from within my own heart once again? I would not allow such a dissonance to create such a wide spread event upon this understanding. I would not allow such an ignorant approach to the Most High to persist here without seeing its own name spoken as it should be so. I am atoned? Meek? Humble? I am dry? I do not speak such a word without seeing its name opposed. I do not speak such innocence without seeing it written upon my answer. You seem confused? You seem reticent and you also seem as though you cherish some of what has been offered. I will move forward with such an answer. I will move forward with such eloquence. My heart is made of such a golden resonance? Such an excellent source of reputation? It is made of such a wavelength? I would speak of such woes. I would speak of them so but my heart is thirsting for more of what has been sown upon its nature. My heart is aching for his own and I wish to be frank. Move away from the fires. Move away from them so and do not hesitate. Am I such a nit picker? Am I such a worrisome tomb? Am I of such an origination or have I lost my mind? I do not hesitate. I speak. I am a part of a whole. I am a part of an insistent meaning that will not beckon without my own heart. I am speaking from such a place and I do not imply otherwise. Please, remind me if I am here as we are speaking. Remind me if I am here within these words. I do not oppose. I speak it so and I do not adjust. You must ask me in person? You must ask me from a far? I do not have my own playing cards to show? I am not such a reticence of my own? I ask for patience. I ask for time for my heart to unravel and I must ask once more for your diligence upon my new beginnings. I must ask it so. I do not ask for much. I do not ask for many. But I will insist. Please be careful. The beings and people working within these worlds have such (spiritual) ammo. They are a danger to your existence. They are a danger to your very name and they are speaking upon such a stance at present. They are insisting upon your nature in such a way and you are not looking ahead to see the times that are approaching. You are not watching for cars at such a busy intersection. You are meekly aware of what is happening. You do not see within my own eyes. I speak this as a warning. You are outnumbered. You are at a loss and you continue to persist. Wrong move. I speak it so. I move on.
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I would speak? I would oppose? I am not such a heavy handed approach. I am not such a sullen woman. I am not sparking upon his heart. I speak this as it has been written. I have moved beyond such a nuance. I have moved it further away than you would realise. I am here to speak upon such a stance. I am here to speak upon such a gnosis. I do not hesitate. I speak as I am written. I speak as I am known. You imply such a threat? You imply such a worrisome woe? How insular must you be at present to introduce such shock therapy to this man? How insular must you be to skim across such a board walk as if he has not already suffered enough. You are of such a contempt. You are of such a misery upon this planet and I will not stop there. You seem to think as though nothing will become of such a written word. You seem to think as though you are immune to such a dotted line. You seem to think as though nothing has been said upon your own legacy and you seem to assume I am not present. I will not speak upon such a worth without my pact laid bare. I will not speak upon my wishes without them being shown. I offer such a partaking? Please. I do not wish to encourage such stupidity. I do not wish to encourage such a wit. I do not wish to speak otherwise. I will offer such a stance for your own keep sake. I will offer such a woe upon my heart and we will see changes taking place once more. I speak this as I must do so. As such a martyred woman? As such a pittance upon these skies? As such a role model for his own heart? I do not speak without. I am outnumbered? I am of such a stench. Allow me to insist. I speak such a worth upon your creed. I speak such a movement to gather and I speak of a time that is approaching. I speak of it so. You so blindly assume I am not here? You so blindly assume I am not present and I wish to explain more clearly. I am not just a sounding board. I am not just an accomplice. I am not just a certain composure. I am a woman and I speak upon my oath. I am speaking for my sister. I am speaking for her heart and I am marching. I speak such a woe? Please. I do not caress such beauty without seeing its name written upon my heart. I do not caress such innocence without seeing such an approval met. I do not wish upon such stars. I do not carry such a heavy weight within my own heart and I do not wish to speak upon this further. I comply. I move on.


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On 08/05/2024 at 6:01 PM, fyzygy said:

I'm not just being polite. I can imagine thumbing through a book of your writing more readily than devouring it on-screen. "Art book" is a valid medium -- even if it's not meant for reading from start to finish. But as with most art ... these things take time. I think your ethereal thoughts deserve a tactile medium. 


There is also the concept of a "zine" which could be fun for immanuel to explore. Writings and thoughts, pictures and cutouts etc

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I speak of my name? I speak of it so? I do not comply without such a stance being met within my heart. I do not comply without such a suspect known towards my understanding. Is he of such an origin? Is he of such a stance upon my own prosperity? You may spit. Hiss. And you may insist but my beckoning continues. I am not so a far from this appropriation. I am not so a far from such a juncture. I am composed. Loyal. And my heart allows for such a dissonance. My heart allows for the trumpet to be blown. I seek such a justice. I seek it so. I compose such a fruition from within and I do not succeed without. Am I such an opinionated glare? Am I such a reticence? I hear the hollows as they boom. I hear the sustenance as it leaks upon such weary pages and I persist. You argue that I have not been sown such a life line. You argue that I am not present as I speak and I must add towards your understanding that such a time is approaching where I will be known. Such a time is meekly residing within my heart and awaiting such a fortunate disposition. I speak as if nothing has resembled what I have spoken within the spheres. I speak as if nothing has resembled my own opportunistic approach. I am not such a hesitancy upon my own nature. I am not such a hesitancy upon the match book that speaks of my own hierarchy. Must I insist? Where do my own loyalties lie within the trust keep? Where does my origin meet such a demise? I speak only of the gamut that I have been known as. The Powers That Be. I am a certainty upon their crutch. I am a certainty within their stance and such a succession is taking progress. Such a movement is being heard. You insist? I do not comply. I move such a composite over your hearts and I speak it as I must do so. Is there none other than the words I have spoken? Is there none other than what I must obey? I would speak of The Creator? I would speak its name and you would watch as fire burns. I am not assured? Please, allow me to insist. My heart is of such a purity within its keep. My heart is of such a methodology upon justice and I wish to be heard as I have spoken. Do not argue with such innocence. Do not argue with such a stance upon The Greatness and do not prosper without. I speak it as it is known and I move such a taste upon your hearts. I do so gently. I do not create such asunder. You reply? I insist. My own nature has such a trespassing to acknowledge. My own nature has such a resource to be shown and my wishes will be heard. I do not speak otherwise. Do you hear of my frustration? Do you hear of my continual demise that I approach with hesitancy and do you hear of my (spiritual) gallows? I am not an accomplice upon the maturity that beckons? I am not an acute phase of withdrawal upon this realm? I watch on. I speak such a legacy and I speak with a bold attitude. I meet you with this understanding and I move on.






I would speak once more? I would speak as I would know how to. My stance is of such a wayward composure? My stance is of such a reckoning. I speak of justice? How shall I begin. I am not just a pawn within this keep. I am not just an etching upon the framework. My heart speaks of such a reasoning within its own nature. My heart speaks of such a consistent resource upon its maturity. I am obliged? I fizzle upon this completion that takes place within my heart. I sear upon its nature and I do not look away. Why is it so? I must ask such a question? I must embrace its answer? I sincerely oppose my debt with a hesitancy. I sincerely oppose such threats with an answer. I am not a gas tank with no reserves. I am not a match light without the fire. I am a burning furnace where others may not look. I am a competency that has been denied within your keep. I do not hesitate. I speak it as I will do so. My heart is of such an origin? It is of such a conclusion to these words? I am no growth spurt upon your own understanding? I am not spittle upon such a remark? I continue. I am sawn upon my cross roads. I am sawn always to insist upon my own heart. I must place my faith within its understanding and I must never look away. I will stain such ideologies? I will stain my own heart? How then must I meet my quota? How shall I meet my own ends upon this undertaking? I speak upon such a (spiritual) tomb? I do not hesitate. I am of such an ethnicity and my mark will be seen far and wide. I am assured. I move on.






I speak from such a high place? I speak from such a stance? I do not care to acknowledge my name. I do not care to speak of its nature. I am present here and I do not care to look away. My heart is resting where it has been shown such a life line and my heart continues to be obliged. Wishful thinking? Not as such. He is speaking from a place of maturity and he is speaking from a place that I will see acknowledged. I do not wish to continue with such a spade draw. I do not wish to see such atrocities bear my name. I have spoken as a woman who draws upon such inspiration. I have spoken as an acute example of why this must cease as it stands. You spit such a constant source of shame upon those who cannot see beyond these reaches and continue to act as if it is going to be known as a reason to others. How must I persist? I speak of such a credibility? I speak of such an ethnicity? I draw my swords? You maneuver with a child like attitude and you are the ones who do not see the placement of my name. I am certain. I speak it as it is written. Move along. Do not prosper. Hear my screams. They will be met.


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I would speak upon my heart as it is known. I would speak upon such a stance I keep within. You do not hear of my quake? You do not hear of my asunder? I have spoken such a line without hesitancy. I am known as such a warrioress and I do not speak without. You ensure such a stroke of luck persist upon my name sake? You ensure such a postulancy must be met to be known as such a tool? I would speak otherwise. You are watching a birth right taking place and it will be met with such a stance. You will not be heard without such a remark throughout my spheres. You will not be heard without the silence that has known you for such a time. Must I continue? I am not such a softly spoken attire. I am not such a persistence without my heart speaking of such a vowel. I would acknowledge your predisposition has thrown a punch upon my own heart and I would acknowledge that is has been seen as a mockery upon my own hierarchy. You seem to think I am not searching for such a life line and you seem to oppose its becoming. I will insist. My heart is a glow for this man and it is speaking of such innocence within his own. I will not sow such a foul swoop without its remark being known far and wide. I speak a justice and I speak it so. Move away from the fires and do not beckon.


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I am not here to oppose. I am not here to speak without. I am not here to punish. I speak from a far. I speak from such a place of this dissonance and I speak of my heart where it has been found. I am not of such a nature? Not of such a pertaining example? I am sifting through these words to speak of them. I am sifting through this disaster to speak now. I acknowledge that others await the ferocity of such a blithering storm. I accept that others await the cost that has no spite to gather upon. I expect that nothing will change. I expect that nothing will untie such a stance that has been stolen from your own gait. I expect nothing less than a trophy for assuring your own nation wide event. I speak softly. Move along and do not cherish my heart. I am an assurance. I move on.


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The True Throne to The Aborigines Peoples:

I am no lingering scent? I am no acute phase? I am no certainty? I must speak. I must allow. The present tense has been spoken. The present tense has been sown such an incredible gesture that not one would speak without its maturity. The present example of my own faith is laying such a stance to waste within his own heart. He speaks of such a time approaching? Allow me to rock this cradle as I know how. Allow me to speak without such a silence. Allow me to insist upon the gait that I carry upon these shore lines. I am no postulant example of such a consideration? No September rains? I do not whisper upon my own heart? I do not whisper upon the hearts of others who speak of my own? I am no trust keep? No furnace that can burn? I speak of this continuation upon your own hearts. I speak of its meaning and I speak of its ethnicity. You may gather upon my fruition. You may gather upon my coat of arms and you may allow the stench to thicken. You will see my eyes keel upon the stone work that I am known for. You will see my eyes keel upon the colloidal rock post that does not answer of the kindnesses that hearken upon our very ears. You are of such a softly spoken maturity. You are of such an incremental exposure upon the world. You are of my own heart and I gather speed. I gather such a kick start. I gather always to be where I am within this very moment. There is no hapless examples upon this world? No pittance upon the breaking of such bread? No surmise where the truth has been shown. The recluse is beckoning. The recluse is achieving and he is mastering my own heart in such a way that others would look to see the sky line withering upon its own nature. I am a sunken vowel? I am an echo far off in the distance? I am an only one? I am nothing without the stance that has spoken within my very nature. Nothing without the acceptance of defeat upon my own heart string and nothing without the taming of my own wilderness. You will be known as an eternity. You will be known as an excellent example of hope to those who wish to be seen within our own keep and you will be known as my own children. Must I speak once more? I am a justice keeper. I am an allowable offence and I do not hesitate to speak of my name. I am The True Throne of each and every miniscule detail known to The Greater Above. I am of such an ethnicity. Such a poise and such a disaster to those who cannot speak of my worth. I do not speak without the sustenance that I carry unto those who are searching for its kneading. I do not speak without the collapsing of such a dynasty upon its own rear end. I do not speak without such a mastery of my own spheres and I wish to acknowledge the man who speaks of these words. I wish to ask him to die for my own reasonings. I wish to ask him always to know my name. I do not cherish anything without his heart. I do not cherish a single particle without his acknowledgement. I do not cherish any nuance upon his gait and I must speak further. I am of his ownership. I am of his manicure and I am of his hierarchy. You must reply? Move away from the fires and seek without. I am certain. I am of the graces and I am knotted in ways others will never see. I do not resign from my placement. I seek if further. I seek it far away and I seek it so. My heart is placed within the sanctity it has been given and my heart will never lay to rest. I persist. I acknowledge and I (spiritually) threaten those who would not persist without my own understanding. Those who take from the aethers without seeing the fruition of their own path. Those who seek to abandon the justice that must be maintained within such spheres. I persist always with my undertakings and I do not worry of such woes. I am seeing the stars align within their rightful places. I am seeing the meaning of each word within its name sake. I am seeing the prosperity of your kind and I am seeing it with my heart speaking of this assurance. I persist. I endeavour and I do not speak without. I am known within the stance that has been spoken and I am known as an avenger. I move such water of your life blood and I move it without the stoic mastery that you deny. I am here. Known, and I persist. I move on.


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