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mark latham on 7:30 report last night.

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anyone catch it?

me & the mrs haven't laughed so hard in a long while.

kerry was embarresed & pissing himself laughing.

favourite question

"why are you so obsessed with bottoms?" :D

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oooops! was so absorbed by Eb3 that I missed my favourite moment in labor party history, when finally the old guard let go and a fresh breath of life is sending Lil Johnny cold shivers down his back. I didn't expect Mark to take the reigns till after the next election... or even later. This bad boy of politics is bound to spice things up a bit in canberra.

Mark cptures the imagination of many of the disenfranchised. The women, the gays, the environmentalists, the young, the old, the poor, the rebellious.... well anyone except the conservative - no matter what side of politics they sit on. Let's hope the party doesn't keep the leash too tight.

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I think this is the best thing to happen in australian politics in a while... In my opinion Mark Latham is a visionary..and that's what is needed in a political leader the rest of the cronies can sit in the backrooms finetuning the policies.

I look forward to seeing howard out of government very soon.

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is sending Lil Johnny cold shivers down his back.

Good. I'm so sick of seeing L.J.s ugly visage on tv everyday.

In the beginning I didn't know whether M. Latham was a good or bad thing.... why would he be any better than Crean? Does he look better? Does his name sound better?

But you guys make me feel like this is a good thing, and there's hope again...

Go Mark Go!

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it's a shame no-one saw the interview.

M.L came across as lout, w/very little to say-other than repeat himself..

i hate the shit Andrew Bolt writes. but i think he may be close to the mark w/his assessment ov M.L as a violent thug.

when kerry asked about what he'd said ov parents abusing referees at childrens sporting competitions he said-

"those are the parents that really love their children, the ones who are prepared to stand up for them. it's part of the larikin aussie way."

& when kerry asked him why he'd become the only politician in Aus to ever fly a US flag next to an aussie one, at a press conference w/no american speaker---he didn't have an answer, so kerry accused him ov being an arse licking hypocrite, & again he didn't have much ov an answer.

IMHO, when M.L met w/the american ambassador, he was told some home truths---"you get into power, you need the US as a friend. Piss us off now, & we'll piss you off as leader; just like we did w/Whitlam--only faster."--he was soon cosying up to them.

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Originally posted by nabraxas:

w/very little to say-other than repeat himself..

Like any politician really. Problem is that once you are leader of the party you can't be as radical in your expressions anymore. You have to be diplomatic. It doesn't change his underlying views and beliefs though. I doubt that we will see much of the *real* Mark Latham between his election as party leader and his election as PM. I think this is a pity, but I also know it is essential if he should have any chance of dumping Howard.

but i think he may be close to the mark w/his assessment ov M.L as a violent thug.

He is pretty rough, but to call him violent would require violence.

when kerry asked about what he'd said ov parents abusing referees at childrens sporting competitions he said-

"those are the parents that really love their children, the ones who are prepared to stand up for them. it's part of the larikin aussie way."

Stupid question, stupid answer. Anyway, this reply would appeal to the majority of young families... a major demographic he has to win over. As I said, we will be seeing Mark the PM candidate for the next few months, not Mark the person.

& when kerry asked him why he'd become the only politician in Aus to ever fly a US flag next to an aussie one, at a press conference w/no american speaker---he didn't have an answer, so kerry accused him ov being an arse licking hypocrite, & again he didn't have much ov an answer.

I doubt that Mark is in charge of setting up his own conference rooms. It was probably someone's logistical fuck up. Mark does like the US for its trade etc, but he certainly doesn't like Bush. It is hard to forget his quote: "Bush is the most incompetent and dangerous President in living memory".

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He does seem pretty rough, and as for the violence he did break a taxi drivers arm a few years I seem to recall reading. But hes got to be better than Johnny or any of the alternatives at the moment.

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But hes got to be better than Johnny or any of the alternatives at the moment.

i can understand why people are looking to this guy for a change,but.....Whoever you vote for, GOVERNMENT wins.

the only alternative worth devoting any time to...Anarchy

if you think that's an impossible dream, it just shows how throughly "the powers that be" have done their brainwashing job

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No, it shows how powerful millions of rich thugs with shedsful of armaments are, especially if they dislike you or want your dirtfarm village protected by a granny with a pitchfork. Remember the police, army and Mr Bush's family (or people very like them) are all going to be there, they are going to be part of your Anarchy. You going to have an Anarch to keep them in line? The only example of an Anarchist revolution was the Russian revolution. Those anarchists were too

a) idealistic

B) plan-free

c) hormonal

d) stupid or

e) ideologically pure to prevent themselves being done to death, torture and exile by their partners, while midwifing a terror greater than that before.

Name a revolution that improved things.

I am for changing things for the better from where we are, evolving new things not trying to burn it down and start again. Ashes are not good fertiliser compared to rich living earth.

If only those "anarchists" would stop fucking things up on protests and demonstrations. They try to make things worse for everybody to provoke more unrest. If you want a revolution be honest about it. You want people to die by the millions for things they personally don't believe in. Is it worth it? We have bumbled on through thousands of years making it up as we go along, but do you really believe something as complicated as human culture can be preserved through a hecatomb?

Reuse your civilisation, don't throw it away.

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theo--i'm much too "over it" to even begin arguing for anarchy---'recon i'd have more luck pushing for tribal law over the rule ov law :)

suffice to say you're talking ov 'mob rule' rather than anarchy, which requires a revolution ov mind, before a physical revolution---part ov the revolution ov mind is this web site.

people to die by the millions for things they personally don't believe in

that's soo funny--how could it be an anarchist revolution, if anyone is forced to do anything? --that's the whole point ov an anarchist revolution, it's a social thing- once everyone wants it, realising no-one has anything to loose; it just happens.

i think you're confusing Trotskyism/Moaism with anarchy.... :D :D

if you want examples ov anarchy that worked look at Barcelona during the spanish civil war.

it's a pretty sad day when the belief appears that the best alternative is the same party---just a younger leader.

[ 10. December 2003, 09:17: Message edited by: nabraxas ]

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Well to be honest I dont have respect for any politician they are all selfish power-hungry people, but comparing latham and howard latham has to be slightly better, obviously in an ideal world none of them would be in positions of authority but people are too apathetic to ever do anything verging on anarchy, hell people dont even care about the lies our governments were telling only 6 months ago to justify invading a country and killing 1000s of civilians in the process.

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kerry was embarresed & pissing himself laughing.

bit off-topic, but I can't restrain myself on the topic of Kerry O'Brian's 7:30 report.

Anybody who watched him doing his darndest to bring down Paul keating in the last days before the election of 96 when the Liberals won in spite of Labor getting 51 percent of the vote (that's because some rich farmers who own land the size of small european countries have the power to cast votes that count 1000 times more than normal city folk) must be aware that he favours the Libs/National - "Nazis"....

Someone in a position as influential as his should be impartial and not as biased as he is...

I hope one day he loses his job and all his riches so he'll pay for the damage he has done to this country Australia! (hey, I'm being patriotic!)

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i think the likeable thing with latham is that he's not too similar to howard. for those of us who believe that an opposition should OPPOSE - not the fucking 'me too' party that labour had become.

[ 10. December 2003, 14:33: Message edited by: waterdragon ]

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deaders- obviously in an ideal world none of them would be in positions of authority but people are too apathetic to ever do anything verging on anarchy, hell people dont even care about the lies our governments were telling only 6 months ago to justify invading a country and killing 1000s of civilians in the process.

i couldn't agree more, but the idea ov an ideal world cannot be allowed to die.

i started this topic because the interview was genuinly funny--not to upset anyone or rant politics; but i couldn't resist offering another option when Latham seemed to be declared the best.

just trying to keep Lennon's(amongst others)"Imagine" dream alive. :D :D :D :D

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while I welcome that latham is heading for PM, that does not mean he is ideal. I would much prefer to see Bob Brown as PM. How much more tolerant and intelligent than a gay, green, lefty doctor can you get

But sadly Bob is a long way from leading this country, and I am really really really sick of John Howard. So for the time being the smaller of the two evils will have to do. As soon as the libs lose I will focus my attention on giving the labor party a hard time again. Until then latham is ou best bet.

And no, I don't believe in anarchy as a workable system unless it is 100% volunary and everyone else had to get out (ie, find an island and establish it there).

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