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The Corroboree

Chicken Tractor

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I used to have one here, but had a problem with critters getting in to eat the chickens: snakes, foxes you name it

Mightn't be a problem in closely fenced urban areas or if the chooks aren't too far from the house, otherwise I'd suggest at least locking them in at night if you're not already.

Another solution is to put chook mesh on the bottom of the cage and seal the edges, leaving just a door: but that stops their scratching from being so effective

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put a large mesh in the bottom so the scratching isn't hindered. these cages are great for doing tight spots where the mower won't go or along fencelines, soil won't get tilled if the cage is only in position briefly for lawn purposes. chookuns should be put to roost at night in a bigger enclosure.

another method that i'll use one day for soil cultivation is to plant a heap of jerusalem artichokes and introduce pigs to the area, apparently they do a hell of a job uprooting tubers and crapping everywhere.

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For those who dont want the responsibility of chickens and have an area to clear - sau youve just moved into a new rental property and its all couch and kikuyu grass

Collect old carpet, plastic sheeting and large cardboard boxes

lay cross the soil and weight down on the edges.

leave for at least 6 weeks - bingo no more grass and the worms will have turned the dead weeds into nice soil

It works very well if there is weight on it, the more weight the faster it works

then mulch over the top and plant straight into it - too easy

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