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Acetyl-L-carnitine for depression - anyone tried it?

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Just keeping myself busy from thinking about drugs/alcohol by thinking about other drugs :P Anyone tried acetyl-l-carnitine for depression [1, 2] ?

"Four randomized clinical studies (RCT) demonstrated the superior efficacy of ALC over placebo (PBO) in patients with depression. Two RCTs showed its superior efficacy over PBO in dysthymic disorder, and 2 other RCTs showed that it is equally effective as fluoxetine and amisulpride in treatment of dysthymic disorder. ALC was also effective in improving depressive symptoms in patients with fibromyalgia and minimal hepatic encephalopathy. It was also found to be equally tolerable to PBO and better tolerable than fluoxetine and amisulpride. In conclusion, ALC may be potentially effective and tolerable next treatment option with novel action mechanisms for patients with depression, in particular older population and patients with comorbid medical conditions who are vulnerable to adverse events from antidepressants." [3]


" Agents such as LAC that regulate metabolic factors and reduce glutamate overflow could rapidly ameliorate depression and could also be considered for treatment of insulin resistance in depressed subjects. " [4]

I'm keen to give it a whirl, my mood hasn't been great but I stink of fish whenever I try and use it. Assuming it's trimethylamine and could be from using too high a dose, or do I have a dodgy product I'm using? There doesn't seem to be that many people using it for depression which is surprising, given it's tolerabilty and effectiveness

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