fyzygy Posted February 5, 2024 Share Posted February 5, 2024 Bring it, all you haters of plant medicine. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZooL Posted February 8, 2024 Share Posted February 8, 2024 I don't mean to be rude to you Fyzygy or any others that buy into this kinda stuff but this dude seems like a crackpot jumping on the dumbening bandwagon and milking cookers for youtube views/subscriptions, maybe the there is some benefit to cbd in relation to viruses(i would have some anecdotal evidence to add to that from my stoner days) but someone like this pushing the claim should really lead you to think it's probably not the case more so than that it is, I'm not saying it's not, but this dude yammering on for 20 mins goes nowhere to convincing me it's the case and shouldn't other people either imo. If you wanna find out if this or that may work to treat whatever then actually "follow the evidence" yourself, start at the papers, don't get sucked down a rabbit of some random on youtube referencing papers picking this part or that and ignoring this part or paper and that. If you like most of us cant be arsed doing that then your best bet is really just listening to people that have devoted their whole damn lives to learning,researching and expanding our understanding on what is actually the case to the best of our understanding(and what they have added to that) and not taking the word of some twat that has devoted their life getting viewers on youtube and then running with it. Picking or finding some study that shows that some cells under some circumstances when exposed to cbd will inhibit viral replication doesn't mean that taking cbd will actually effectively protect you from that viral infection. Again, there may be some benefit to cbd in relation to viruses, but this dude doesn't give a shit about that and this vid goes nowhere to making a practical application for that if it is possible. If anything thing this kind of youtube vid and the like would get us further from that if it is possible. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fyzygy Posted February 8, 2024 Author Share Posted February 8, 2024 As he always does, Dr John links to the research paper in his YouTube description. I don't have the time or expertise to sift through the paper's claims, so appreciate the work he does in communicating the latest science to the public - in far less time than it would take me to read the paper. I've come across several CBD/Covid-19 papers over the years, so it's exciting to see that research trend continue, with preliminary findings corroborated. Officially, of course, Dr John is a crackpot. Just ask Wikipedia, the font of all knowledge. (As a former Wikipedia editor I know full well its propensity for bias and ideological abuse). To my mind, Dr John performs a valuable public service, despite concerted efforts to prevent him from doing so. ZooL, if you'd paid attention you'd have realised that (according to these latest research findings) THC negates the antiviral benefits of CBD, so anecdotes from your stoner days are probably ill-advised. But I take your point, and in future will link directly to the research paper instead of YouTube. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZooL Posted February 9, 2024 Share Posted February 9, 2024 I did see the bit about thc negating the effects of cbd but didn't really understand the ins and outs of that part in the paper(or most of most research papers in general tbh), I'm also not sure if the weed i used to smoke would have really been very applicable to the findings in this, it seems to have determined an inhibiting effect with a 1:1 ratio of thc:cbd, id imagine the weed i would have smoked would have been more like a 20:1 ratio of thc:cbd. And although it states that other canabanoids have no real effect the graph following that seems to show thc having a similar effect but on a different curve in relation to dosages ,the tests cut out on a dosage where cbd seems to have plateaued in its effect while thc is still continuing to see improved effect, i have no idea what cell dosage level you actually achieve by consuming weed but if we increase the dosage would thc overtake cbd in it's effectiveness here? The competing interest statement is also a bit of a red flag, it says that some of the authors of the papers are filling patents in relation to this and the s.a.o(organizer of the study?) is a co founder of OptiKira which seems to be a company that "develops novel therapeutics", None of that means that the study isn't valid or true or anything like that but could mean they have a vested interest in a certain outcome which could influence their methodology and the way they present conclusions I also didn't base my assumption of this guy on wikipedia or the like, that was just from looking at a few of his other vids and the kind of audience he is cultivating and targeting(from looking at comment section,vid titles,etc). I did after posting though thought i may have been a too harsh or quick to judge so did a little googling on him, and yea , the "official" position seems to be he is a crackpot too. Again, maybe cbd could be an effective protection from or treatment for viruses. But that being possible at some point in some circumstances etc just means that, not more, doesn't mean you should go down a bottle of cbd oil the have unprotected sex with a bunch of random people and assume you will be safe. If you do get some virus and are offered a medicine to treat it by your doctor then take that as it's your best available best practice way of getting what will actually work, doesn't mean it is the best or will work, doctors and the medical world may be flawed but taking advantage of the field of medicine is your best chance of getting that. If you wanna try some youtube crackpots idea then check with your doctor to make sure its safe ,wont cause and conflicts, wont make things worse, etc and take that too. And i didn't mean to say you can't or shouldn't be posting youtube vids and should just be posting direct links to research papers or anything. I just mean in general you should be wary of youtubers and the like that clearly have some motive or angle they are tryna push offering easy answers and citing papers to try support their shtick. The papers may be valid the points they are tryna argue or imply may even be correct, but the internet is full of rabits holes with guys just like this one tryna lure you in, they aren't your friend and if you're not careful they will trap you in there. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fyzygy Posted February 10, 2024 Author Share Posted February 10, 2024 On 09/02/2024 at 6:30 PM, ZooL said: you should be wary of youtubers and the like that clearly have some motive or angle they are tryna push offering easy answers and citing papers to try support their shtick. Sounds familiar. mRNA "vaccine" was the easiest answer, and biggest schtick of them all. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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