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The Corroboree

withania somnifera seed sought

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

hi, ph7!


i overlooked your reply till, just now, but i'm happy to say, somebody pm'd me and i recieved plenty of those seeds, a while ago.

propably thats why, i stopped checking this thread for answeres.


when i reply to a post or start one, i allways remind myselfe, "have i forgotten something, to say".

like when you go on holydays, and you know, only once you start driving, you remember, what you forgott.

so , my dad, used to drive around the block and, his methode worked, well, well, he was in the war!


so if you post, circle for a while, before hitting that reply button...


so i say, if you are looking for something, "give it time" as this thread seems to suggest.

it took months to score, but i expected instant gratification, hehe.

sab, rocks, hail, hail to sab!:wub::P


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