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sorry if i misunderstood your first question ! :) i was thinking that you was looking for more effect from smoking opiate. in fact it seems that you wanted to talk about why you can't access this opiate pleasure that you think particular to the smoke.



This is what had always pissed my friend off from the start,sure smoking isnt as effective/potent/productive...but it is more managable,more pleasant and far safer to gauge...


My friend is not upset,infact the lesson he learnt was invaluable......If you have lots of pods,lots of latex.THEN SMOKE IT..The HIGH is far far far far superior,even if milder,but far far far superior and its never been about the best bang for ya buck.....

i am really interesting in your way of considering opium. :D yes!!!! the key is pleasure, always ! not the strongness of a buzz.

i am really curious to hear more about this FAR, FAR MORE PLEASANT BUZZ, please ?

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some pics would be cool

anodyne-"And nabraxas - cannula, not catheter (or were you joking?)." tee hee :D - i knew it was like catheter- but couldn't be bothered searching, i knew 1 ov you nice folks would put me straight.

& like i said, i was talking about extremes. like the folks that need to shoot smack every 4 hours day & night(less they get sleeping pills)-- i've known plenty.

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Just adding a reply here in relation to why "opium" may not be having an effect:

1. Crappy plants. The plant may not be a high morphine variety. Some P somniferum varieties are grown mainly for seed and may have low morphine. Most though will be fine, and seed from Australian sources is seldom dud.

2. Improper harvesting technique or time. The time honoured process is:

(a. Water and fertilise to maximise plant vegetative growth before flowering and make sure each plant has at least 20-30cm space between it and the next plant.)

b. Once flowers have appeared, STOP watering unless there is very hot weather when you might very superficially wet the surface of the soil in the morning and evening by misting it.

c. Inspect the pods every couple of days till day 10 and then daily until you see the crowns have elevated and the pod has begun to firm and swell.

d. Incise the pods carefully trying for a 1mm or so. Make a simple tool by putting 3 pins through a piece of carrot allowing the needle tips to come out 1mm. Use it like a comb to score the surface.

e. If it's a hot day and there's no risk of rain then incise in the late afternoon and collect in the morning. If it's a cool day then incise in the morning and collect in the afternoon.

3. When "smoking" opium you never burn the material. You heat it up through indirect means. If you have a normal cone for example, you'd place a small ball on the inside of the cone making it stick like a piece of blue-tac. Allow the heat from a candle or lighter to heat the cone on the outer surface and heat the metal under the ball. You could use a piece of foil and heat the ball from the other side of the foil and 'chase the dragon' with a straw gently inhaling any vapors coming off the ball.

So that's the technique. You have to have excellent technique to get worthwhile opium with high alkaloids, and you have to "smoke" it right.

As for people who don't get much effect from high doses of oral opiates. There is a degree of cross tolerance between opiates and other agents like alcohol. Your livers probably have high levels of cytochrome oxidase and other enzymes which lead to high 'first pass metabolism' of the opiates being absorbed.

There is no way in the world an opiate naive person could survive 300mg of injected or smoke morphine which bypasses the liver. Most naive people with no tolerance to opiates who weigh 70kg would die with half that dose.


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