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The Corroboree

Server costs stuck on 2020?


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I turned off my addblocker on some other site for a reason then came here and didn't even notice it was still off, then went to some other site and almost got cancer, then came back here to double check and nope still normal.

Then noticed that the server donation/costs were still on 2020 and then remembered some time where i tried to donate a little but kept having some issue. That little widget being buggered and a one click option to sabs server funds bsb and account details is all that is holding me back from chipping in $50 or so.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Found the issue(with donation, not the stuck on 2020 thing), was gonna bitch at your IT guy but they are still making this all work so there's that.

(Actually..... fire the IT guy, I got to the end of the donation process using my "shop" details and still couldn't get it to work simply)

Edited by ZooL
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  • 5 months later...

Donations had slowed right down with covid and I covered it myself. Trying to get a software upgrade organised but to do so i need to upgrade the server and to do that I need to download a back up file. The last thing is a bit difficult on my satellite connection due to the sheer size of the file (took 5 days last time). I suspect it will all work as intended by the time I finish that so not going to tinker right now. Forum will probably be down for a few days shortly.

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