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SSRI's and QUETIAPINE In Conjunction with Ethnobotanicals?

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I am on an SSRI (zoloft) and Quetipine (seroquel) 24/7 i belive that this mix basicly irradicates most all of the effects on Enthnobotanicals, maybe torsten or some other phycoaticive guru can shed some light on this.

Cannabis works fine for me but i have since quitted due to schizophrenia running in the family and due to the fact that Family members and friends seemed to drift away and generaly did not benifit my life but enuff of my rambling.

Cheerz. :)

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Does anybody know if there will be any interactions with Seroquel (Quetiapine) and smoking small amounts of Harmala alkaloids?

Assuming the patient is taking 200mg Seroquel nightly and on no other medications or alcohol.


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certainly no recreational value in seroquel! Lucid and disturbing dreamscapes and the inability to awake into full consciousness when under the very heavy sedation.

I know of an acquantainance on 400mg a day.

My limited experiences stem from 25-50mg, severe lethargy and daymares accompanied the experience the next day. 5htp taken orally the next morning didnt seem to affect in a negative sense.

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depends on what substances you're hoping to take. quetiapine is a 5-ht2a antagonist amongst others... it'll probably kill any hallucinogenic effects of the classic psychedelics

if you're schizophrenic, perhaps prudence with ethnobotanicals should be exercised

Edited by twix elbert

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I agree with Twix, if you're on them for any mental health issues just remember to exercise extra caution, particularly with the psychedelics, and the buds.


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The patient is taking Seroquel for chronic insomnia. Not an approved use for Seroquel and a bit of overkill, but as far as i'm aware, there arn't many options for non addictive substances that works for chronic insomnia. Patient has taken every other legal option available with no success. Said patient does not experience any negative side effects from taking this, except the desired side effect, in this case: the ability to fall asleep. As the Seroquel is used just for sleep, and needs not to be taken otherwise, psychedelic experience is achievable.

Also, the Harmala alkaloids being smoked here are more for relaxation/pleasant effects rather than a full on psychedelic experience so amounts would be minimal.

Is the effect from smoking Harmaline doing the same thing pharmacologically as a brew would?

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The patient is taking Seroquel for chronic insomnia.

LOL i used to take seroquel to get to sleep, but had a tendency to sleep ~14 hrs and be completely unmotivated to get out of bed.

have you tried old school tricyclic antidepressants such as amitryptaline? they're antihistamines, and pretty decent for getting to sleep.

another alternative is beta blockers, or 3 mg melatonin.

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LOL i used to take seroquel to get to sleep, but had a tendency to sleep ~14 hrs and be completely unmotivated to get out of bed.

have you tried old school tricyclic antidepressants such as amitryptaline? they're antihistamines, and pretty decent for getting to sleep.

another alternative is beta blockers, or 3 mg melatonin.

Yes. As i said, all other options have been tried. The patient has no trouble getting out of bed in the morning, as even a 300mg dose of Seroquel is only just enough to get to sleep and achieve a very broken six hour sleep. Antihistamines are useless as the leg cramp/restlessness just compounds the insomnia with no relief. Even doses of Seroquel above 300mg give leg restlessness and add to insomnia rather than relieve it. The best combination for a nights sleep for this patient is 200mg Seroquel + 2-3 bowls of MJ.

God i wish everyones tolerence allowed for success with melatonin or antihistamines.

So, any contradictions with Harmaline?

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LOL i used to take seroquel to get to sleep, but had a tendency to sleep ~14 hrs and be completely unmotivated to get out of bed.

have you tried old school tricyclic antidepressants such as amitryptaline? they're antihistamines, and pretty decent for getting to sleep.

another alternative is beta blockers, or 3 mg melatonin.

Seroquel is also a histamine antagonist, as with the other drugs you mentioned this is believed responsible for it sedative effects. Dopamine antagonist arent going to help you with the RLS.

I dont think anyone here will recommend you take seroquel with MAOI, especially at the dose your using.

Edited by Conan Troutman

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Quetiapine is a weird drug:

Very useful in the tool kit I have found as a non tolerance building non addictive downer

no recreational value yes

but it has a street value as the drug that can stop your thoughts racing and put you into a state of suspended animation

some say it is the best drug for doing jail time or being stuck on a deserted island.

I find it useful at 25 mg to sleep particularly when coming down off strong dopamergic stims

If you are waking up too zonked out on seroquel lessen the dose. it may take a bit longer to work but it does work. I usually chew off half a pill at bedtime and rarely stay awake half an hour to swallow the other half. And I take 30 mg of dexamphetamine a day (yes not for pleasure but for ADHD).

It seems to hit different receptors according to the dose

I have read where it is like a wine glass cascade

Filling first the various histamine receptor glasses on the top and when they are full moving on to other layers of receptors

It also touches some benzo receptors further down the cascade

Apparently you need very large doses re 400 mg to get down towards the bottom of the cascade and influence seratonin and then on to dopamine at the bottom

This is why it is used in very small doses for ADHD (where you generally dont want to reduce dopamine!)

slightly more for social anxiety disorder

more again for unuipolar depression

more again for bi polar

more again shizophrenia (where you may want to get to the bottom and hit dopamine

at least this is the current popular theory on why it is so useful

I am not a doctor but wonder just what drugs you would add seroquel too

it wouldnt intensify anything I have tried (and I have tried a few)

it would just defeat the purpose of having the full experience of any recreational or journey drug with seroquel, unlerss you have it when you want to come down or back to earth.

I guess seroquel would have some drugs not to combine with as it is a downer and can make some downers like alcohol more potent.

MAOI's I wouldnt know, but as said above, I wonder if they are a wise choice for somebody fearing a risk of schizophrenia?

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it wouldnt intensify anything I have tried (and I have tried a few)

try it with scopolamine!

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Interesting note on Quetiapine.

I was telling my GP the other day how much my memory capabilities had improved since stopping taking Clonezapam 12 months ago.

I've been taking Quetiapine for sleep for the last 6 months and over that time my memory has improved further than what it was before i started taking medications. She said she has had quite a few people taking Quetiapine express the same feeling of increased memory function.

Seems strange to me that an anti-psychotic drug would have this effect?

My mind is extremely active and i don't suffer from Quetiapine hangover etc, but most people experience a lot of negative side effects that i don't so it works for me. (except for RLS, but what ya gonna do?)

Edited by Plantsoma

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