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The Corroboree


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This is happening at the uni of Newcastle on October 15 from 9 am.

The topic for 2014 is Consciousness. Speakers will be looking at this from a range of perspectives including Philosophy of Mind, Psychology, Meditative traditions and Artificial Intelligence.

Keynote speaker is Frank Jackson! Possible chance of robot death-match*.

Seriously though, this should be worth going to - all proceeds going to Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation.

* Robot 'death' is for entertainment purposes only and may or may not technically occur if combatants are not 'alive'.

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Cool. For anyone who hasn't met me before, I'll be the guy in wearing a t-shirt with either a jeweled skull or 'may contain human flesh' warning on it <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png (depends what sort of day I'm having). Perhaps we also need a passphrase - 'the cactus has landed' or 'the rainbow serpent eats itself forever'.

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  • 5 weeks later...

TI, I've only just finished a very long and painful degree - been letting the brain have a bit of a rest this past 6 weeks. What I'm supposed to be doing today is writing job applications, so once that's done I promise I'll take a look through your thread <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png .

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