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HEy everyone

If someone had accidently swallowed an extacy tablet, would taking a zoloft tablet after cause the person to have an easier comedown

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Guest Psylence

Doubt it but taking SSRI's when your coming down has been found to reduce neurotoxity because it blocks serotonin reuptake therefore doesn't let dopamine in where it should be which is where the damage occurs.

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That sounds interesting. Does anyone have any Net references inreguards to SSRI's and reduced neuro toxicity with E?

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I've heard that taking 3g of St John's Wort every hr will ease the comedown of e. It is an SSRI so maybe zoloft would work as well.

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Have a go at this comedowm remedy:


500ml soy milk

1/4-1/2 cup powdered Kava

2 tablespoons of St Johns Wort

1 tablepoon of finely chopped Passion Flower

2 bananas and or any other fruit/ berries desired preferably rich in vit c & b

A few cubes of ice.

Sweetener if desired.


Place fruit in blender with kava and 1/2 of the milk blend on high for 5 min.

Meanwhile put passion flower and St Johns Wort into a cup,

pour rest of milk into cup and heat (nuke) on medium heat for 5min.

Allow to cool (can add ice here to speed it up) then strain liquid into blender (or add ice here), blend for a further 30sec, sweeten if desired, serve, smile and relax.

[This message has been edited by Adrian (edited 27 January 2002).]

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I've got a few comedown recipes that I use myself. I usually comedown real hard and spend all day lying in bed bitching like some camp little drag queen about how shitty I feel.

Anyways as soon as I get home I go straight for my blender , I chuck in 2 banannas , an egg , some ice cream, milk , and 2 tablespoons of this protein powder I bought from Coles. I think it's called "Protein 900" or some shit (can't be bothered walking to the kitchen) , it's got a whole bunch of essential ammino acids and has some Tyrosine and Tryptophan also. I also chuck in a couple tablespoons of this other powder called "Body Bulk" which has a whole bunch of other goodies in it too. The milk shake tastes delicious and shouldn't be hard to stomach but I usually smoke some weed to get my appetitie going again and to help with the comedown.

Then I take 2 Centrum multivitamin and mineral supplements. This is chock full of goodies including folic acid , antioxidants , calcium , iron and selenium (yeah the packets sitting in front of me) and I also throw back a Berocca and make sure to drink lots of water too.

You might want to keep a real strong disinfectent mouthwash handy also and splash it around you mouth a few times , it'll sting like a bitch but should help your mouth heal a lot faster and prevent infection. Vitamin E also helps the mouth to heal.

If you can stomach any food toast is good to eat. After i've done my little ritual I usually jump into bed and turn on the heating and watch DragonBallZ videos and bitch about how crappy I feel. You'll start to feel a bit better within a few hours , if you can get to sleep (meds or whatever) you'll wake up feeling shitloads better and your body should do a lot of healing as you sleep.

What you really wanna do is get yourself some 5htp , this'll get them serotonin levels back up again quick smart. I wish I had some goddamn 5htp , I would trade my entire DragonBallZ android saga collection for a few bottles of 5htp tabs.

5htp is good for pre-loading too , you won't come down anywhere near as hard if you pre-load with this man!


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In the current Erowid extracts,

there is a discussion on "Do Antioxidants protect against MDMA Hangover, Tolerance and Neurotoxicity"

It goes on to say, "There are some theoretical concerns about possible dangerous interactions between MDMA and SSRIs although these are not bourne out by case reports and a research suggests that SSRIs reduce MDMA overall physiological effects. Dpespite these issues there is good reasons to belive SSRIs are effective at reducing the risk of neurotoxicity. And on...

"Antioxidants could be more promising than SSRIs for widespead use in MDMA toxicity"

So the jist of it I guess is, if accidents happen, take some Vit C.

Its a good article, but I dunno about it being online, I guess it may be in erowid.org somewhere.

Well, http://www.erowid.org/general/about/about_...v1/2-nejm.shtml

it seems its not online YET.

There'll be a list of references as well.


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AFOAF had a bad time on an E once and decided to get the left over bits tested at a lab.

Lo and behold they found the major component to be Zoloft (sertraline??) with some other shit in it.

Why would people put this in an E? Could it have been some 'dumbassed kids' thinking "Seretonine reuptake inhibitor, cool, lets put some if this shit in, that should work"

Crazy shit..


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