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The Corroboree

cacti grow tank ideas and suggestions.


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ok heres the base idea,

a 3ft(length) x 2ft (height)x 2ft (width) fish tank.

lid fitted with 2x 200 watt lights fitted so they can be run 1 or both at a time.

the bottom of the tank has 2 sheets off glas slightly levelled so excess drainage goes to a hole in the bottom centre. drained out to a small reservoir. the reservoir is fitted upto a pump system pumping the water to 2 sprays inside the tank to dampen the soil.

just thinking of it for a nice indoor ornamental kinda thing, instead of fish, ill have cacti lol.

any idea what type of cacti to place in it? or changes to the design?

your the experts so your suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Sounds good once the cacti get rooted it may flower. Watch out for fungus in there how aabout the air culraltion a small fan or is the light and reflcetor making a tight seal so the air hot and stuffy.

I got a small cacti under a dome with temps of 75-80+ and 2 weeks after transplanting its looks like a flower bud forming. Light is 430 watt HPS. About 14 inchs fron the top of the cacti.

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iam not sure, this iswhy i posted the idea to get feedback on differant ideas to add?

for eg the benefits of an air circulation and the benefits of fully enclosed?

the idea is to design the perfect ideal enviroment inside the tank.

also any benefits on having it in this enviroment 24 hrs a day 365 days a year? or at least 20 hours a day?

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18 hours a day is good plant need to "sleep".

My plants the 1 small cacti and lots of leafy plants do good at 18/day. Odd this is the last full moon the plants seem to grow faster.. My hen bane flowered and do did my datura.

Air curclation not a proplem if you dont have a fully enclosed tank.

The plants will use the co2 in the air and stress the plant if it cant get more.

What type of light HPS, MH ,HID, fluro,

Cacti should do well in any light they will soak up the heat thrown off by the light too i would put the light 6 inchs away from the cacti.

Might be good to invest in a humitity reader any pet shop got one i dont know how much humity good for cacti? you can rase the humitity by misting the inside with h2o.

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Might be good to invest in a humitity reader any pet shop got one

You can get rool nifty digital ones from Tandy etc for about $50, measuring min/ max temp & humidity. Highly recommended

Keep the bugs outta them where possible tho, some adventurous bugs actually ate the plastic buttons on one of mine and now it only reads temp

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"What type of light HPS, MH ,HID, fluro,"

HID includes HPS & MH (sorry 2 b picky )

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