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The Corroboree

Eriobotrya japonica (loquat)

saylor twift

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hey guys n girls :) i have a loquat tree going nuts at the moment putting out delicious little orange fruits  if you havnt experienced 1 before i highly recommend it, after a trip to bunnings and seeing they were selling these for 45 bucks each i thought "far-queue guys!"  im prepared to send seed for as long as the tree is fruiting,  instead of someone on here having to pay a ridiculous price for this... 

here is a link  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loquat

if anyone is interested in some seeds feel free to send me a msg... 

 hope you are all well!  :lol: 








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i had no idea they are declared a weed! thanks for pointing that out for me...  ive had no problems at all with maggots in the fruit or flys... my biggest competitor is bats! though they are declared a weed i cant find anything saying they are not legal. damn flies

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I have a few hundred seedlings under my tree.  I have some from last year and some from the year befor.  I have read the only reasons this hasn't become a commercial crop is because of the large seed (wastage) and the timing of the ripening has to be just right.  To soon and they are super bitter, tangy citrus.  If you get them when orange and just soft YUM YUM YUM.  but just after they are so so.  Jams seem to be the largest use for it.  Besides pigging out on them straight off the tree.  

Anyone want a baby tree?  $10 or so.  PM me.  I also have olive seedlings .  Buy a couple and get a lot.  $2 of every sale goes towards the running of SAB.

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