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American election, what's your call

Halcyon Daze

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My prediction is that an oligarch will win, and we will keep killing brown people and taking their shit.  

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Just seems pathetic to me. Sure Bill possibly/probably did do it, but the same can be said about Trump, and Trump is the one running for pres, not Bill. 


Reeks of desperation and is hard to see how it won't hurt Trump more than Clinton (Hillary). These people are willing to shit on and destroy their own democracy, and have been since Obama first entered the arena, really -It's shameful.


This hate-politics is the very thing ripping the Republicans in half, I'm so glad they won't get to have their finger on the button. It's what both Dems and half the GOP has feared. They have made their lack of sense openly apparent for all to see.


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650 000 emails on weeners laptop


Huma said to be missing?  probably in fear of her life.  lay down with dogs lady...  50 50 odds she winds up suicided, two shots to the back of the head with a nailgun no autopsy



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On 10/24/2016 at 8:26 AM, ThunderIdeal said:



Needs 0 signatures by November 20, 2016 to get a response from the White House


I think by 20/11/16 it will be a bit too late.

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My Mrs watched the 60 minutes beat up last night, I had headphones on but unfortunately I could still hear some of the bullshit.

It was like they were selling clinton to us, her shit doesn't stink and she will be infinitely more suitable to run the country than don because of the simple fact that she is a woman. The logic is
woman= not misogynistic = better president. All the young girls that offered their opinion were convinced of just how solid that logic is.

Why they have to sell that bullshit to Aussies is a bit perplexing, we aren't voting and we aren't the ones who are expected to accept the fraudulent polls. Maybe it's to keep the propaganda machine oiled up for when they pull the same crap here again.

There was nothing about the leaked emails, insiders inciting violence at trump rallies, her public & private persona and associated opinions or the fact she's funneling enormous wads of US currency out the side door.

Then they started selling michelle obama as a possible candidate. Apparently she's as popular as a rock star and everybody loves her. They made out that she doesn't want the job but it seems like the MSM are pre selling a contingency plan if the shit does hit the fan for hillary.

The next few days should be interesting.

Edited by Sallubrious
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Seems to be the lowest kind of politics I've ever seen. Angry mob violence kind of stuff. Tribal conflict and hatred all dictated from demigogue leaders. It's how Hitler rose to power.


Support for Trump seems to be built upon a wishful idealogical fantasy, while hatred for Clinton is myred in conspiracy , hype and misinformation. 


I just don't see how a considered look at the two candidates could ever deliver Trump as a cleaner, more trustworthy  or more able contender.


The idea that he could shake up the Whitehouse is ridiculous. He would get owned so hard right from day 1. The man's a fool in love with his own intellect. No wonder Putin backs him. The only fool Putin would prefer over Trump is George dubb'ya himself.


Anyway I think people who think Trump has a chance at winning are kinda kidding themselves. I don't want to be rude/offensive but I kinda feel for them. -Don't get too caught up in the hype because it could be quite a hard landing.


Anyway I sincerely hope we can all shake hands when the ugliness is over.


Peace y'all and remember that we must always let love triumph over hate.

Edited by Halcyon Daze
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Putin hasnt backed anyone.  


I can shake hands now, after all you're no more addicted to the kool-aid than anybody else I have to deal with on a daily basis.


6 hours ago, Halcyon Daze said:


The idea that he could shake up the Whitehouse is ridiculous. He would get owned so hard right fromday 1


Like he did in the primaries right?  he has exceeded expectation constantly. 



6 hours ago, Halcyon Daze said:


I just don't see how a considered look at the two candidates could ever deliver Trump as a cleaner, more trustworthy  or more able contender


Have you been trolling me this whole time?  it took this single comment for me to realise.



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halcyon daze is right. hillary clinton is absolutely the most qualified for the corrupt nepotistic merry-go-round of cronyism and backroom dealing that is uS congress.





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Afraid I gotta fact-check that Stu.


Nepotism? Thats misleading Stu, the clinton's are in a sham marriage, their public daughter conceived during a (once visualised cannot be unvisualised) affair and Bill's children relegated to the ghetto with their prostitute mothers...  so let us not entertain falsehoods; the clintons arent true nepotists because they arent a true family




Edited by ThunderIdeal
Because playful banter can be misconstrued if you dont poke your tongue out :P
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Right or wrong I'm just sharing in the conversation. Besides I don't particularly like the Clintons or anything ( I do lean democratic over GOP ) but the thought of Trump at the helm is simply horrifying.


Like almost everyone taking an interest in this election, it's simply a choice between the lesser of two evils. 


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John Podesta's Best Friend At The DOJ Will Be In Charge Of The DOJ's Probe Into Huma Abedin Emails



this is nuts. these fucking people

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even if clinton does get in this shit isn't going away. it'll just keep eating at her and eating at her until she either quashes i through her connections (bad move for trust) or is impeached


shit i'd i'd love to see both clintons get impeached

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11 hours ago, DiscoStu said:

shit i'd i'd love to see both clintons get impeached


I think they can only impeach someone who holds a position in government.


It would just be a waste of time and money like it was last time when bill was impeached. There has to be a two thirds majority in the senate vote to have a president removed and that will never happen. In the last impeachment there was a debacle over what the meaning of the word "is" is. Lawyers made millions out of it and no good came from it. 


The impeachment process is just a charade to make sheeple think there is still a functional democracy,

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So now the MSM is telling us the polls have swung to favour trump.

Other sources say that the election will be rigged via the states with no accountability in their voting systems,

It's going to be close and it could get nasty in the aftermath whatever the outcome.

Gun sales are up.

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I thought Trump said polls and media were all rigged. Does that mean Hillary has rigged it to be behind in the polls now. Oh that's right, it's only rigged if he loses. 


I still see a victory to Clinton though, and she still has the majority of polls in her favor. A slight lead for Drumph in one poll is not worth betting the house on, sheeple.

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Best satire post yet.  sheeple! 


6 hours ago, DiscoStu said:

trumps rising in the polls, hillary's losing!


QUICK! someone accuse him of rape!


That didnt stick, neither did the putin bit.  Racist Trump had legs but it wasnt enough. Theyve gone back to playing the woman card, I guess they have nothing else in reserve.


Yeesh obama, nobody gives a fuck what your lying ass has to say.  just fuck off to somewhere Trump cant have you extradited and stay there.

Edited by ThunderIdeal
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I don't think you can trust polls to predict the election outcome when voting is optional. I suspect that Trump supporters are the type of person that doesn't usually vote, but will turn out for this election.

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I dont know what to make of the Steve Pieczenik news.  He is additionally now saying that agencies have the dirt on both clintons flying to pedofile Island tens of times.  so I dont know, I officially can no longer stay on top of my mandate "wtf is going on".


This was the first video, keep in mind this guy was an NSA superhero not some random slob



In essence, this guy is jack ryan in retirement.


Gold could shoot up if Trump isnt cheated out of victory.  at 1700 curently you could see some fast gains, I dunno just saying.  stocks coming down pretty hard the last day or so.

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