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Dance and states of possession

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In the waking state we find that the rational and scientific of mind is the philosophy of consciousness that enables us to navigate the maze of existence.

Up is up, down is down, all relative to unchanging universal constants or relative measurement just like the hands of the clock count the seconds

Much of most anything is, just is, with no meaning and no magic but the laws of nature and physicality

But we do retain a vestigial element of the supernatural in our minds and in our culture. We retain ancient sayings or superstitious customs.

Some might say that a sense of the magic or mystical is what keeps us from becoming robots, just machines in this overly driven, clock time driven world.

Maybe through it we keep a sense of awe, keen humour, and a sense that success in this apparent life isnt the end all - be-all of existance

Now lets switch to the other side of the coin

In the supernatural world what protects you from dissolving into its awesome labrynths?

The flipside of course, that the rational you can maintain an umbilical thread while gazing on Faustian delights and minotaurs.

Knowing that a) you arrived at some point, that you unlike all other creatures you see have travelled there from another place and B) that from that place and by your umbilical attachment you remain the property of time.

Time is your master and friend in that world, like a sense of an eternal consciousness brings relief in this world.

It means that no matter what you are bound to move past these creatures, locked in an unmoving capsule as they are, unbound by time unlike Living in the perpetual an eternal moment.

Leaving you free to experience without fear of losing your soul

(Hint - if travelling in deep be sure to take some extra reminders in case you lose the thread, reminders that you should try and find the therad and that it is real and not imagined. take a companion, a number of personal items indicating clear ownership to real time, with proof of the existance of entry and exit points. whether it be a personal watch that cant be tampered with by anyone but you, or just a set of keys that dont fit the locks in the establishment. More than 1 is good unless the devils play mischief and make you lose it.)

examples include a burning candle or fire in a ritual (Prometheus knew the real value of fire - analogous to the same sands that bind our lives ), a curandismos sacred objects and spirit weapons or Hunter S thompsons golf shoes in the hotel bar in Las vegas :)

In this other world your sense of rationality is remember nothing but a vestigial trait, dangerous and futile to apply except to as a refernce point.

In this world inanimate objects have life and conscious souls are taken hold of by primal forces.

Inanimate objects possess what can only be seen as the 'Shining'. A surface of living shimmering semi crystalline liquid flowing, feeding and breathing until stopped by a gaze, opon which it sets to reform crystalline matter.

Paintings exude life, buildings absorb and feed on the energy within. Decor matches organically like it grew there. Like it has always been there and as it will existing in the eternal moment.

And now we see the real reason for the sense of attraction we have for art in this world. or for the beauty of nature, of a flower or sunset, distant glimpses of other worldy beauty unfolding, crystallinsing into this world from the other. Existing there as an eternal pattern, recrystallising through the membrane into ephemeral matter on this side

But you should take care what you paint

for in the act of creation you are summoning any number of patterns in the other world that your vestigial supernatural mind has knowledge of. And the artist should be aware that through chance or plan many powerful entities thankfully have no mirror of existance in the outer world. I get a sense of the fear of Photography by some indigenous cultures, or the prohibition by Judaism or Islam on the creation of art or sculpture of gods, demons or beasts - because they may come to be inhabited by malicious Djinns, fetish or Golem beyond human reckoning. Maybe in the act of creation we should ask - would we really want this manifestation as our familiar and can we control it or will it devour us?

safe enough most of the time but if you paint a dragon dont be suprised if one day it will be there to bite you

I have a sense that the cave paintings in lascaux as elsewhere in the world were created by the shamen/artists so that the images of the beasts might not disappear from this world altogether, that by creating pictures we allowed the beast to retain their manifestation and link and so continue to crystallise into this world by birth and renewal and so sustain the word of men. As the animals dwindled these attempts became more important less the link be severed forever

and this they have done as it only by these painting tht we now know what these animals might have looked like, and it has reconjured the creative muse in some of us that one day we might bring them back through the portal to our existence once more with DNA technology - which just the matter mechanism/machinery by which the pattern crosses from one side to the other. The pattern exists indefinite but if the link is lost to the other side those animal souls are truly lost.

Only plants seems safe enough - but they are still bewitching. I wonder why primitive man rarely paints them?

And people too.

possessed by the energy of the dance

People who know

they can summon shamanic energies to do harm or good, to support or dominate the rite

but as an initiate ill defer discussion of that topic to Mesq. who knows :cool:

and so in this other world all this is true and visible and a real as pure water in this world.

Why do we doubt it? is it because we visit that world so infrequently nowadays?

no more Walpurgis nights? celebration of the hunt or fertility rites. Because so few of us have been there to see it recently that as a mass delusion we pretend it doesnt exist

Its still no reason to doubt it exists.

and its dangerous just in case you find yourself there and dont know how to exist

[ 04. September 2004, 15:22: Message edited by: reville ]

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A world imagined, a mind constrained; troubled to forge a greateer hope than its name contains.

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Comments soon when I get time to read it....

[ 12. September 2004, 19:06: Message edited by: Mesqualero ]

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T just linked to another site with quotes by Maria sabina that seen also to reflect on what i chanced upon the flipside of existence, or perhaps its cradle

The solid state dimension where time does not exist and every entity exists as a whole eternal shimmering pattern, like holographic archetypes, of which all existing and no longer or not yet existing permutations of life and consciousness possess. From which we draw the seed crystal of life and to which consciousness fades back to after death.

" There is a world beyond ours, a world that is far away, nearby and invisible. And there is where God lives, where the dead live, the spirits and the saints, a world where everything has already happened and everything is known. That world talks. It has a language of its own. I report what it says. The sacred mushroom takes me by the hand and brings me to the world where everything is known. It is they, the sacred mushrooms that speak in a way I can understand. I ask them and they answer me. When I return from the trip that I have taken with them I tell what they have told me and what they have shown me."

The more i think about it the more i can allow myself to accept that the universe is alive on this level, that the visions we see arent made up and that they are in fact us seeing the underlying structure of the cosmos

That the creation myths of indigenous cultures reflect interpretations of fleeting glimpses of all this process seen in trance.

Physicists speculate on subatomic particles, string theory, big bangs etc but shrink from allowing it form, reason or emotion

Perhaps this is just a prejudice we cant see past. Science fought the church for centuries to be free and now they have a hangover of staunch hostility to any suggetion that the world around us might be more like us. Of course this is only a bad thing if you think were expected to worship it as in religion, not just accept it as it is and explore it as in Shamanic beliefs

Im prone to anthropomorphise the cosmos simply because we are its child and as part of it i find it more incredible to imagine we came out of thin air and that we are unique and special - that is that this complex awareness is nothing more than imagination and that somehow we have this while the rest of the universe lies stone dead nothing but blank matter and energy. I have a problem with people who think they are special... we are not special and time after time we are peeling back each thing we thought made us uniquely human to see its not so unique after all we just had our eyes closed

Of course this is a herecy today as suggesting it was not the case was a herecy not long ago

Except my view doesnt involve a matriarchal or patriarchal 'god' insecure enough to need mere mortals to worship them. My vision is a conscious cosmos that simply wants exploring and to do so you need technologies of conscious exploration and the benefits are that as Maria said on the other side past present and future coexist and so then does all knowledge.

[ 27. September 2004, 03:48: Message edited by: reville ]

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I actually have no doubt that we 'live' in the outer skin of that which is 'us' or 'I' if you like.All is known in this realm...as all exists.

Our need to focus on time in my OpiNION ,is the main constraint we suffer as human BEings.Have you ever found yourself in a moment of timeless-ness and felt complete..just BEing?

I believe that once long ago we had the chance to be complete as a race but then there was the 'splitters' and from them we came-the humans.The advent of the 'scientist' had a lot to do with this.The rest moved on but could not be complete without the rest of 'us' or 'I'.Thus the effect of entheogenic experiences,alien-abductions,psychics,mental-illness, things our human consciouness witnesses on a daily basis.To me 'they' know a hell of a lot more about me than I do of them

I've had visions of atlantis,petroglyphs,Ganesh,indian architecture,spoken to Shiva seen entities/ghosts,ball-lightning had messages from the deceased and healed my dog.

Armed with this 'I' am taking in all the messages from this lifetime with an awakened mind.

But I still love SEX DRUGS and ROCK'N ROLL!!!!!!

:D :D :D

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