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my top 5 things to say to police

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What does the donut eating references even mean to you guys? Sounds like youre stuck in some 1980's movie reel presenting American cop stereotypes. What the fuck do donuts have to do with Aussie state police? There's no donut shop on every corner.

actually once i saw one of those highway donut shops, with 4 Highway Patrol cars at at :lol:

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i got pulled up by a few Police yesterday while walking with a mate to get a beer. one officer had such a bad attitude i couldnt believe it to be honest.. i think she was out to get me to fail an attitude test myself. pitty she didnt know id NEVER lower myself to such an attitude no-matter what im presented with. i could have told her that that attitude she had was doing no justice to the often fine work of QPS and would only widen the gap between Police and the public (who they need to do their job well). i didnt say that though, as i can see she was trying to get my back up etc. and would in time (i hope) learn the errors of her ways. i was asked about any priors etc. and when i told her about such, she was like, "anything drug wise?" LOL many years ago sure.. not now, crist, im almost 40yo =P drugs LOL... as if. yes, you can be met with a human in the force that you could for a moment mistake for a monster or other sub-human life-form. at the end of the day though, i accept that their tough job means they often appear as trash, this is only due to the fact that they deal with trash every day at work. in time they will all see that my morrals are in the right place and we can all move forward as a society. BTW, thank to Police for getting out there in the tough weather of late, and help dirrect traffic. god knows, at times that night, i had a hard enough time just keeping the motorbike upright in the strong winds. thanks QPS.

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i definitely echo the support for police, and especially all emergency services. heroes next door!

...however it is completely naive to believe (as a friend of mine vehemently does :rolleyes:), that a position of such power will not inevitably attract quite a few tossers. and when they are it's really uncool.

and like, LEAP are awesome :P

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"a position of such power" LOL. NO human has any power at all. just like grains of sand.. no more important than a leaf on a tree. authority only. yeah, it does seem to attract two types of people i think. those that do want to make the world a bit better / people safer etc. and then i guess you got the other end of it, those picked on at school that have a grudge to settle with the comunity. thankfully, the latter is not often seen by me =)

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