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The Corroboree


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About Remut1

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  1. 2 inch away will kill seedling.? I got 80 watt 1-2 inchs away from poppy srpouts and thay doing fine Many cacti are different i grew my froma cutting
  2. NIce grow box. Odd that i have the same light in my bacement -power saver and ez on the eyes. Like most flors you need the light close to do any good but that mylar shold belp about 2 inchs away from the tops of the plant or soil for germanation. I have poppy seedling 1-2 inchs away from 2 40watt flores a blue and white i never had a proplem with burning. the top looks clear put it in a sunny window and crack the lid open a little. Be carefull of mold in a confine arear. Get a thermomomber in there and keep track for a wile till you know the highs and lows. green leafy plants like 60 70(MJ growing temps are good at 65 says the store i got my growing stuff from) seedling 70-80 Cacti? 70-90
  3. Remut1

    calea dream herb dosage can you help ?

    There are a 2 types of dreamherb one works one does not. Im growing some now but its hard to find any close up the leaf to compair to the seeds were dreamherb but so far the plant is. Dreaming, i used mugwort many times and it worked i used about 8 large leaves fresh (i have a few plants) steep the tea for 10 minutes and drink it. That night i have a short lucid dream i was walking around in a maze made of steel but not like having walls on every turn more like a video game the floor was very texture and i realizle i was dreaming. Interstring i thought walking around my body feeling void of any pain or slowness. Like takeing big cup syrain rue tea in the wakeing world the Same lightness in the body. So my mind was wondering on how do i get out of here(i was sliping out of a lucid dream and into a normal dream) I looked at my hand anf focus on the ridges and curves that brought me in to full lucid again. I met up with 2 people a guy and girl there were very plane and gerneic looking wearing jumpsuit. They asked can we help got you out of here? Sure i said but witch way. Up. I said you know if I wake you dissapear! Cool. Let get going. After climbing what looked like monkey bar i got to the top and stood there. Looking over the maze. I woke. Haveing the need to go pee. I had sevral other dreams that were lucid on diferrents nights. By the time i got up in morning and talked about my dream i seen the cup in the sink i though to my slef ya i had some mugwort tea last night. That must be the reason for the lucid dream. Some times i mix some mugwort tea with valerein root and pinch of datura.
  4. Remut1

    where can i find isopropyl alcohol?

    What laws you got i can get 99% isopropanol of the shelf at the store. I would like to send you some for a seed trade. diabetics needles, i go to buy a few and they give me some. Must think i do drugs. Oh i do sorry. But never needle i perfur tea. PM me if you want some. 99% stuff
  5. Remut1

    cacti grow tank ideas and suggestions.

    18 hours a day is good plant need to "sleep". My plants the 1 small cacti and lots of leafy plants do good at 18/day. Odd this is the last full moon the plants seem to grow faster.. My hen bane flowered and do did my datura. Air curclation not a proplem if you dont have a fully enclosed tank. The plants will use the co2 in the air and stress the plant if it cant get more. What type of light HPS, MH ,HID, fluro, Cacti should do well in any light they will soak up the heat thrown off by the light too i would put the light 6 inchs away from the cacti. Might be good to invest in a humitity reader any pet shop got one i dont know how much humity good for cacti? you can rase the humitity by misting the inside with h2o.
  6. Remut1

    best poppy planting time in next few weeks?

    Germ times i find vary but i have some dutch poppy and 8 days and 4 sprouts 10 days at 7 sprouts. Avarge temp 50-65 I put way to much seed/ pot ill end up doing a lot of thining. Q- If i take a small seedling and put it into a pot will it surive(i know whe i do it but i cant wait) i read that poppys are VERY sentive to trantplanting.
  7. Remut1

    cacti grow tank ideas and suggestions.

    Sounds good once the cacti get rooted it may flower. Watch out for fungus in there how aabout the air culraltion a small fan or is the light and reflcetor making a tight seal so the air hot and stuffy. I got a small cacti under a dome with temps of 75-80+ and 2 weeks after transplanting its looks like a flower bud forming. Light is 430 watt HPS. About 14 inchs fron the top of the cacti.
  8. Remut1

    Henbane against toothache

    Henbane good for pain ive used it for knee pain artherits you know. I take about 3 leaves about 2 inchs by 1,1/4 and cut them up very fine in a stainless eggcup with sessors + 1 squeze hand cream Mash, mash, mash with a pestal a green mush is left and its rub on my knee the pain will go away in about 5 min buy 10 i can feel the pain at all. Ive use datura for a tooth ake i took 1 leaf and rubed it in my mouth holding on to itfor about 20 seconds. Pain was gone for about 4 hours. side effect my eyes felt dry but no pupil dilation. As for smoking datura it has little effect on asthma. never smoked henbane...yet