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Liberal Party ad on youtube...

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So while I was waiting to watch a video on youtube just now, a political ad came on...and while I have a personal policy of not watching youtube ads through to completion, it was just so astoundingly stupid that I had to see it through to completion. It's a Liberal Party attack on the Labor party.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not partisan by any means. I think both parties are incompetent bunches of ne'er-do-wells. But I thought that it was a profound commentary on how politicians see the public...as dumb, malleable sheep to be influenced by crude cartoons and generally any shiny objects. Never mind sensible debate or valid concerns, or - shock horror - shit that actually matters.

This is the ad:


And a spoof "directors commentary" done by some random dude in reply, that I think highlights quite nicely how dumb it really is:


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The great thing about being a political cynic (read: realist) who hates pretty much every horse in the race without discrimination, is that you pretty much just get to sit back, have a bitter, insane laugh (followed by a cry) and say "look at these absolute muppets destroy the world, they're not even making a great job of it".

Just found possibly the most awkward politician reaction to a journo's question I've ever seen:


I lol'd quite heartily at the top comment: "tonyabbott.exe has stopped responding"

Edited by gtarman
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careful gtarman, don't repost a pro liberal ad here, the bots will think we're a bunch of right wingers :lol:

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dumb, malleable sheep to be influenced by crude cartoons and generally any shiny objects

i'd say they're pretty much spot on.

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i'd say they're pretty much spot on.

Touché salesman, I too have an uncle.

On a more serious note though I think that's (sadly) true of certain sections of the public. But I wouldn't say it's everybody.

Though I can't help but think that if the education system wasn't just some pointless compulsory daycare/standardized citizen production facility, some of those people might have not hated it enough to learn something more than ignorance before they were set loose.

EDIT: that link you posted pretty much sums up why I hate Australian politics. It's just a short-sighted game of "which idiot do we hate the least?"...a game also perhaps better known as "who do we want to screw things up this time?"

Edited by gtarman
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The great thing about being a political cynic (read: realist) who hates pretty much every horse in the race without discrimination, is that you pretty much just get to sit back, have a bitter, insane laugh (followed by a cry) and say "look at these absolute muppets destroy the world, they're not even making a great job of it".

Just found possibly the most awkward politician reaction to a journo's question I've ever seen:


I lol'd quite heartily at the top comment: "tonyabbott.exe has stopped responding"

Hahaha, here I was thinking he was a puppet but now it looks like he's a cyborg drone of some sort.

It seemed like the satellite feed from Washington went down for a while there.

Maybe they'll build some intelligence into Tony 2.0 so it can respond if the feed goes down.

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Hahaha, here I was thinking he was a puppet but now it looks like he's a cyborg drone of some sort.

It seemed like the satellite feed from Washington went down for a while there.

Maybe they'll build some intelligence into Tony 2.0 so it can respond if the feed goes down.

I was kinda hoping when they crossed to Laurie Oakes from the studio that he was going to ignore them for a bit to take the piss...but alas, it was only satellite delay :(

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