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The Corroboree

GC-MS , auction

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These seem to come up occasionally at Grays Online Auctions ,and I wanted to ask , if anyone out there on the forum knows what it takes to use one of these baby's ? Do you need a PHD to understand the results , graphes etc , or is it push a button and there it is ? I'd love to do assays of various plant materials , fungi , bark to see what's present , proportions etc


Also this nice Laminar flow hood be there too !


I used to live just near Artarmon too....

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With some research im sure you would be able to learn how to operate and understand the results obtained from Gas chromatography – mass spectrometry without the need of completing a PHD.

I think its safe to say alot of PHD students dont ever get to using GS-MS, but for the science students that do, i believe they research how to operate and understand the results, know one is born with this kinda understanding as far as im aware, but its well within your reach if you really have the drive to learn.

Here is a little video discussing the basic principles of GS-MS, it wont answer your questions, but the more you learn the closer youll get the answering your questions for yourself.


Im sure there would be member here that are more experienced in the field of science then myself, maybe they can chime in with a better answer.
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Thankyou Change ! Thats pretty much what I was thinking of...I studied organic chem , a long time ago , and was always facinated with these units , next I'll have to go to a Uni openday and get a looksee at one in operation . I thought it would be good to have an operating machine within the community for testing . i knew they were qualatative , but I wasnt sure if they were quantatative , the MS half of the unit must cover the elements and salts present . Good for enviromental testing too !

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