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The Corroboree

Rosei1 flat (water stressed) from fields 12/2015


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i thought peeps might find this interesting, some will remember that rosei 1 from fields about 18 months ago(I have not been there since December 2015)...some of them appeared to be growing flat, almost as though they were squished, there was debate about what they were going to do... go dichotomous or maybe crest.

Here is a pic of what one I have is doing now, and also a pic of one that hasn't done anything yet (just to show the flat appearance)









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(botany) - (of branching) in which the axis is divided into two branches.


so I guess yeah its dichotomous, but in other situations theres no "pupping" just a splitting of the growing tip into two branches.

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The plot thickens! Interesting stuff man.
So even for a dichotomous, its behaving strangely?

Wonder what the other piece that is showing similar flattening will end up doing - straight dichotomous split, or a dochotomous pup or crest.

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yeah its behaving a bit strangely, but its all just environmental in my opinion. the other one might just drop a rib or 2 and go normal again, might pup, might split without pupping, who knows, but I think im dreaming when I hope for a crest lol.

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