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Has anyone had any experience with home biogas setups?
I’m having trouble finding any more in-depth pros vs cons of small systems. I imagine it being small enough for just one household might have issues like with smaller aquaponics have more fluctuations and might not be worth it unless a larger scale?


this is the one iv seen some good things about:  https://www.homebiogas.com

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Wow. Great questions. 

I remember doing a course on "appropriate technology" way back in the 90s. Entire villages, in India, with gas cookers in their huts all fuelled by cow dung, the only free resource remaining to the villagers. Setup was extremely simplistic. Beyond gas-flame cooking, though, I'm really not sure. 

(The polar opposite: Australian-government "foreign aid" programs that decimated Indian villages and forests, installed unaffordable infrastructure, and delivered financial dividends exclusively to Australian corporations and shareholders). 

Try small, for starters. The only way to learn?


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