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Acacia ID - Sophorae?



Hey peeps, just wondering what this acacia is:
Location: South Coast NSW
Flowering: Now (Winter)
Phyllodes: Quite wide, 20-30mm
Seed Pods: Specimen too young,
no signs of pods in the litter or on the tree.

I'm thinking Sophorae, as it grows wild down here amoungst the sand dunes. I am not far from the sand dunes (40 meters). This acacia has popped naturally from rain water or bird droppings in our backyard.
Wouldn't be longifolia I don't think, the phyllodes seem too wide. I need to actually cut the thing down (at least to a trunk) to let more light through and locate a buried storm water pipe that needs extending.
If it is Sophorae, then it's safe to remove isn't it, no big loss there... ?

Kind regards,













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Looks like Acacia longifolia subsp. sophorae though it's unusual for that to have phyllodes over 12cm long. Have a close look at the minor veins - they should be joining up quite a lot (anastomosing). Phyllode margins should not be resinous.

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I tried the page Anodyne linked to but could not get to Acacia longifolia subsp. sophorae for some reason. Nevertheless if your Acacias conform with those two features I mentioned before, they have to be sophorae (or just possibly subsp. longifolia).

Here are some images of some confirmed specimens - you can zoom right in on them. They look very much like the ones you photographed: http://avh.ala.org.au/occurrences/search?taxa=acacia+sophorae#tab_recordImages

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Online pics of Sophorae seem, to match yours, mate. Then I found this; Acacia aulacocarpa FABACEAE - MIMOSOIDEAE? 



 Out of about 10 or 12 photos on PlantNET, this one was the only other one I could see which resembled yours.  I have absolutely noo skill with plant ID, mate, but if you're ever stumped ID-ing a beer, give me a holler.:P

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1 hour ago, Insequent said:

Then I found this; Acacia aulacocarpa FABACEAE - MIMOSOIDEAE?

That Aulacocarpa's phyllodes don't quite match, they look a bit cup like, with that curve to them similar to a gumleaf (in your pic).


I'm still thinking this could be Sophorae, will wait for cristop or Glaukus, someone who is confident with IDing.  Thx though Insequent, lol.

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Cheers cristop, I will take some measurements of the leaves (length wise). 12cms sounds a bit long, I think they were coming in at under that length.
I will have a closer look at the veins on the leaves, to see if they join up at the base (node) or anything.  I'll take some more pix too.

That website you linked Ano, seems very good, its just the terminology I have to familiarize myself with before I can utilize it correctly.

Thx fellas.

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Hey @cristop, looks like it is Sophorae man.
Picture of known Sophorae from the sand dunes:
Picture of the suspected Sophorae from my backyard:
Side by side picture:


You were right that many of the phyllodes do exceed 12cm in length.
Some of the sophorae down on the sand dunes phyllodes also would of measured 12cm and exceeded in some cases.
Seems the veins on both sets of phyllodes are also 'anastomising'.  Both are also in flower at the moment.

I'm going to cut it back to a stump and try to shape it as it grows back, if it will allow me to.
I've got to either get rid of it or cut it rightttt back, we need to dig a trench rite beside it.

Appreciate your help with the ID kind sir!










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